Mine Hand on Mineself Song
This Song is meant for Cub Scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Heavy German Accent
The Tune:
The Tune:
(point to top of head)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'hat holder', my momma dear.
Hat holder, Hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
(point to forehead)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'sweat browser', my momma dear.
Sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
(point to eye)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'eye blinker', my momma dear.
Eye blinker, sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
(point to nose)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'nose blower', my momma dear.
Nose blower, eye blinker, sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-do.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
Repeat as you work your way down the body, adding to the list in the 5th line:
ear lober (ear)
cookie duster (mustache)
food grinder (mouth)
chin chopper (chin)
rubber necker (neck)
neck kinker (adam's apple)
chest thumper (heart)
don't knower (shoulders - shrug them)
arm bender (elbow)
bread basket (stomache)
best siden (turn around and point to rump)
kid bopper (hand)
knee bender (knee)
bug stomper (foot)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'hat holder', my momma dear.
Hat holder, Hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
(point to forehead)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'sweat browser', my momma dear.
Sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
(point to eye)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'eye blinker', my momma dear.
Eye blinker, sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
(point to nose)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'nose blower', my momma dear.
Nose blower, eye blinker, sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-do.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!
Repeat as you work your way down the body, adding to the list in the 5th line:
ear lober (ear)
cookie duster (mustache)
food grinder (mouth)
chin chopper (chin)
rubber necker (neck)
neck kinker (adam's apple)
chest thumper (heart)
don't knower (shoulders - shrug them)
arm bender (elbow)
bread basket (stomache)
best siden (turn around and point to rump)
kid bopper (hand)
knee bender (knee)
bug stomper (foot)
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Apr 07, 2014 - Linda
So cool to see these lyrics after all these years! I learned this in school, about 50 years ago. The only changes are:
1. instead of "rinky dinky do", we sang "doo vinicky von doo"
2. instead of "mine hand on mineself", we sang "mine hands by mine side." (I think that makes more sense, no?)
3. instead of "my momma dear", it was "mine teacher dear" (since we were singing it in school, I guess)
3. and last but not least, we sang "brain-tinker" (thinker) instead of "hat holder."
That's all I can remember. Thanks for the happy memories!
Jul 16, 2014 - Alice M. Senerchia
The space between the nose & the lips was referred to as a "soup strainer" in Mrs. Nachbauer's version~1958.
Apr 30, 2016 - Marilyn
Great song!!
Aug 22, 2016 - Vic Kaplan
There must be a thousand variations. I heard:
It started:
Mit mine Hands on mine shoulders und vat ist dat here?
and continued with these following variations:
Hat Racker (Head)
Sveat Brower (forehead)
Eye Blinker (eyes)
Schnot Boxer (nose)
Bull Schiester (mouth)
Chin Chopper (chin)
dovinicky von doo, Das vat ve learned in der school
It started:
Mit mine Hands on mine shoulders und vat ist dat here?
and continued with these following variations:
Hat Racker (Head)
Sveat Brower (forehead)
Eye Blinker (eyes)
Schnot Boxer (nose)
Bull Schiester (mouth)
Chin Chopper (chin)
dovinicky von doo, Das vat ve learned in der school
Mar 26, 2017 - Phillis
I teach this song tomy grandchildren
except we sing... Put my hands on my
shoulders what have we hear this is my
Think-maker my Sister/Brother
(customized) Dear. Eye-Blinker,
Sneeze-Blower, Ear-Listener, Kiss-
Maker down by the pool that's what we
learn in the school.
Aug 09, 2020 - Marie
We sang this song in grade school 60 plus years ago and
always wanted the words to it. Thank you
Sep 17, 2020 - Rebecca
We sang "brain basket, soup strainer,
rinka dinka do, dats vat ve learn in ze
Feb 13, 2021 - Edward Hollingsworth
Finally found this. Sang it over 60
years ago!! "And that's what I learned
in my school, van boom!!" Lol.
Apr 23, 2021 - Desi Smith
Hands on myself what is this here this is my noodle thinker my momma
dear leaned this 13 years ago at a school camp trip glad to know it’s a
real song good memories
May 04, 2021 - Sharon Agee
Camp song, 63 yrs ago, so many variations, dum-dinker, brou-
beater, eye blinker, schnoz-blower ... “With my hand on my
shoulder and vat iss das der? Das iss da dum-dinker, my darlin my
dear, dum-dinker and dats vat I learned in der school. Repeating
from last added body part all the way back up to the top each time
to add the next and repeat. Lots of fun, memory exerciser.
Jan 12, 2023 - Dan Mitchell
Can’t remember whether I learned this in school or camp. Fun to revisit some 70 years later. We did
“Mama my dear”and ended with “toe stubber”. I use the “nose blower” quite a bit these days lol.
Mar 15, 2023 - Rich
The variation I learned as a young'un was:
Hand on myself (place open hand on chest)
Vas ist das here?
... my mommer dear
... Knock-knock
I have seen way more body parts listed here
than we ever sang, though, and I like some of
the lyrics in the OP and comments more than
the ones we used. Visiting this page today
has been a wonderful experience!
Aug 24, 2023 - Dorothy Foiles
My sister who was disabled went to a camp and came home with this- always thought it was cute—
this was 70 yrs ago. She loved it
May 25, 2024 - Sue Ann
I learned this many, many years ago from my sister-in-law who
was much older than me. I learned Eye Blinker, Noise Catcher,
Nose Blower, Mouth Eater, Chin Chipper, Bread Basket, Knee
Bender, Angle Twister, Toe Kicker
Noo noggen, my mother dear, noo noggen, noo noggen, knick,
knick, knack, dough, That's what I learned in der school!
Nice to see some variations!
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