Scout Group Games
Fun, active team building games keep scouts energized and interested. Whether you play a great outdoor game while camping with your entire troop or an indoor game with a small den, remember Scouting is a Game with a Purpose. Most games can be played by cub scouts and older scouts, but some require activity not suitable for younger scouts. When you use a scout game that the boys and girls like, you'll know because it will be requested over and over and subsequent meetings. Please let us know if you have a favorite we missed or if you use one you found here and it is a big hit. Have fun building your group of youth into a team of scouts through games and camping.
Feb 07, 2015 - skylar kenneth ackley
This sight is great to make meating when you cant think of anything! I love it! #awesomeness
-Skylar Ackley
First Class
Patrol Leader
Jul 05, 2017 - Jerry Martin
I have been teaching Sudoku and Team Sudoku to elementary students in Nevada County for 4 years. On April 27, 20017, we held the FIRST ANNUAL CHILDREN'S TEAM SUDOKU TOURNAMENT, which was very successful. Held at Scotten Elementary School, 71 students on 20 teams from 10 schools competed. We were extremely encouraged by the intensity and focus these kids displayed while tackling a mental challenge. I would be happy to send you pictures from this tournament.
I hope to do a presentation of Team Sudoku to your pack, or individual groups. I think your kids would greatly benefit from learning logic and socialization skills taught and enthusiastically received. Please call me: 477-6282
Jerry Martin
I hope to do a presentation of Team Sudoku to your pack, or individual groups. I think your kids would greatly benefit from learning logic and socialization skills taught and enthusiastically received. Please call me: 477-6282
Jerry Martin
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