Buy a Socializing merit badge patch
During the time of Scouting at home, online meetings, and virtual Courts of Honor, some of the social skills of our scouts became rusty from lack of use. With pandemic numbers dropping, vaccinations being distributed, and social restrictions gradually being reduced, the Socializing Merit Badge recognizes a steady move towards to normal Scouting.
The lighthearted requirements help scouts re-build their lost social skills as in-person activities become more safe and common, and we work towards purging the pandemic. Cub Scouts can also have fun doing the requirements and 'earning' the patch.
The lighthearted requirements help scouts re-build their lost social skills as in-person activities become more safe and common, and we work towards purging the pandemic. Cub Scouts can also have fun doing the requirements and 'earning' the patch.
Requirements for the Socializing merit badge:
- Do the following:
- Define for your counselor what Socializing means to you.
- List at least 3 things to keep in mind for safe Socializing.
- Define the following Socializing terms: high five, eye contact, body language, self-confidence, tone of voice, catching up, gossip
- Demonstrate to your counselor at least 5 ways to greet a friend, and at least 5 ways to say good bye.
- Do the following:
- List at least 5 places or activities to physically meet new friends, such as "Scouting" - you may not use Scouting in your list.
- List at least 5 topics of conversation for someone your age, such as "the weather" - you may not use the weather in your list.
- List at least 5 fun activities that require at least 4 people meeting in person to do, such as "football" - you may not use football in your list.
- Demonstrate to your counselor your ability to socialize by doing at least 4 of these Socializing activities during conversation:
- Greet someone and say goodbye, both using their name.
- Share an interesting personal story.
- Ask an open ended question.
- Express interest in something the other person says, by asking a follow up question.
- Compliment someone.
- Use active listening.
- With your parent present at one of the locations from #3a, and using safe Socializing practices following local guidelines, do the following:
- Start a conversation with someone around your own age who is not already a friend.
- Learn at least 3 things about this person.
- Find something you both have in common.
- Demonstrate Socializing by doing the following when local guidelines allow campouts or in-person meetings:
- On a campout or at a scout meeting, complete at least 3 of these tasks with a scout not in your patrol. Do each task with a different scout, if possible:
- Agree on the best kind of campfire lay, build it, and light it if fires are allowed.
- Decide on a skit you both like, and perform it for other scouts.
- Choose a grace you both know, and lead other scouts in it at a meal.
- Discuss what requirements you both need in order to reach your next rank.
- Create a camping recipe that you would both enjoy eating.
- Find out if you both have the same favorite color, food, sports team, or school subject.
- Document what you did and present your accomplishments to your counselor.
- On a campout or at a scout meeting, complete at least 3 of these tasks with a scout not in your patrol. Do each task with a different scout, if possible:
- When local guidelines allow in-person Socializing, organize, plan, and hold an outdoor event for your friends, according to the following:
- Friends must be invited by you, and told what to bring.
- At least 3 friends must attend.
- Some physical activity must be done, such as swimming, basketball, bicycling, or other activities.
- You must clean up any mess left after your event.
- After your event, report to your counselor what you would do differently to make a future event even better than this one.
- Reflect on how the pandemic has affected your life by writing a story, poem, or report, making a video, or recording your voice. Include these topics:
- Things that you learned during the pandemic.
- Things you look forward to doing when the pandemic ends.
- Things that have improved during the pandemic.
- Find out about three career opportunities with high degrees of social interaction. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.
Socializing Worksheet
(Please notice the publish date for this merit badge. It is not an actual merit badge, but you CAN purchase Socializing merit badge patches for scouts.)
Socializing Resources:
Skills You Need Grammarly LifeHack SocialProNow Wikipedia
Mar 24, 2023 - Myrna Walker
I chair a Scout Expo in Lebanon PA and the 2024 theme is BSA: The
Friendships You Make. The Socializing Merit Badge would be a perfect
compliment to our theme. Do you still have the Socializing Merit Badge
for sale? If so, how many?
Mar 24, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Myrna - Yes, there are still some of these popular patches for sale in the Store, and I replied in email. Sounds like a great, fun use of the patches.
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Just for Fun: Socializing merit badge

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