Overview Requirements Hints Terminology Resources
Animal Science Merit Badge Info
This is the merit badge for every scout that dreams of being a rancher or farmer when they grow up. Livestock feeding, digestion, diseases, breeding, and even biosecurity are covered in exploring the vast range of knowledge required to manage an animal facility.
Name, List, Explain, Tell requirements make up the majority of this badge. The only active requirement is to visit an actual animal facility, but even that can be replaced with the Internet or a video. Optionally, the scout can raise an animal if they choose the sheep, hog, or bird area of specialization.
Approximately 3,800 scouts earn this badge each year, putting it around the 100th most popular. By doing online research, any scout can complete this badge on their own at home. There is a lot of animal jargon to learn and the requirements list is long, but a scout only does one of the six optional livestock types.
Requirements for the Animal Science merit badge:
- Name two breeds of livestock in each of the following classifications: horses, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, and goats. Tell their principal uses and merits. Tell where the breeds originated.
- List two diseases that afflict the animals in each of the classications in requirement 1. Describe the symptoms of each disease and explain how each is contracted and how it could be prevented.
- Explain the differences in the digestive systems of ruminants, horses, pigs, and poultry. Explain how the differences in structure and function among these types of digestive tracts affect the nutritional management of these species.
- Select one type of animal (beef cow, dairy cow, horse, sheep, goat, hog, or a poultry flock) and tell how you would properly manage it. Include in your discussion nutritional (feeding) concerns, housing, disease prevention, waste control/removal, breeding programs, and biosecurity as appropriate.
- Do the following:
- Explain how agricultural producers make desired improvements to their stock through breeding practices and programs.
- Explain the terms pure breeding and cross breeding.
- List two modern technologies used in the production of horses, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, or goats and tell what the advantages are of using the technology.
Complete ONE of the following options:
Beef Cattle Option
- Visit a farm or ranch where beef cattle are produced under any of these systems:
- Feeding market cattle for harvest
- Cow/calf operation, producing feeder cattle for sale to commercial cattle feeders
- Producing purebred cattle for sale as breeding stock to others.
Talk with the operator to learn how the cattle were handled, fed, weighed, and shipped. Describe what you saw and explain what you learned. If you cannot visit a cattle ranch or farm, view a video from a breed association, or research the Internet (with your parent's permission) for information on beef cattle production. Tell about your findings.
- Sketch a plan of a feedlot; to include its forage and grain storage facilities, and loading chute for 30 or more fattening steers, or sketch a corral plan with cutting and loading chutes for handling 50 or more beef cows and their calves at one time.
- Make a sketch showing the principal wholesale and retail cuts of beef. Tell about U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) dual grading system of beef. Tell the basics of each grade in each system.
- Define the following terms: bull, steer, bullock, cow, heifer, freemartin, heiferette, calf.
Dairying Option
- Tell how a cow or a goat converts forage and grain into milk. Explain the differences in feeds typically used for dairy cows versus those fed to beef cows.
- Make a chart showing the components in cows' milk or goat's milk. Chart the amount of each component.
- Explain the requirements for producing Grade A milk. Tell how and why milk is pasteurized.
- Tell about the kinds of equipment used for milking and the sanitation standards that must be met for dairy farms.
- Define the following terms: bull, cow, steer, heifer, springer; buck, doe, kid.
- Visit a dairy farm or a milk processing plant. Describe what you saw and explain what you learned. If you cannot visit a dairy farm or processing plant, view a video from a breed or dairy association, or research the Internet (with your parent's permission) for information on dairying. Tell about your findings.
Horse Option
- Make a sketch of a useful saddle horse barn and exercise yard.
- Define the history of the horse and the benefits it has brought to people. Using the four breeds of horses you chose in requirement 1, discuss the different special uses of each breed.
- Define the following terms: mare, stallion, gelding, foal, colt, filly; mustang, quarter horse, draft horse, pacer, trotter; pinto, calico, palomino, roan, overo, tobiano.
- Visit a horse farm. Describe what you saw and explain what you learned. If you cannot visit a horse farm, view a video from a breed association, or research the Internet (with your parent's permission) for information on horses. Tell about your findings.
- Outline the proper feeding of a horse doing light work. Explain why the amount and kind of feed will change according to the kind of horse and the work it does. Describe what colic is, what can cause it, and its symptoms
Sheep or Goat Option
- Make a sketch of a live lamb or goat. Show the location of the various wholesale and retail cuts.
- Discuss how wools are sorted and graded.
- List products that can be made from the milk.
- Based on your choice, do ONE of the following:
- Raise a lamb or goat from weaning to market weight. Keep records of feed intake, weight gains, medication, vaccination, and mortality. Present your records to your counselor for review.
- Visit a farm or ranch where sheep or goats are raised. Describe what you saw and explain what you learned. If you cannot visit a sheep or goat farm or ranch, view a video from a breed association, or research the Internet (with your parent's permission) for information on sheep or goats. Tell about your findings.
- Define the following terms for a sheep (wether, ewe, ram, lamb) OR a goat (doe, nanny, kid, buck, billy).
Hog Option
- Make a sketch showing the principal wholesale and retail cuts of pork. Tell about the recommended USDA grades of pork. Tell the basis for each grade.
- Outline in writing the proper feeding programs used from the breeding of a gilt or sow through the weaning of the litter. Discuss the feeding programs for the growth and finishing periods.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Raise a feeder pig from weaning to market weight. Keep records of feed intake, weight gains, medication, vaccination, and mortality. Present your records to your counselor for review.
- Visit a farm where hogs are produced, or visit a packing plant handling hogs. Describe what you saw and explain what you learned. If you cannot visit a hog production unit or packing plant, view a video from a packer or processor, or research the Internet (with your parent's permission) for information on hogs. Tell about your findings.
- Define the following terms: gilt, sow, barrow, boar.
Avian Option
- Make a sketch of a layer house or broiler house showing nests, roosts, feeders, waterers, and means of ventilation. Explain how insulation, ventilation, temperature controls, automatic lights, and other environmental controls are used to protect birds from heat, cold, and bad weather. Explain the importance of light for egg production.
- Explain why overcrowding is dangerous for poultry flocks.
- Tell about the grading of eggs. Describe the classes of chicken meat.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Manage an egg-producing flock for five months. Keep records of feed purchased, eggs sold, medication, vaccination, and mortality. Present your records to your counselor for review.
- Raise five chickens from hatching. Keep records of feed intake, weight gains, medication, vaccination, and mortality. Present your records to your counselor for review.
- Visit a commercial avian production facility. Describe what you saw and explain what you learned. If you cannot visit a commercial facility, view a video from a poultry association, or research the Internet (with your parent's permission) for information on poultry production. Tell about your findings.
- Define the following terms: chick, pullet, hen, cockerel, cock, capon.
- Visit a farm or ranch where beef cattle are produced under any of these systems:
- Find out about three career opportunities in animal science. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.
Animal Science Worksheet
Hints for Animal Science Merit Badge
- The merit badge pamphlet contains almost all the information to learn, so an efficient scout will use that extensively.
- The Dairy Cow option is the only one that does not include discussing cuts of meat, so that would be a good choice for scouts with a concern about eating meat.
- The Horse option has some overlap with the Horsemanship merit badge.
- The Beef Cattle and Hog options have fewer requirements.
Terminology for Animal Science Merit Badge
- Farm Animal Diseases: anthrax, brucellosis, campylobacteriosis, orf virus, cryptosporidium, e. coli, influenza, leptospirosis, listeriosis, MRSA, Q fever, rabies, ringworm, salmonella, fowl cholera, necrotic enteritis, pullorum disease, fowl typhoid, botulism, erysipelas
- Cattle Terms:
- A mature, intact male used to breed is a bull.
- A male that has been castrated before sexual maturity is a steer.
- A bullock is a young steer.
- A female that has had at least one calf is called a cow.
- A female that is one to two years old, and has never had a calf, is a heifer.
- An infertile heifer is called a freemartin.
- A female that is older than two years old but has never had a baby is a heiferette.
- A cow or heifer close to calving is a springer.
- A calf is less than a year old.
- Goat Terms:
- A buck is a sexually mature intact male goat used for breeding.
- A doe is a sexually-mature female goat.
- A kid is less than one year old.
- Horse Terms:
- A mare is an adult female horse, over the age of three.
- A stallion is a male horse that has not been castrated.
- A gelding is a male horse that has been castrated.
- A foal is a horse under one year old.
- A colt is a male horse under three years old.
- A filly is a female horse under three years old.
- A mustang is a small, strong wild horse of North America's western region.
- A quarter horse is small, strong, and good at running fast for short distances.
- A draft horse is used to draw heavy loads.
- A pacer is a harness racing horse that moves the legs on the same side together.
- A trotter is a harness racing horse that moves diagonal legs.
- Pinto has a pattern of white on the body
- Calico is mostly white with red or black patches.
- Palomino has a golden coat and lighter mane and tail.
- Roan is a brownish coat with white hairs evenly through the main color.
- Overo is the coloring of a paint horse with white mostly on the sides and color mostly on the back
- Tobiano is the coloring of a paint horse with most color on the sides and white on the back
- Sheep Terms:
- A castrated male sheep is called a wether.
- A female sheep is called a ewe.
- A male sheep is called a ram.
- Lambs are less than one year of age.
- Hog Terms:
- A gilt is a female pig expecting its first litter.
- A sow is a female pig that has already had one litter.
- A barrow is a male that has been castrated.
- A boar is a sexually intact male pig.
- Avian Terms:
- A hen is an adult female poultry.
- A rooster is an adult male chicken.
- A chick is a baby chicken.
- A capon is a castrated male chicken.
- A tom is an adult male turkey.
- A poult is a baby turkey.
Resources for Animal Science Merit Badge
- Breeds of Livestock
- Livestock Diseases
- Digestive Systems
- More Digestive Systems
- Livestock Biosecurity
- Farm Best Practices
- Animal Science Careers
Some merit badges related to this one include: Farm Mechanics, Gardening, Plant Science, Horsemanship, and Veterinary Medicine. You might check them out if you found the Animal Science merit badge interesting.
May 23, 2016 - Karen L. Jorde
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