Boy Scout Trail Advertising

I welcome companies and organizations that would like to increase their exposure to scouting families through Boy Scout Trail. Here's some info on advertising your organization, service, product, ... on this site.
If your question is not answered here, please Contact Me.
Some Numbers
Boy Scout Trail receives about 100,000 visitor sessions each month.
There have been over 2.2 million page views in 2024.
The site has over 6,000 pages of content.
Most ads are delivered by an ad service called Ezoic.
Custom Ads
The small animated image ads in the title bar and left navigation are companies that advertise directly with me.
Each ad receives a couple clicks each day. Placement and style effect the popularity of the ad.
The number of click-thrus that result in purchases is between you and your customer.
New custom ads are added to the bottom of the column of ads on the left side. As advertisers end their campaigns, existing ads move up the column to better placement. Whoever has been supporting the site longest is at the top.
These ads are paid for on an annual basis, not per click-thru or per display. If the site gets more or less visitors, or more or less visitors click your ad, it does not change what you paid for the year.
Please Contact Me if you are interested in advertising, or have questions.
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Just for Fun: Socializing merit badge
This site is not officially associated with Scouting America
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