Eagle Palm Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Eagle scouts.
Eagle palm card and pin.
Bronze, Gold, or Silver unlit candle in holder.
3 white lit candles in holders.
Bronze, Gold, or Silver unlit candle in holder.
3 white lit candles in holders.
Led by Scoutmaster
Eagle Scout, __________, please come to the front with your parents if they are present.
Some people think that after becoming an Eagle Scout, a scout has reached the end of the trail. As ______ knows, they are mistaken. This scout has continued to lead, serve, and grow as an Eagle, expanding scouting knowledge and sharing expertise with new scouts joining the troop.
[Use appropriate words for Silver, Gold, or Bronze palms as needed]
Silver: This SILVER Eagle palm represents the completion of at least 36 merit badges. 21 to reach Eagle, 5 for a bronze palm, 5 more for a gold palm, and 5 more for this silver palm. This emblem of recognition for advancement is the last one to be earned. If an Eagle Scout completes more merit badges, more bronze, gold, and silver palms can be earned.
Gold: This GOLD Eagle palm represents the completion of at least 31 merit badges. 21 to reach Eagle, 5 for a bronze palm, and 5 more for this gold palm. If an Eagle Scout completes more merit badges, a silver palm can be earned after this.
Bronze: This BRONZE Eagle palm represents the completion of at least 26 merit badges. 21 to reach Eagle, and 5 more for this bronze palm. If an Eagle Scout completes more merit badges, a gold palm and then a silver palm can be earned.
In addition to completion of merit badges, to earn an Eagle palm, a scout must be active in the troop for at least 3 months, demonstrate the Scout Oath and Law, and continue to develop leadership skills. ______ has successfully done all these things.
All through scouting, the number 3 keeps coming up. There are 3 parts to the Scout Oath (God, others, self), three levels of scouting (Cubs, Scouts BSA, Venturing), and even three fingers in the salute. For a scout to reach the levels that ______ has attained, it takes a team of 3 - the individual, the family, and the troop.
To represent this joining of efforts, would the SPL, parents, and Eagle scout each pick up one of the lit candles. Using these candles light the [bronze, gold, silver] eagle candle together.
On behalf of Scouting America, ________ Council, _______ District, Troop ____ - I am pleased to present this eagle palm to _________. Please have your parent pin the emblem to your Eagle ribbon.
Troop, attention!
Congratulations to this outstanding Eagle Scout!
Some people think that after becoming an Eagle Scout, a scout has reached the end of the trail. As ______ knows, they are mistaken. This scout has continued to lead, serve, and grow as an Eagle, expanding scouting knowledge and sharing expertise with new scouts joining the troop.
[Use appropriate words for Silver, Gold, or Bronze palms as needed]
Silver: This SILVER Eagle palm represents the completion of at least 36 merit badges. 21 to reach Eagle, 5 for a bronze palm, 5 more for a gold palm, and 5 more for this silver palm. This emblem of recognition for advancement is the last one to be earned. If an Eagle Scout completes more merit badges, more bronze, gold, and silver palms can be earned.
Gold: This GOLD Eagle palm represents the completion of at least 31 merit badges. 21 to reach Eagle, 5 for a bronze palm, and 5 more for this gold palm. If an Eagle Scout completes more merit badges, a silver palm can be earned after this.
Bronze: This BRONZE Eagle palm represents the completion of at least 26 merit badges. 21 to reach Eagle, and 5 more for this bronze palm. If an Eagle Scout completes more merit badges, a gold palm and then a silver palm can be earned.
In addition to completion of merit badges, to earn an Eagle palm, a scout must be active in the troop for at least 3 months, demonstrate the Scout Oath and Law, and continue to develop leadership skills. ______ has successfully done all these things.
All through scouting, the number 3 keeps coming up. There are 3 parts to the Scout Oath (God, others, self), three levels of scouting (Cubs, Scouts BSA, Venturing), and even three fingers in the salute. For a scout to reach the levels that ______ has attained, it takes a team of 3 - the individual, the family, and the troop.
To represent this joining of efforts, would the SPL, parents, and Eagle scout each pick up one of the lit candles. Using these candles light the [bronze, gold, silver] eagle candle together.
On behalf of Scouting America, ________ Council, _______ District, Troop ____ - I am pleased to present this eagle palm to _________. Please have your parent pin the emblem to your Eagle ribbon.
Troop, attention!
Congratulations to this outstanding Eagle Scout!
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Mar 29, 2018 - Steve Malcom
Can we present my sons three palms at his eagle ceremony, and at what time or sequence? I thought there were 22 eagle required now with cooking. Thank you for your scouting support.
Apr 02, 2018 - Jane
@Steve - The current Eagle Scout rank requirements say to earn a total of 21 merit badges. 13 of these merit badges must come from the Eagle-required list. The remaining 8 merit badges are electives. In 2014, the cooking merit badge became an Eagle-required merit badge, but the total number of merit badges (21) did not change.
I would recommend that your son talk to his troop about being presented the Eagle Palms at the same time as his Eagle Scout rank. The intent is that a Scout is presented his Eagle medal at the same time as any Eagle Palms he has earned for merit badges completed before his Eagle Scout board of review.
I would recommend that your son talk to his troop about being presented the Eagle Palms at the same time as his Eagle Scout rank. The intent is that a Scout is presented his Eagle medal at the same time as any Eagle Palms he has earned for merit badges completed before his Eagle Scout board of review.
May 18, 2024 - Eagle M. MacLeod
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