Scout Oath and Law Test
Demonstrate your knowledge of the Scout Oath and Scout Law by completing this test.
Click the small dot by the answer you choose. When you finish, you can print your results or email them to your den leader for tracking your progress. |
Mar 16, 2014 - Cody Cook
I enjoy the Cub scouts. Every year when I get promoted we usually go swimming. I have gone camping,shooting arrows, BB guns,fishing, making friends.I learned how to fish(I even caught one),Learned how to tie a knot, make a shirt, how to swim to earn a badge, part of a fair(gave candy out).I learned about trees,minerals,rocks.I enjoy the time that I get to spend with my Dad.
Derby races where awesome, my first year I won third place also I got a ribbon.the second year I won a ribbon.the third year I also got a ribbon.It was fun building the cars with my Dad. We had a cake fund raiser, I Made A Whoopee Cushion cake and we also had a fart machine for a funny noise,we got a lot of laughs from the scouts and some laughs from the adults. We made another cake with lots of colors and another cake was a pumpkin shaped cake(it looked real. I'm ready for some fun adventures and learning while with the Boy Scouts now. I already went hiking with them and saw a waterfall and this is just the start
Oct 16, 2016 - ScottyK
I used this quiz while I was Cubmaster to see if my Arrow of Light boys understood the Scout Law and Scout Oath. As Cubmaster we can't have any sort of conference or Board of Review, but this was a nice way to gauge the boys understanding.
Mar 31, 2020 - Virgeil McKinney
Great Test
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