Arrow of Light Resources for a Great Program

For the oldest Cub Scouts, the Arrow of Light program offers 5th graders the opportunity to earn a patch that transfers to their Scouts BSA uniform. By earning this recognition, a scout demonstrates readiness for the next step on the scouting trail.
The 2025 Arrow of Light program is for 5th grade youth to prepare to join a Scouts BSA troop while increasing their scouting skills. An Arrow of Light den should have the scouts taking turns in leadership roles and making some decisions about what they would like to do. During their last year in a Pack, scouts get a larger say in which adventures their den will do, and in leading their fellow scouts, both skills that will come in handy in Scouts BSA.
A youth that is new to Scouting in 5th grade does not need to earn any previous ranks. The Arrow of Light can be earned along with the scout's den, even if the scout does not have the Webelos badge yet.
How to Join:
- Go to BeAScout.org
- Click the 'Cub Scouts' tab.
- Enter your zipcode and click the arrow button.
- Click on a Pack near you to see its contact info so you can call the Pack or your local Council about joining.
- Complete a Youth Application and Health Record and give them to the Cubmaster of the Pack you choose.
Arrow of Light Program:
The Arrow of Light program has two major milestones - the Arrow of Light rank badge to be earned before spring of 5th grade, and preparing scouts to join Scouts BSA troops that they individually choose.
2025 Arrow of Light Advancement
Arrow of Light Scouts do adventures described in their Arrow of Light handbook that advance them towards their Arrow of Light rank. By completing six core adventures and two elective adventures, the Arrow of Light rank is earned.
Arrow of Light Rank Requirements:
- Complete each of the six Arrow of Light core adventures:
- Bobcat
- Outdoor Adventurer (Outdoors)
- Personal Fitness (Personal Fitness)
- Citizenship (Citizenship)
- First Aid (Personal Safety)
- Duty to God (Family & Reverence)
- Complete at least two Arrow of Light elective adventures of your choosing: Champions for Nature, Cycling, Engineer, Estimations, Fishing, High Tech Outdoors, Into the Wild, Into the Woods, Knife Safety, Paddle Craft, Race Time, Summertime Fun, Swimming
There are a few major changes between Cub Scouts and Arrow of Light that are very important to the success of your program.
- Advancement Sign Off - Webelos should have moved from parent to den leader signing completed requirements, and the Arrow of Light advancement continues that process. Arrow of Light scouts are responsible for getting their den leader to mark their completions in their own Arrow of Light handbook. This means the scout needs to remember to bring their handbook and put in effort to get advancement tracked. After crossing over into a Scouts BSA troop, the scout will already be used to how advancment works there.
- Arrow of Light Adventure Pins - A new set of arrowhead-shaped pins are used to recognize completion of adventures. These are displayed on the Adventure Colors device that was used for Webelos pins.
- Patrols - a patrol is just another name for the den but it does have some significance. Scouts BSA members are organized into Patrols, each with their own name, flag, yell, leader, and emblem. An Arrow of Light den begins to operate as a patrol and selects an emblem for their uniform, makes up a yell, name, and flag. This can really get the scouts to become a team. Taking their flag along on a campout or hike and announcing themselves with their yell is pretty fun.
Tip: Have a den meeting right away with the goal of becoming a patrol - choosing a name, selecting an emblem, coming up with a yell, and designing a flag. Also, elect a patrol leader to serve for the next month. Each month, a new patrol leader can be elected so each scout has the opportunity to practice leadership skills. The den leader should spend some extra time with the patrol leader explaining how to run a meeting and giving encouragement to lead the other scouts.
Arrow of Light Den Leader:
A well-trained Den Leader is critical to the success of an Arrow of Light Den. The Arrow of Light Den Leader makes advancement opportunities available to the scouts and tracks their advancements. The den leader can also recruit other adults to plan and organize individual adventure outings.
One of the main roles of the Arrow of Light den leader is to ensure scouts are being prepared for joining a Scouts BSA troop.
If a den chief from a local troop can help your den, and then have the role of Troop Guide for the scouts when they join their troop, that can make the transition much more fluid.
Arrow of Light Dens are required to have a registered den leader whose responsibilities are:
- Work directly with other den and pack leaders to ensure that the den is an active and successful part of the pack.
- Plan, prepare for, and conduct den meetings with the assistant den leader and den chief.
- Plan overnight campouts and other outdoor activities.
- Attend pack leaders' meetings.
- Lead the den at pack meetings and activities.
- Help the den earn the National Den Award.
- Work with local scoutmasters to ensure the transition of Arrow of Light scouts to Scouts BSA.

Take advantage of the many resources available to help the den leader plan and manage an adventurous program for the scouts. Arrow of Light Den Leaders have access to resources on scouting.org which will help reduce the effort to work through the many adventure requirements. Since there is no den leader guide for AOL Den Leaders, some helpful information can still be found in the previous Webelos Den Leader Guide in 2025.
District roundtable meetings can be another great way to get ideas from other Scouters.
Tip: The Cub Scout motto of Do Your Best should still be a key part of the Arrow of Light program. Putting in personal effort and having fun with fellow scouts is success.
Tip: Available awards are often overlooked. Learn about additional awards and try to work them into your program in 2025, especially for scouts that are completing adventures quickly.
More Arrow of Light Information to Use:
Arrow of Light Core Adventures -
Do six for the Arrow of Light badge
Arrow of Light Elective Adventures -
Do two for the Arrow of Light badge
Arrow of Light Activities - great den meeting ideas
Arrow of Light Awards - see what awards are available to AoL scouts
Arrow of Light Ceremonies - a few ceremonies
Arrow of Light Games - den or pack games just right for 5th graders
Arrow of Light Graces - fun meal graces
Arrow of Light Jokes - funny, gross, and silly jokes for scouts
Arrow of Light Projects - community or conservation projects for your AoL den
Arrow of Light Recipes - tasty food recipes for fun snacks at campfires or on overnights
Arrow of Light Skits - skits that AoL Scouts like to do
Arrow of Light Songs - songs for scouts
Arrow of Light Stories - choose stories that AoL scouts will enjoy and understand
Arrow of Light Uniform - make sure you put all those badges and patches in the right spots
Arrow of Light Tests - online tests for AoL Scouts to test their knowledge
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