One of the challenges of a leader with a large group of scouts is checking their advancement requirements. This can take quite a bit of time and effort. Sometimes, scouts will attempt to advance before they have adequately learned the skills or gained required knowledge. These online tests are intended to help scouts check their understanding of information before attempting their advancement.
A scout should take a test after studying the information and hopefully having the knowledge to pass the test. Taking a test to learn the information is not an effective use of the online test.
Some tests give the scout an opportunity to email results to the adult leader. You can review how well the scout did and find out where more time is needed.
Comments: Feb 08, 2013 - jerrold cassin
I agree with you whole heartedly, Quinton. I have been in scouting since age 8, am now 69 & an assit. Scout Master. Back in the day we didn't have video to learn from, hands on training worked then and it works now. These boys today like to get their hands dirty, if its lashings their learning, they want to do the lashing. Watching a video gives them the ideas behind lashings, but they want to and need to get their hands on the ropes to learn the ropes. Not wanting to sound harsh but any leader that chooses video for the majority of their teaching is just plain lazy.
These kids today sit in front of the screen too much as it is. They were born with a brain, an inquisitive nature, and two hands to use for more than a toggle lever. If you are new to scouting, buy a scout manual, read it, learn the knots well enough to teach a Tenderfoot the Square Knot, don't be ashamed if you goof once in a while, you don't have to be perfect, just present as often as you can.
Dec 13, 2013 - Robert J, Abate
I agree with those of you who believe that scouts should learn from hands on experience. I spent 14 years as a scout when I was younger and loved every moment and experience that I had. I am currently thinking about becoming a staff member and getting back into the field. I wish i had chosen to do so ealier. I love working with youth and have been training them in Martial Arts, Sunday school, and through care taking and other sources for years now. I am sixty eight years young and still enjoy the outdoors. I still remember all of my knots tying,building lean to's, and fire making and safety, and many other things I was taught as a youngster. I need to get back into it. I know i can do a lot of good to serve these young pioneers, enjoy doing it and make a little bit of money at the same time. My main goal is to spend the rest of my years on this earth serving and helping others. i can also say that it is good to know First Aid, because you never know when it might come in handy.
Feb 05, 2014 - G Peter Schmitt Sr.
Hands on is important however videos can be valuable educational tools to assist the Scout in learning, reinforcing and standardizing training. Videos are now used exclusively for much of the Scouter Training. Please expand the video training available as and additional adjunct. The videos would help the Scout better understand the printed manuals and diagrams
Feb 06, 2014 - G Peter Schmitt Sr.
An electronic version of all the Scouting manuals should also be created using the video links as an additional adjunct to the diagrams and would allow more flexibility to update the manuals on a more regular basis...saving a few trees and be in keeping with how school textbooks are now presented. My children's public school system has now gone as far to give each student a tablet computer with text book being added in electronic format.
Good Afternoon All:
I was a girl scout from junior to cadet. The dads that prefer hands on for training and less technology products are commended. Here is my personal concern. There are many that want to have the products for varying reasons. I want my son to appreciate becoming an outdoorsmen too. He is a new scout and gets his hands messy and understands how to find solutions by using his creativity, strength and endurance. My recommendation is to keep it simple and continue teaching boy scouts using the traditional methods.
Jun 24, 2016 - Jody Burnett
I agree guys - online and video training are both tech mediums our
kids use everyday. I would like to see the national body reach
out to the creators of SciShow and CrashCourse on YouTube. They
teach with good graphics and short 5-10 videos snippets. Great
young educated hosts. Check em out.....BSA should collab with the
Green Brothers to do BSA recruitment videos and training
Sep 14, 2022 - Anita Buis-Mikyska
How do all of you feel about using technology and videos in Scouting now
that we are on the other side of the COVID Pandemic? I feel it became
very useful to prevent those on the Eagle Trail from aging out before the
pandemic was over and still completing their Eagle requirements(we had 5+
Pandemic Eagles between our Girl and Boy Troops).
Sep 16, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Anita - Just opinion, but I think pretty much all tech from PPT to
handheld devices are just 'new' tools that can be used effectively, or
terribly. Anyone else?
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