Candle Relay Game
This Game is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
candle and box of matches for each team
Define starting line and turn-around point.
Patrols line up single file.
Each patrol leader is given a candle and box of matches.
On go signal, patrol leader lights candle and runs the course.
When the player gets back, hand off the candle and matches to the next scout.
If the candle goes out, the scout must stop and relight it.
Each patrol makes the number of round-trips as there are players in the largest patrol.
Make it more interesting by having random tasks pulled from a bag - walk backwards, crawl, hop, hold candle above head or below knee, ...
Each patrol leader is given a candle and box of matches.
On go signal, patrol leader lights candle and runs the course.
When the player gets back, hand off the candle and matches to the next scout.
If the candle goes out, the scout must stop and relight it.
Each patrol makes the number of round-trips as there are players in the largest patrol.
Make it more interesting by having random tasks pulled from a bag - walk backwards, crawl, hop, hold candle above head or below knee, ...
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Apr 29, 2024 - Steve McGuffey
Candle goes out the Patrol leader has to relight it at the beginning? Or
is the scout to bring the matches...hmm
Apr 29, 2024 - Scouter Paul
@Steve - "hand off the candle and matches to the next scout." So, each
scout has the matches and can relight the candle themself. Or, change it
however it sounds more interesting.
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