Eagle Scout 2 Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Eagle scouts.
This ceremony requires an MC, Scoutmaster, Color Guard of at least 2 scouts, 2 scouts for opening, 6 scouts for ceremony, 1 Eagle Scout, Chaplain or Pastor, member of Eagle Board, Unit or District Commissioner.
The commissioner is optional and some roles can be fulfilled by the same person.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please have your attention.
Please stand for the Presentation of the Colors.
Color Guard, advance the Colors.
(Color Guard brings in the Flags - US flag on the right and Troop flag on the left. Troop follows in double ranks. When the Color Guard reaches the front, the SPL continues.)
SPL: Color Guard, halt.
Scouts, to your seats, remain standing.
(Wait while the scouts file into their seats and remain standing.)
SPL: Color Guard, continue.
(Color Guard crosses the US flag ahead of the Troop flag and position the flags above their stands.)
Will the audience please join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Scouts, Salute!
(S.P.L. leads the Pledge of Allegiance)
(After the Pledge, while everyone is standing, three Scouts come forward and complete the opening ceremony. SPL asks each scout by name to come forward.)
SCOUT #1 _________:
The Red of our Flag represents the life blood of Brave Americans ready to die or worthily live for this our Country.
SCOUT #2 __________:
The white of our Flag is for Purity, Cleanliness of purpose, thought, word and deed.
SCOUT #3 __________:
The Blue of our Flag is for Faith and Loyalty, the eternal blue of the Star-filled heavens.
(Three Scouts return to their seats.)
SPL: Color Guard, post the Colors.
(Color Guard posts the colors, returns to the aisle, salutes the US Flag, and goes to their seats.)
SPL: Please remain standing while ______________ of ______________ Church, delivers the invocation.
(delivers the invocation)
Thank you ______________. Would everyone please be seated.
I would like to introduce ______________, of Troop #_____ and our Master of Ceremonies for this Eagle Court of Honor.
Thank you, ______________, Good afternoon honored guests, ladies, gentlemen, scouts and scouters. My name is ______________, ______________ of Troop #______. It is my pleasure to be the Master of Ceremonies for this Eagle Court of Honor, honoring ______________.
Today we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing _______ for the award of Eagle Scout. His parents and Scout Leaders have labored long and faithfully to develop him towards responsible citizenship through the Scouts BSA Program. Their efforts now culminate in the presentation of the Eagle Award.
The success of these efforts, however, will only be manifested in the way this new Eagle sets a social pattern for the lives of those he touches.
Honor Guard, please escort before this Court of Honor, Eagle Candidate ________________.
(Honor Guard escorts candidate to the front of the room and returns to seats.)
MC: I will now call upon ______________, a member of the ______________ District Commissioners staff to open this Court of Honor.
DISTRICT COMMISSIONER: By the authority vested in me by the National Council of Scouting America, I hereby declare this Court of Honor opened.
MC: Achieving Eagle is a long and arduous task. Scoutmaster ______________ will outline ________'s long trail to the Rank of Eagle.
(Six preselected, rehearsed scouts with rank award signs prepare to assist in this ceremony.)
SM: Scouting is no doubt one of the greatest organizations in the world to foster the ideals of citizenship. It is little wonder then that so many of our nation's greatest leaders had some of their earliest leadership experiences in scouting. The total development from childhood to adulthood depends on physical, mental and moral growth expressed in the Scout Law and Oath. The skills are so demanding and the challenges so great that it is not surprising that only a small percentage of scouts achieve the rank of Eagle. Let us now reflect on the trail to Eagle which a young man must undertake. If you refer to your program, you can see the long trail this Eagle Candidate traveled.
Scout: (Holds up Scout Emblem)
I am the Scout. My badge represents the international brotherhood of Scouting which I have joined.
SM: To become a Scout a youth must understand and promise to live by the Scout Oath and Law.
Tenderfoot: (Holds up the Tenderfoot Emblem)
I am the Tenderfoot. My three points stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath. You find me on the Mariner's Compass, forever pointing the way to the North Star and a safe journey in life. On my face are two stars representing truth and knowledge, a shield which is the emblem of a nation molded together in justice, and an Eagle to guard the freedom of my land.
SM: A Scout must demonstrate basic skills in camping, first aid, rope work, and safety to become a Tenderfoot. He begins to demonstrate patrol spirit, improves his physical fitness, and citizenship.
2nd Class: (Holds up the Second Class Emblem)
I am the Second Class. The ends of my scroll are turned up in the willing smile of the scout. On my face is the motto "BE PREPARED", and suspended from me is the knot, tied there to remind you of the slogan of Scouting America, "DO A GOOD TURN DAILY".
SM: To become a Second Class Scout a Tenderfoot works together with his patrol to cook meals and run a good campsite. He develops more advanced first aid skills, plus map and compass, swimming, and fire skills. He is introduced to the concepts of service to others and leadership, as well as self-sufficiency.
1st Class: (Holds up the First Class Emblem)
I am a First Class Scout. I was Second Class and I laid a course by the stars of truth and knowledge and I girded myself with the righteousness of justice and freedom. I added a smile that I might be a friend to all and bound myself together with the knot of duty to others.
SM: A First Class scout has reached the level of skills so that he is ready to take care of himself in the wilds. He can handle tough situations, such as finding direction with no compass and helping others that need first aid. He has led his patrol and is ready to perform more leadership at the troop level.
Star: (Holds up the Star Emblem)
I am the Star. Now that I can stand alone, I have earned the right to improve on my own. To me goes the honor of choosing my field. Before me lies a horizon of endless opportunity.
SM: To become a Star Scout a scout works on his character by leading and serving others. He practices living by the Scout Oath in his everyday life and earns a total of six merit badges, four of which must be from the required Eagle List.
Life: (Holds up the Life Emblem)
I am the Life. I have shown the world that Scouting is in my heart. I have mastered knowledge of subjects that will benefit not only myself but my country and my fellowman. I am ready to reach for my wings to fly.
SM: A Life Scout has been actively participating in his patrol and troop for at least 10 months, providing leadership and service to other scouts and people in his community. He has demonstrated citizenship and Scout Spirit. His activities and behavior show that his character is growing towards the expectations of an Eagle. To become a Life Scout, he earned a total of eleven Merit Badges, including seven from the required Eagle list.
MC: The Eagle Award is the culmination of the efforts of ________ and his leaders. A scout must earn 21 Merit Badges, in various crafts and skills. Eleven of these badges are required by Scouting America. You scouts who sit here with the Troop are a part of the Eagle Award that ________ is about to receive. As _________ has helped you learn your scouting skills, he was exhibiting Troop leadership, that is necessary to develop to become an Eagle Scout.
Hopefully, all of you will follow his example and complete your Eagle Rank. Each Eagle Candidate must plan and supervise an Eagle Service Project. This Service Project demonstrates a Scout's capacity and willingness to exert his leadership ability in activities that are constructive and worthwhile in his community.
(Briefly describe the Eagle Service Project completed by the Candidate.)
After a Scout has completed the requirements for the rank of Eagle, he must be reviewed by an Eagle Board of Review. This Board of Review meets to assure that the ideals of Scouting and the esteem of the Eagle Rank are upheld. I would like to introduce _________________ who sat on the Eagle Board and will report on the Boards findings.
Board Member: As a member of the Board that reviewed ___________________, I certify that after investigation, interview and examination, the Board is of the opinion that this Scout has demonstrated that he has held to the spirit of Scouting in his daily living. The Board recommends his advancement to Eagle.
MC: Thank you ________________. I will now call upon __________________, an Eagle Scout, to help convey the responsibilities of the Eagle Rank to our new candidate.
Eagle Scout: I speak for all Eagle Scouts. I have the honor to give you the Eagle Scout Charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting. The Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant influences in the world's history. You have been counted worthy of this high rank. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. As you live up to your obligations, you bring honor to yourself and your brother Scouts. Your responsibility extends to your country and your God. America has many good things to give you and your children after you, but these good things depend for the most part on the ability of her citizens. Our country has a great past, you can make the future still greater.
I charge you to undertake your citizenship with solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only towards the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and your fellow man. So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to the finest living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and to gain selfish ends. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their hearts and hands to common good. Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and reverence for God. Then, whatever others may do, you will leave behind you a record of which you may be justly proud.
Eagle Scout Candidate ________________, I charge you to enter the Eagle Scout Brotherhood, holding without reservation ever before you, the ideals of honor and service. By repetition of the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow Scouts, you will become an Eagle Scout. Though the words you use may be similar to those by which you joined Scouting, today they will mean more than they could have meant at any time in the past. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout, with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence".
(Speaker turns to the audience and says)
Will all the Eagle Scouts present today join ________ and me here at the front, as I administer the Eagle Scout Promise.
(Speaker waits for the Eagle Scouts to reach the front and line up.)
Eagle Scouts, please give the Scout Sign and repeat after me.
I______________ (name) reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath. (pause)
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself (pause)
the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout. (pause)
On my honor, I will do my best (pause)
to make my training an example of my rank (pause)
and my influence count strongly and for better citizenship, (pause)
in my home, in my community and in my contacts with other people. (pause)
To this I pledge my sacred honor.
Thank you.
Eagle Scouts please return to your seats.
(All Eagle Scouts except candidate, return to seats.)
MC: Will Scoutmaster ______________ please come forward and present the Eagle Award.
SM: Will _______'s parents please come forward.
By the virtue of the authority vested in me by the National Council of Scouting America, I hereby award the rank of Eagle Scout to _________________.
(Scoutmaster gives Eagle Medal to the Scout's mother to pin on her son.)
Will you please pin the Eagle Medal on your son.
(Scoutmaster gives Eagle pin for mother to Scout)
No one will ever know the unnumbered acts of self-sacrifice and helpfulness from the mother of this Eagle Scout which has led to this afternoon. As the symbol of what this mother has made possible, this Court now asks ___________ to present his mother a miniature Eagle pin.
(Eagle Scout pins pin on mother)
Eagle Scout, it is customary that you also give your mother an Eagle kiss.
Eagle Scout, would you also present your Dad with the lapel pin.
(Scoutmaster gives lapel pin to Eagle Scout to present to his father.)
(MC asks parents to return to their seats.)
MC: I would like to introduce Eagle Scout ______________, with a presentation from the National Eagle Scout Association.
The Troop Committee has enrolled you, our new Eagle Scout in the National Eagle Scout Association. May I present you with your certificate and membership card.
MC: __________, there are a few dignitaries here today that would like to congratulate you and say a few words.
(MC invites each individual forward, one at a time.)
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
7. ___________________________________
MC: Are there any others present who wish to make a presentation at this time.
___________ has received many letters and certificates from dignitaries and friends who could not be here this afternoon. I would like to read a few of them.
(Reads letter from President and a few others)
MC: __________, it is now time to hear from you.
(New Eagle Scout gives a few remarks)
MC: I declare this National Court of Honor Closed. Senior Patrol Leader take charge.
SPL: Scouts, please rise and repeat the Scout Law.
Scout Sign.
A Scout is ...
SPL: _____________, will you please deliver the Benediction.
(Gives the Benediction)
SPL: Everyone please rise.
Troop, as the Colors are retired, please file out following the Colors.
Color Guard, retire the colors.
(Color Guard retires the colors.)
(Troop files out as the flags pass them.)
I would like to invite everyone to enjoy themselves with refreshments.
Thank you.
The commissioner is optional and some roles can be fulfilled by the same person.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please have your attention.
Please stand for the Presentation of the Colors.
Color Guard, advance the Colors.
(Color Guard brings in the Flags - US flag on the right and Troop flag on the left. Troop follows in double ranks. When the Color Guard reaches the front, the SPL continues.)
SPL: Color Guard, halt.
Scouts, to your seats, remain standing.
(Wait while the scouts file into their seats and remain standing.)
SPL: Color Guard, continue.
(Color Guard crosses the US flag ahead of the Troop flag and position the flags above their stands.)
Will the audience please join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Scouts, Salute!
(S.P.L. leads the Pledge of Allegiance)
(After the Pledge, while everyone is standing, three Scouts come forward and complete the opening ceremony. SPL asks each scout by name to come forward.)
SCOUT #1 _________:
The Red of our Flag represents the life blood of Brave Americans ready to die or worthily live for this our Country.
SCOUT #2 __________:
The white of our Flag is for Purity, Cleanliness of purpose, thought, word and deed.
SCOUT #3 __________:
The Blue of our Flag is for Faith and Loyalty, the eternal blue of the Star-filled heavens.
(Three Scouts return to their seats.)
SPL: Color Guard, post the Colors.
(Color Guard posts the colors, returns to the aisle, salutes the US Flag, and goes to their seats.)
SPL: Please remain standing while ______________ of ______________ Church, delivers the invocation.
(delivers the invocation)
Thank you ______________. Would everyone please be seated.
I would like to introduce ______________, of Troop #_____ and our Master of Ceremonies for this Eagle Court of Honor.
Thank you, ______________, Good afternoon honored guests, ladies, gentlemen, scouts and scouters. My name is ______________, ______________ of Troop #______. It is my pleasure to be the Master of Ceremonies for this Eagle Court of Honor, honoring ______________.
Today we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing _______ for the award of Eagle Scout. His parents and Scout Leaders have labored long and faithfully to develop him towards responsible citizenship through the Scouts BSA Program. Their efforts now culminate in the presentation of the Eagle Award.
The success of these efforts, however, will only be manifested in the way this new Eagle sets a social pattern for the lives of those he touches.
Honor Guard, please escort before this Court of Honor, Eagle Candidate ________________.
(Honor Guard escorts candidate to the front of the room and returns to seats.)
MC: I will now call upon ______________, a member of the ______________ District Commissioners staff to open this Court of Honor.
DISTRICT COMMISSIONER: By the authority vested in me by the National Council of Scouting America, I hereby declare this Court of Honor opened.
MC: Achieving Eagle is a long and arduous task. Scoutmaster ______________ will outline ________'s long trail to the Rank of Eagle.
(Six preselected, rehearsed scouts with rank award signs prepare to assist in this ceremony.)
SM: Scouting is no doubt one of the greatest organizations in the world to foster the ideals of citizenship. It is little wonder then that so many of our nation's greatest leaders had some of their earliest leadership experiences in scouting. The total development from childhood to adulthood depends on physical, mental and moral growth expressed in the Scout Law and Oath. The skills are so demanding and the challenges so great that it is not surprising that only a small percentage of scouts achieve the rank of Eagle. Let us now reflect on the trail to Eagle which a young man must undertake. If you refer to your program, you can see the long trail this Eagle Candidate traveled.
Scout: (Holds up Scout Emblem)
I am the Scout. My badge represents the international brotherhood of Scouting which I have joined.
SM: To become a Scout a youth must understand and promise to live by the Scout Oath and Law.
Tenderfoot: (Holds up the Tenderfoot Emblem)
I am the Tenderfoot. My three points stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath. You find me on the Mariner's Compass, forever pointing the way to the North Star and a safe journey in life. On my face are two stars representing truth and knowledge, a shield which is the emblem of a nation molded together in justice, and an Eagle to guard the freedom of my land.
SM: A Scout must demonstrate basic skills in camping, first aid, rope work, and safety to become a Tenderfoot. He begins to demonstrate patrol spirit, improves his physical fitness, and citizenship.
2nd Class: (Holds up the Second Class Emblem)
I am the Second Class. The ends of my scroll are turned up in the willing smile of the scout. On my face is the motto "BE PREPARED", and suspended from me is the knot, tied there to remind you of the slogan of Scouting America, "DO A GOOD TURN DAILY".
SM: To become a Second Class Scout a Tenderfoot works together with his patrol to cook meals and run a good campsite. He develops more advanced first aid skills, plus map and compass, swimming, and fire skills. He is introduced to the concepts of service to others and leadership, as well as self-sufficiency.
1st Class: (Holds up the First Class Emblem)
I am a First Class Scout. I was Second Class and I laid a course by the stars of truth and knowledge and I girded myself with the righteousness of justice and freedom. I added a smile that I might be a friend to all and bound myself together with the knot of duty to others.
SM: A First Class scout has reached the level of skills so that he is ready to take care of himself in the wilds. He can handle tough situations, such as finding direction with no compass and helping others that need first aid. He has led his patrol and is ready to perform more leadership at the troop level.
Star: (Holds up the Star Emblem)
I am the Star. Now that I can stand alone, I have earned the right to improve on my own. To me goes the honor of choosing my field. Before me lies a horizon of endless opportunity.
SM: To become a Star Scout a scout works on his character by leading and serving others. He practices living by the Scout Oath in his everyday life and earns a total of six merit badges, four of which must be from the required Eagle List.
Life: (Holds up the Life Emblem)
I am the Life. I have shown the world that Scouting is in my heart. I have mastered knowledge of subjects that will benefit not only myself but my country and my fellowman. I am ready to reach for my wings to fly.
SM: A Life Scout has been actively participating in his patrol and troop for at least 10 months, providing leadership and service to other scouts and people in his community. He has demonstrated citizenship and Scout Spirit. His activities and behavior show that his character is growing towards the expectations of an Eagle. To become a Life Scout, he earned a total of eleven Merit Badges, including seven from the required Eagle list.
MC: The Eagle Award is the culmination of the efforts of ________ and his leaders. A scout must earn 21 Merit Badges, in various crafts and skills. Eleven of these badges are required by Scouting America. You scouts who sit here with the Troop are a part of the Eagle Award that ________ is about to receive. As _________ has helped you learn your scouting skills, he was exhibiting Troop leadership, that is necessary to develop to become an Eagle Scout.
Hopefully, all of you will follow his example and complete your Eagle Rank. Each Eagle Candidate must plan and supervise an Eagle Service Project. This Service Project demonstrates a Scout's capacity and willingness to exert his leadership ability in activities that are constructive and worthwhile in his community.
(Briefly describe the Eagle Service Project completed by the Candidate.)
After a Scout has completed the requirements for the rank of Eagle, he must be reviewed by an Eagle Board of Review. This Board of Review meets to assure that the ideals of Scouting and the esteem of the Eagle Rank are upheld. I would like to introduce _________________ who sat on the Eagle Board and will report on the Boards findings.
Board Member: As a member of the Board that reviewed ___________________, I certify that after investigation, interview and examination, the Board is of the opinion that this Scout has demonstrated that he has held to the spirit of Scouting in his daily living. The Board recommends his advancement to Eagle.
MC: Thank you ________________. I will now call upon __________________, an Eagle Scout, to help convey the responsibilities of the Eagle Rank to our new candidate.
Eagle Scout: I speak for all Eagle Scouts. I have the honor to give you the Eagle Scout Charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting. The Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant influences in the world's history. You have been counted worthy of this high rank. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. As you live up to your obligations, you bring honor to yourself and your brother Scouts. Your responsibility extends to your country and your God. America has many good things to give you and your children after you, but these good things depend for the most part on the ability of her citizens. Our country has a great past, you can make the future still greater.
I charge you to undertake your citizenship with solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only towards the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and your fellow man. So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to the finest living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and to gain selfish ends. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their hearts and hands to common good. Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and reverence for God. Then, whatever others may do, you will leave behind you a record of which you may be justly proud.
Eagle Scout Candidate ________________, I charge you to enter the Eagle Scout Brotherhood, holding without reservation ever before you, the ideals of honor and service. By repetition of the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow Scouts, you will become an Eagle Scout. Though the words you use may be similar to those by which you joined Scouting, today they will mean more than they could have meant at any time in the past. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout, with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence".
(Speaker turns to the audience and says)
Will all the Eagle Scouts present today join ________ and me here at the front, as I administer the Eagle Scout Promise.
(Speaker waits for the Eagle Scouts to reach the front and line up.)
Eagle Scouts, please give the Scout Sign and repeat after me.
I______________ (name) reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath. (pause)
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself (pause)
the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout. (pause)
On my honor, I will do my best (pause)
to make my training an example of my rank (pause)
and my influence count strongly and for better citizenship, (pause)
in my home, in my community and in my contacts with other people. (pause)
To this I pledge my sacred honor.
Thank you.
Eagle Scouts please return to your seats.
(All Eagle Scouts except candidate, return to seats.)
MC: Will Scoutmaster ______________ please come forward and present the Eagle Award.
SM: Will _______'s parents please come forward.
By the virtue of the authority vested in me by the National Council of Scouting America, I hereby award the rank of Eagle Scout to _________________.
(Scoutmaster gives Eagle Medal to the Scout's mother to pin on her son.)
Will you please pin the Eagle Medal on your son.
(Scoutmaster gives Eagle pin for mother to Scout)
No one will ever know the unnumbered acts of self-sacrifice and helpfulness from the mother of this Eagle Scout which has led to this afternoon. As the symbol of what this mother has made possible, this Court now asks ___________ to present his mother a miniature Eagle pin.
(Eagle Scout pins pin on mother)
Eagle Scout, it is customary that you also give your mother an Eagle kiss.
Eagle Scout, would you also present your Dad with the lapel pin.
(Scoutmaster gives lapel pin to Eagle Scout to present to his father.)
(MC asks parents to return to their seats.)
MC: I would like to introduce Eagle Scout ______________, with a presentation from the National Eagle Scout Association.
The Troop Committee has enrolled you, our new Eagle Scout in the National Eagle Scout Association. May I present you with your certificate and membership card.
MC: __________, there are a few dignitaries here today that would like to congratulate you and say a few words.
(MC invites each individual forward, one at a time.)
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
7. ___________________________________
MC: Are there any others present who wish to make a presentation at this time.
___________ has received many letters and certificates from dignitaries and friends who could not be here this afternoon. I would like to read a few of them.
(Reads letter from President and a few others)
MC: __________, it is now time to hear from you.
(New Eagle Scout gives a few remarks)
MC: I declare this National Court of Honor Closed. Senior Patrol Leader take charge.
SPL: Scouts, please rise and repeat the Scout Law.
Scout Sign.
A Scout is ...
SPL: _____________, will you please deliver the Benediction.
(Gives the Benediction)
SPL: Everyone please rise.
Troop, as the Colors are retired, please file out following the Colors.
Color Guard, retire the colors.
(Color Guard retires the colors.)
(Troop files out as the flags pass them.)
I would like to invite everyone to enjoy themselves with refreshments.
Thank you.
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