Eagle Scout Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Eagle scouts.
[Color guard and troop are in position at the rear of room: American flag, troop flag]
SPL: [Step to microphone.] Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the opening ceremonies.
[Wait until the audience is standing and quiet.]
SPL: Color guard, present the colors.
[Color guard enters, _____ and _____ carry flags, ______ (from the back of the room) plays "to the colors". Troop follows color guard]
[color guard proceeds to flag stand, troop occupies the front rows. Reserve seats for color guard]
[When color guard is in position]
SPL: Please Stand. Scout salute. Everyone please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
SPL: Color guard, post the colors. [Wait until posted]
SPL: TWO. Color guard retreat.
SPL: Scout Sign. Please join me in reciting the Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
SPL: Two. Please be seated.
Good afternoon, my name is _________________. As Senior Patrol Leader for Troop _____, it is my pleasure to call this Eagle Court of Honor to order. I would like to introduce today's master of ceremonies, __________.
MC: Thank you. As _________ said, my name is ____________ and I have the pleasure of being Master of Ceremonies for this Eagle Court of Honor to recognize the accomplishments of _________________. To earn the highest rank in Scouting, a Scout must spend a great deal of time and effort fulfilling the requirements of rank advancement. ________'s efforts, as well as those of these Scout leaders and ____'s family, culminate today in the presentation of the Eagle Scout Badge. This is an occasion for pride and joy, as well as a time for reflection.
At this point I would like to call upon the Troop Chaplain's Aide to ask God's blessing on this ceremony.
Troop Chaplain: Lord, you bring us together this afternoon to honor an Eagle Scout. We acknowledge your guidance in helping youth and adults work together to build strong character, physical fitness, ethical leadership and an appreciation of the outdoors. Lord, continue to watch over these scouts as they grow into adults, and give the adults the patience and wisdom to guide them. Amen
MC: Thank you. Scoutmaster ____________, would you please come forward.
SM: Good afternoon Ladies and gentlemen, I am _________________, Scoutmaster of Troop ______. Today I present Eagle Candidate _______________ for Rank of Eagle Scout.
SM: As we begin this Eagle Court of Honor and examine the Trail to Eagle, it is fitting that we began today with a Pledge, and an Oath.
The Scout Oath that we recited is the guiding principle of Scouting.
The Scout Oath sets our internal direction. We declare our duty to God, Country, Others and Self. Also within the Oath are the rules we must follow to provide guidelines to our duties.
The rules of Scouting are found in the twelve points of the Scout Law.
Let us pay careful attention to the words and re-dedicate ourselves to the principles contained in those words.
Scouts, join me in slowly reciting the Scout law.
Scout Attention. Scout Sign.
[slowly] A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.
SM: TWO, Thank you, you may take your seats.
(As MC lights the unity candle)
SM: When a youth joins Scouts, there is within the child something that we call Scout Spirit. The youth may not know that it exists, or know its meaning, but by following the trail to Eagle the scout is enlightened. This single candle, lit before you, represents that spirit.
The spirit of Scouting embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. It becomes a shining beacon of inspiration. Alone, this light may seem feeble, but when multiplied by the millions of youth in Scouting around the world, it is powerful indeed.
The pathway to Eagle can be described as a steep trail leading up to three peaks, the highest being that of Eagle Scout.
[MC lights the first three rank candles.]
The trail starts with the Scout rank and continues through Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. During this phase the scouts are given instruction and guidance. They are learning important outdoor skills, including camping, cooking, physical fitness, and developing teamwork and leadership skills.
They are also being examined. The adult leaders are watching to see if the flicker of light representing duty, service and law is growing within.
Reaching First Class is an important step in a Scout's life. The scout has demonstrated that the requirements at each rank have been met, and the scout is showing SCOUT SPIRIT.
Then, the mountain climbing begins. To begin the climb, the scout is first asked, "Are you ready for the next challenge?" Secondly, "Can you and will you teach others what you have learned?"
[MC lights Star and Life candles]
The path going forward is marked with Service, Leadership, Exploration and a stronger presence of Scout Spirit.
The first peak to be reached is the Star Scout. The scout has provided leadership to the troop, has provided service to fellow scouts and to the community, and is completing merit badges of personal interest as well as required to reach Eagle. At this point the scout is a Star. The scouting family expects the light to be shining more brightly.
The second peak is the Life Scout. Again the scout must complete several hours of service to the community. The scout must demonstrate additional leadership within the troop. The scout must complete several merit badges. And finally the scout must have embodied Scout Spirit in daily life.
The badge for Life Scout contains a heart. This is the only rank position that shows what Scouts is all about and what is inside the scout. This rank badge answers these questions:
Does the scout understand duty?
Does the scout understand the 12 points of the Scout Law?
What is in this young person's heart?
What could be more important than this rank?
The third peak is the Eagle Scout. The scout has embodied the Scout Spirit in Life. Now the scout must be tested on one final climb to see if it is truly part of the scout's character. The requirements are much the same as Star and Life, however the scout must now go into the community, plan, organize, coordinate, and deliver a service project; a demonstration of leadership and character.
And one final time the scout must go before a group of adults who focus on character, leadership and spirit.
Does the scout reach the peak? Can the scout leap from the top peak and fly like an Eagle?
______, are you an Eagle?
[The Challenge Ceremony]
MC: Sir, I have the honor to present Life Scout ____________ for the award of Eagle Scout.
[Eagle Candidate goes to the front of the room]
MC: Awarding the Eagle Badge of rank is an important and serious matter. It is the goal toward which this Scout has been working for several years. It is the culmination of effort by the scout's parents and Scout Leaders. It is an occasion for pride and for joy, but it is also a time for serious contemplation.
The Eagle rank is the highest and most coveted award in all of Scouting, and it is the last major step in the advancement program. If, at this point, Scouting has not achieved its purpose of building character then it probably never shall. These thoughts, which are the basic code of Scouting, are well summed up in the pledge that is taken by every Scout in the council upon advancement to Eagle rank.
______, I will read the pledge so that you will know that which you are about to promise, and then I will ask you to repeat it after me.
MC: (reads entire pledge)
I ________, On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God.
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to my country
I reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout.
On my honor, I will do my best to make my training an example,
and make my rank and influence strongly count
for better scouting and for better citizenship,
in my troop, in my community, and in my contact with other people,
regardless of race, color, or creed.
To this, I pledge my sacred honor.
MC: Having heard the Eagle pledge, are you willing to adopt it?
Eagle Candidate: I am.
MC: Raise your hand in the Scout sign and repeat after me.
(A Life Scout in the audience stands and interrupts.)
LIFE SCOUT: Stop! I challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle.
MC: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?
LIFE SCOUT: I am a Life Scout, and my esteem for the Eagle rank gives me the right to so challenge.
MC: On what grounds do you challenge?
LIFE SCOUT: Has this Scout achieved the requirements in Scoutcraft and Life Interest?
MC: This scout's application was verified, and indicates that the scout has satisfactorily completed the required 21 merit badges in the various fields of endeavor. Are you satisfied Life Scout?
(A Tenderfoot Scout in the audience stands and interrupts.)
TENDERFOOT: I, too, challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle
MC: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?
TENDERFOOT: I am a Tenderfoot Scout, and the respect that I have for the uniform that I wear gives me the right to so challenge.
MC: On what grounds do you challenge?
TENDERFOOT: Does the Scoutmaster certify that this Scout has actively participated in Scouting in the troop, demonstrated leadership, and helped in his home, school, church, and community?
SM: As Scoutmaster of Troop ____, I certify that for more than 6 months since attaining the Life rank, this Scout has held leadership positions in the troop. Also, _____ has been active in school, church, and community activities.
MC: Are you now satisfied?
(An Eagle Scout in the audience stands and interrupts.)
EAGLE SCOUT #1: I too challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle.
MC: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?
EAGLE SCOUT #1: I am an Eagle Scout, and the pride that I have in this badge that I wear over my heart gives me the right to so challenge.
MC: On what grounds do you challenge?
EAGLE SCOUT #1: Has this Scout, nearing the end of the Eagle trail, demonstrated Scouting Spirit? Has the ability to live and act in accordance with the ideals of Scouting, as exemplified by the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan been noted? The Scout motto is Be Prepared and the Scout slogan is Do a Good Turn Daily.
ADVANCEMENT CHAIR: As Advancement Chair I have reviewed this Scout's record. I certify that, after investigation, interview, and examination, the Eagle board of Review is of the opinion that this Scout has demonstrated the spirit of Scouting in his daily living. The board recommends advancement to Eagle.
MC: Are you now satisfied?
EAGLE SCOUT #1: I am still not satisfied. I believe that this candidate should understand that the Eagle Rank is a big responsibility, as well as an honor. I respectfully ask that this candidate be informed of the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout before continuing further.
MC: Thank you, Eagle Scout. I agree with your feelings and suggest that none are more qualified to impart this than those who wear the Eagle Badge. I invite you and your fellow Eagle Scouts, Mr. ______, Mr. ______ and Mr. ______ to the platform.
EAGLE SCOUT #1: The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor, which to an Eagle is sacred. Honor is the foundation of character: it is what a person really is, down inside, not what someone may think they are. An Eagle will live so as to reflect credit upon their home, church, school, friends, upon Scouting, and upon theirself. May the white of your Eagle badge always remind you to live with honor.
EAGLE SCOUT #2: The second responsibility of an Eagle Scout is loyalty, for without loyalty, character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to their ideals. May the blue of your Eagle badge always remind you to be loyal.
EAGLE SCOUT #3: The third responsibility of an Eagle Scout is courage. Courage gives character force and strength. Trusting in God and with faith in their fellowman, the Eagle faces each day unafraid, and seeks their share of the world's work. May the red of your Eagle badge always remind you of courage.
EAGLE SCOUT #4: The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. Eagle scouts extend a helping hand to those who toil up the Scouting trail they have completed, just as others helped them in their achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily Good Turn must take on new meaning and blossom forth into a life of service. Eagles protect and defend the weak and the helpless. They aid and comfort the oppressed and the unfortunate. They uphold the rights of others while defending their own. Their code of honor is based upon the belief that leadership is founded upon real service.
EAGLE SCOUT #1: Mr. Chairman, if this candidate is willing and eager to accept the mantle of responsibility, as well as the honor of the badge, then I will be satisfied and request that you proceed to administer the Eagle pledge.
MC: (To Eagle candidate) Are you ready and willing to accept these responsibilities and to adopt the Eagle pledge which I have previously read to you?
Eagle Candidate: I am.
MC: The Eagle Scout candidate will now take the Eagle Scout pledge. As the candidate takes this pledge for the first time, will those Eagle Scouts who are present in the audience please stand and reaffirm their pledge? Would those in attendance also introduce yourself and when you received your rank of Eagle?
(All Eagles stand and introduce themselves)
MC: Thank you. And now, Attention. Scout Sign.
Eagle Scouts, please repeat after me in unison:
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God.
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to my country
I reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself
the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout.
On my honor, I will do my best to make my training an example,
and make my rank and influence strongly count for better scouting
and for better citizenship, in my troop, in my community,
and in my contact with other people,
regardless of race, color, or creed.
To this, I pledge my sacred honor.
MC: The Eagle Scouts in the audience may now be seated. Mr. Scoutmaster, will you do the honor of awarding the rank of Eagle to ______?
Since the parents and siblings of this Scout have been so instrumental in attaining the Eagle rank, I will ask that they come to the platform. (pause while they come forward)
Mr. _____ will you please assist?
(Presentation of Eagle Award)
SM: The symbol of your success is the Eagle badge which is now presented to your mother. Your mother will, in turn, pin the badge over your heart.
(presentation of badge)
SM: In recognition of the wisdom and guidance given to you by your father, will you present to him this Eagle pin, which he will be proud to wear in your honor.
(presentation of fathers pin)
SM: And now, also in recognition of the many hours of patient guidance given by her in your efforts, will you pin the Eagle mother's pin on your mother.
(presentation of mother's pin)
SM: (siblings of Eagle Candidate)___________, will you remove ______'s Troop Neckerchief and dress him in the Eagle Neckerchief.
SM: _____, will you present the Eagle Advisor Mentor pin?
Eagle Candidate: Mr. _______, thank you for your interest, dedication and patience in assisting me in earning the rank of Eagle Scout.
SM: Now, would the audience please rise. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the National Council of Scouting America, I hereby present to you our newest Eagle Scout. Let's give a round of applause. (Pause) At this time I would like to invite ______ to say a few words about the Scouting experience.
Eagle Candidate: (give Eagle response. Then invites each adult up that the scout wants to acknowledge, presents him/her with a gift and asks him/her to say a few words, stay standing on stage. Typically, his Eagle mentor, past scoutmasters, current scoutmaster, other influential adults. If doing the Scoutmaster, then save him/her for last.)
SM: says a few words after receiving acknowledgement from Eagle Candidate.
SM: _____, the process of earning one's Eagle Scout award does not end with this ceremony. I have confidence that you will honor Scouting with your life and service as today Scouting has honored you. The Eagle soars high and seeks to rest only upon the lofty peaks. As an Eagle Scout, you, too, must soar high. You must not swerve from the path of duty. You must strive to obtain that which is the highest and noblest in life.
Eagle Candidate: Thank you, Mr. __________. I will do my best.
MC: By the authority vested in me as a representative of Troop ____, I declare that this court of honor is now complete. SPL, will you close this meeting?
SPL: Everyone please rise. Color guard advance. Color guard retire the colors.
(color guard exits while bugler plays taps)
SPL: This meeting is now adjourned.
There will be refreshments served in the back, please stay and enjoy, thank you.
SPL: [Step to microphone.] Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the opening ceremonies.
[Wait until the audience is standing and quiet.]
SPL: Color guard, present the colors.
[Color guard enters, _____ and _____ carry flags, ______ (from the back of the room) plays "to the colors". Troop follows color guard]
[color guard proceeds to flag stand, troop occupies the front rows. Reserve seats for color guard]
[When color guard is in position]
SPL: Please Stand. Scout salute. Everyone please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
SPL: Color guard, post the colors. [Wait until posted]
SPL: TWO. Color guard retreat.
SPL: Scout Sign. Please join me in reciting the Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
SPL: Two. Please be seated.
Good afternoon, my name is _________________. As Senior Patrol Leader for Troop _____, it is my pleasure to call this Eagle Court of Honor to order. I would like to introduce today's master of ceremonies, __________.
MC: Thank you. As _________ said, my name is ____________ and I have the pleasure of being Master of Ceremonies for this Eagle Court of Honor to recognize the accomplishments of _________________. To earn the highest rank in Scouting, a Scout must spend a great deal of time and effort fulfilling the requirements of rank advancement. ________'s efforts, as well as those of these Scout leaders and ____'s family, culminate today in the presentation of the Eagle Scout Badge. This is an occasion for pride and joy, as well as a time for reflection.
At this point I would like to call upon the Troop Chaplain's Aide to ask God's blessing on this ceremony.
Troop Chaplain: Lord, you bring us together this afternoon to honor an Eagle Scout. We acknowledge your guidance in helping youth and adults work together to build strong character, physical fitness, ethical leadership and an appreciation of the outdoors. Lord, continue to watch over these scouts as they grow into adults, and give the adults the patience and wisdom to guide them. Amen
MC: Thank you. Scoutmaster ____________, would you please come forward.
SM: Good afternoon Ladies and gentlemen, I am _________________, Scoutmaster of Troop ______. Today I present Eagle Candidate _______________ for Rank of Eagle Scout.
SM: As we begin this Eagle Court of Honor and examine the Trail to Eagle, it is fitting that we began today with a Pledge, and an Oath.
The Scout Oath that we recited is the guiding principle of Scouting.
The Scout Oath sets our internal direction. We declare our duty to God, Country, Others and Self. Also within the Oath are the rules we must follow to provide guidelines to our duties.
The rules of Scouting are found in the twelve points of the Scout Law.
Let us pay careful attention to the words and re-dedicate ourselves to the principles contained in those words.
Scouts, join me in slowly reciting the Scout law.
Scout Attention. Scout Sign.
[slowly] A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.
SM: TWO, Thank you, you may take your seats.
(As MC lights the unity candle)
SM: When a youth joins Scouts, there is within the child something that we call Scout Spirit. The youth may not know that it exists, or know its meaning, but by following the trail to Eagle the scout is enlightened. This single candle, lit before you, represents that spirit.
The spirit of Scouting embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. It becomes a shining beacon of inspiration. Alone, this light may seem feeble, but when multiplied by the millions of youth in Scouting around the world, it is powerful indeed.
The pathway to Eagle can be described as a steep trail leading up to three peaks, the highest being that of Eagle Scout.
[MC lights the first three rank candles.]
The trail starts with the Scout rank and continues through Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. During this phase the scouts are given instruction and guidance. They are learning important outdoor skills, including camping, cooking, physical fitness, and developing teamwork and leadership skills.
They are also being examined. The adult leaders are watching to see if the flicker of light representing duty, service and law is growing within.
Reaching First Class is an important step in a Scout's life. The scout has demonstrated that the requirements at each rank have been met, and the scout is showing SCOUT SPIRIT.
Then, the mountain climbing begins. To begin the climb, the scout is first asked, "Are you ready for the next challenge?" Secondly, "Can you and will you teach others what you have learned?"
[MC lights Star and Life candles]
The path going forward is marked with Service, Leadership, Exploration and a stronger presence of Scout Spirit.
The first peak to be reached is the Star Scout. The scout has provided leadership to the troop, has provided service to fellow scouts and to the community, and is completing merit badges of personal interest as well as required to reach Eagle. At this point the scout is a Star. The scouting family expects the light to be shining more brightly.
The second peak is the Life Scout. Again the scout must complete several hours of service to the community. The scout must demonstrate additional leadership within the troop. The scout must complete several merit badges. And finally the scout must have embodied Scout Spirit in daily life.
The badge for Life Scout contains a heart. This is the only rank position that shows what Scouts is all about and what is inside the scout. This rank badge answers these questions:
Does the scout understand duty?
Does the scout understand the 12 points of the Scout Law?
What is in this young person's heart?
What could be more important than this rank?
The third peak is the Eagle Scout. The scout has embodied the Scout Spirit in Life. Now the scout must be tested on one final climb to see if it is truly part of the scout's character. The requirements are much the same as Star and Life, however the scout must now go into the community, plan, organize, coordinate, and deliver a service project; a demonstration of leadership and character.
And one final time the scout must go before a group of adults who focus on character, leadership and spirit.
Does the scout reach the peak? Can the scout leap from the top peak and fly like an Eagle?
______, are you an Eagle?
[The Challenge Ceremony]
MC: Sir, I have the honor to present Life Scout ____________ for the award of Eagle Scout.
[Eagle Candidate goes to the front of the room]
MC: Awarding the Eagle Badge of rank is an important and serious matter. It is the goal toward which this Scout has been working for several years. It is the culmination of effort by the scout's parents and Scout Leaders. It is an occasion for pride and for joy, but it is also a time for serious contemplation.
The Eagle rank is the highest and most coveted award in all of Scouting, and it is the last major step in the advancement program. If, at this point, Scouting has not achieved its purpose of building character then it probably never shall. These thoughts, which are the basic code of Scouting, are well summed up in the pledge that is taken by every Scout in the council upon advancement to Eagle rank.
______, I will read the pledge so that you will know that which you are about to promise, and then I will ask you to repeat it after me.
MC: (reads entire pledge)
I ________, On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God.
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to my country
I reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout.
On my honor, I will do my best to make my training an example,
and make my rank and influence strongly count
for better scouting and for better citizenship,
in my troop, in my community, and in my contact with other people,
regardless of race, color, or creed.
To this, I pledge my sacred honor.
MC: Having heard the Eagle pledge, are you willing to adopt it?
Eagle Candidate: I am.
MC: Raise your hand in the Scout sign and repeat after me.
(A Life Scout in the audience stands and interrupts.)
LIFE SCOUT: Stop! I challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle.
MC: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?
LIFE SCOUT: I am a Life Scout, and my esteem for the Eagle rank gives me the right to so challenge.
MC: On what grounds do you challenge?
LIFE SCOUT: Has this Scout achieved the requirements in Scoutcraft and Life Interest?
MC: This scout's application was verified, and indicates that the scout has satisfactorily completed the required 21 merit badges in the various fields of endeavor. Are you satisfied Life Scout?
(A Tenderfoot Scout in the audience stands and interrupts.)
TENDERFOOT: I, too, challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle
MC: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?
TENDERFOOT: I am a Tenderfoot Scout, and the respect that I have for the uniform that I wear gives me the right to so challenge.
MC: On what grounds do you challenge?
TENDERFOOT: Does the Scoutmaster certify that this Scout has actively participated in Scouting in the troop, demonstrated leadership, and helped in his home, school, church, and community?
SM: As Scoutmaster of Troop ____, I certify that for more than 6 months since attaining the Life rank, this Scout has held leadership positions in the troop. Also, _____ has been active in school, church, and community activities.
MC: Are you now satisfied?
(An Eagle Scout in the audience stands and interrupts.)
EAGLE SCOUT #1: I too challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle.
MC: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?
EAGLE SCOUT #1: I am an Eagle Scout, and the pride that I have in this badge that I wear over my heart gives me the right to so challenge.
MC: On what grounds do you challenge?
EAGLE SCOUT #1: Has this Scout, nearing the end of the Eagle trail, demonstrated Scouting Spirit? Has the ability to live and act in accordance with the ideals of Scouting, as exemplified by the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan been noted? The Scout motto is Be Prepared and the Scout slogan is Do a Good Turn Daily.
ADVANCEMENT CHAIR: As Advancement Chair I have reviewed this Scout's record. I certify that, after investigation, interview, and examination, the Eagle board of Review is of the opinion that this Scout has demonstrated the spirit of Scouting in his daily living. The board recommends advancement to Eagle.
MC: Are you now satisfied?
EAGLE SCOUT #1: I am still not satisfied. I believe that this candidate should understand that the Eagle Rank is a big responsibility, as well as an honor. I respectfully ask that this candidate be informed of the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout before continuing further.
MC: Thank you, Eagle Scout. I agree with your feelings and suggest that none are more qualified to impart this than those who wear the Eagle Badge. I invite you and your fellow Eagle Scouts, Mr. ______, Mr. ______ and Mr. ______ to the platform.
EAGLE SCOUT #1: The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor, which to an Eagle is sacred. Honor is the foundation of character: it is what a person really is, down inside, not what someone may think they are. An Eagle will live so as to reflect credit upon their home, church, school, friends, upon Scouting, and upon theirself. May the white of your Eagle badge always remind you to live with honor.
EAGLE SCOUT #2: The second responsibility of an Eagle Scout is loyalty, for without loyalty, character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to their ideals. May the blue of your Eagle badge always remind you to be loyal.
EAGLE SCOUT #3: The third responsibility of an Eagle Scout is courage. Courage gives character force and strength. Trusting in God and with faith in their fellowman, the Eagle faces each day unafraid, and seeks their share of the world's work. May the red of your Eagle badge always remind you of courage.
EAGLE SCOUT #4: The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. Eagle scouts extend a helping hand to those who toil up the Scouting trail they have completed, just as others helped them in their achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily Good Turn must take on new meaning and blossom forth into a life of service. Eagles protect and defend the weak and the helpless. They aid and comfort the oppressed and the unfortunate. They uphold the rights of others while defending their own. Their code of honor is based upon the belief that leadership is founded upon real service.
EAGLE SCOUT #1: Mr. Chairman, if this candidate is willing and eager to accept the mantle of responsibility, as well as the honor of the badge, then I will be satisfied and request that you proceed to administer the Eagle pledge.
MC: (To Eagle candidate) Are you ready and willing to accept these responsibilities and to adopt the Eagle pledge which I have previously read to you?
Eagle Candidate: I am.
MC: The Eagle Scout candidate will now take the Eagle Scout pledge. As the candidate takes this pledge for the first time, will those Eagle Scouts who are present in the audience please stand and reaffirm their pledge? Would those in attendance also introduce yourself and when you received your rank of Eagle?
(All Eagles stand and introduce themselves)
MC: Thank you. And now, Attention. Scout Sign.
Eagle Scouts, please repeat after me in unison:
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God.
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to my country
I reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself
the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout.
On my honor, I will do my best to make my training an example,
and make my rank and influence strongly count for better scouting
and for better citizenship, in my troop, in my community,
and in my contact with other people,
regardless of race, color, or creed.
To this, I pledge my sacred honor.
MC: The Eagle Scouts in the audience may now be seated. Mr. Scoutmaster, will you do the honor of awarding the rank of Eagle to ______?
Since the parents and siblings of this Scout have been so instrumental in attaining the Eagle rank, I will ask that they come to the platform. (pause while they come forward)
Mr. _____ will you please assist?
(Presentation of Eagle Award)
SM: The symbol of your success is the Eagle badge which is now presented to your mother. Your mother will, in turn, pin the badge over your heart.
(presentation of badge)
SM: In recognition of the wisdom and guidance given to you by your father, will you present to him this Eagle pin, which he will be proud to wear in your honor.
(presentation of fathers pin)
SM: And now, also in recognition of the many hours of patient guidance given by her in your efforts, will you pin the Eagle mother's pin on your mother.
(presentation of mother's pin)
SM: (siblings of Eagle Candidate)___________, will you remove ______'s Troop Neckerchief and dress him in the Eagle Neckerchief.
SM: _____, will you present the Eagle Advisor Mentor pin?
Eagle Candidate: Mr. _______, thank you for your interest, dedication and patience in assisting me in earning the rank of Eagle Scout.
SM: Now, would the audience please rise. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the National Council of Scouting America, I hereby present to you our newest Eagle Scout. Let's give a round of applause. (Pause) At this time I would like to invite ______ to say a few words about the Scouting experience.
Eagle Candidate: (give Eagle response. Then invites each adult up that the scout wants to acknowledge, presents him/her with a gift and asks him/her to say a few words, stay standing on stage. Typically, his Eagle mentor, past scoutmasters, current scoutmaster, other influential adults. If doing the Scoutmaster, then save him/her for last.)
SM: says a few words after receiving acknowledgement from Eagle Candidate.
SM: _____, the process of earning one's Eagle Scout award does not end with this ceremony. I have confidence that you will honor Scouting with your life and service as today Scouting has honored you. The Eagle soars high and seeks to rest only upon the lofty peaks. As an Eagle Scout, you, too, must soar high. You must not swerve from the path of duty. You must strive to obtain that which is the highest and noblest in life.
Eagle Candidate: Thank you, Mr. __________. I will do my best.
MC: By the authority vested in me as a representative of Troop ____, I declare that this court of honor is now complete. SPL, will you close this meeting?
SPL: Everyone please rise. Color guard advance. Color guard retire the colors.
(color guard exits while bugler plays taps)
SPL: This meeting is now adjourned.
There will be refreshments served in the back, please stay and enjoy, thank you.
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Jan 10, 2014 - Earl McIntosh
My son just had his Eagle Ceremony and we used this format. I agree with the header on this page �A Favorite Ceremony�!
There are so many reasons why I liked this ceremony one is it involves a lot of Scouts. The more other Scouts are involved the more meaningful the program.
I like how the Troop marched in behind the color guard and I like how the Tenderfoot, Life, and Eagle Scouts challenged my son. Added an element that the Eagle rank is special and reinforced not only to my son but the audience as well that there are responsibilities for Eagle Scout and they have a fiduciary responsibility to uphold the high moral standards of this special rank.
The whole experience was wonderful. I fully recommend this ceremony. One final thing practice this program with the main people involved before the ceremony. I�m glad we practiced because when we had the ceremony there were no problems.
Yours in Scouting
Jun 13, 2014 - james c thomas sr
My grandson will receive his eagle scout award tommorrow, and this has been very helpful in understanding the signifance of this occasion.
Feb 29, 2016 - Chrystal Chaput
My son is having his ceremony in April. As his mother who had a eagle scout father I knew the importance of this ceremony. I used this format, but also added my own touches. such as a bag pipe player to escort the flags. I took out the Challenge portion and added the reading/ candle light ceremony to voice of an eagle. while music from a saxophone plays in the back ground. wings of an eagle. I believe you should add your own touches to fit the type of ceremony you are looking for.
thank you so much for the format it was very helpful.
thank you so much for the format it was very helpful.
May 28, 2016 - Ruth Flad
Thank you for posting this information!
Oct 09, 2016 - Gail Boemker
I attended an Eagle Scout Court of Honor last night. It was the first time I've had the privilege of experiencing this beautiful ceremony. Two brothers were warded this high honor and I was honored to share this special occasion with them, their parents, grandparents, numerous scouts in various stages of their journey, many mentors and scout leaders. Keep up the good work!!!
Jul 11, 2017 - Trish Forbes
Wow! This format was incredibly helpful!! Thank you so much for sharing!
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