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May 22, 2015 - Mary
After much thought, I decided to seek guidance from you'all. I
am a new boy scout parent (although my son has been in scouting
since a Tiger) and a new committee member of a troop. Recently,
our troop had elections for ALL positions and I am witnessing
what appears to be favoritism by SM and ASM (I believe I am not
the only one who feels this way). As examples, elections for POR
were held and candidates who were not nominated were allowed to
give speeches and appointed to positions. Moreover, scouts who
are tenderfoot were appointed although they did not win
positions and other scouts needed POR or had more votes overall
were not placed in positions. I'm at a loss both as a parent and
a committee member.Just do not know how to handle without
appearing to be an over-involved parent or stepping on
toes,since I am new. More important my son is a very motivated
scout I do not want him to get discourage from this; meaning why
run and give speeches if eventually it does not matter.
May 22, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Mary - All scouts vote to elect the Senior Patrol Leader and
each patrol elects its own Patrol Leader. All other positions
of responsibility (POR) are appointed by the SPL with
assistance, guidance, direction of the scoutmaster. This is
stated in the SPL Handbook and Scoutmaster Handbook. If your
troop is not doing this, SOMEONE needs to point it out.
The only 'speech' a scout should give to become Troop Guide, Bugler, Scribe, Librarian, ..., is letting the SPL know that he'd like the position, needs the position, and would fulfill the duties of the position. Then, the SPL decides who gets the spot. Favoritism will most definitely play a part in the selections because the SPL wants guys he can work with and trust.
If a scout really needs a POR, he can campaign in his patrol to be their new Patrol Leader, and patrol elections should be allowed to happen at absolutely any time the patrol wants to hold one.
The only 'speech' a scout should give to become Troop Guide, Bugler, Scribe, Librarian, ..., is letting the SPL know that he'd like the position, needs the position, and would fulfill the duties of the position. Then, the SPL decides who gets the spot. Favoritism will most definitely play a part in the selections because the SPL wants guys he can work with and trust.
If a scout really needs a POR, he can campaign in his patrol to be their new Patrol Leader, and patrol elections should be allowed to happen at absolutely any time the patrol wants to hold one.
May 23, 2015 - Mary
Thank you Scouter Paul. Unfortunately, this is not happening in
our troop and all positions are elected with scouts running for
different positions and SM and ASM sometimes appointing to
positions regardless of votes. I understand about the favoritism
between scouts; I'm less tolerant of favoritism from
scoutmasters toward scouts. I have found that many times SM are
given the flexibility of running and leading the troop, so with
regards to the SPL handbook, does the SM have the freedom to
change the process that is stated in the handbook and still fall
within the scouting policies and principles? Thank you again.
May 23, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Mary - That is 'unfortunate' - it is also wrong.
From my point of view, adults implementing their own way of doing things and ignoring the stated, published BSA way of doing things is the biggest problem in Scouting. If it is written right there on page 7, paragraph 3 (or wherever it is), why do it some other way? It makes no sense.
The scoutmaster should NOT be doing what you describe, and he should not be Running nor Leading the troop - that is the SPL's job. The scoutmaster should train the SPL to handle troop elections and appointments, and most other aspects of running the troop. But, it's easier for some adults to just take over and dictate rather than spend the time and effort to mentor youth to develop their leadership skills.
From my point of view, adults implementing their own way of doing things and ignoring the stated, published BSA way of doing things is the biggest problem in Scouting. If it is written right there on page 7, paragraph 3 (or wherever it is), why do it some other way? It makes no sense.
The scoutmaster should NOT be doing what you describe, and he should not be Running nor Leading the troop - that is the SPL's job. The scoutmaster should train the SPL to handle troop elections and appointments, and most other aspects of running the troop. But, it's easier for some adults to just take over and dictate rather than spend the time and effort to mentor youth to develop their leadership skills.
Aug 19, 2018 - Jerry Mcguire
Troop 506 in Snellville, Ga loves boy scout trail. you provide so
much good information on scouting. we thank you for doing such a
great job. www.troop506.com
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