Scout Advancement Schedule
This is archived information, and no longer relevant to the current Scouting program.
Scouting is a great way to build self-sufficiency in boys becoming men. In the early years of Cub Scouts, the adult leaders provide all direction and the scouts are participants in the program. As the scouts mature and gain skills, they are given more responsibility for creating and leading the program so that Boy Scouts run their own meetings and plan their own program. Leaders need to be able to recognize when the scouts are ready for more control and be able to let go of that control.
The pages listed below chronicle our schedule as we have progressed up the Boy Scout Trail. As of Spring, 2004, our group is at the junior Webelos level. All ranks below that are an actual archive of what we did and resources we used. The Boy Scout program schedule is a sample way to advance scouts through First Class in 12 to 18 months. At the First Class rank, the scout has learned all the basic scouting skills and from there on advances individually through merit badges, leadership, and service so a self-defined advancement schedule is offered instead of a program to reach Eagle Scout.
Tiger Cub Schedule
Wolf Schedule
Bear Schedule
Webelos Schedule
1st Class Scout Schedule
Eagle Scout Schedule
Sep 14, 2015 - Jmrprice
Sep 14, 2015 - Scouter Paul
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