Tiger Cub Program Schedule
1 pack meeting each month - Thursday at 7pm
The Adult Guide is responsible for planning and leading the den activities and Go See It activities for the month. The guide uses a Den Meeting Planner document to organize the plan and gives it to the den leader for review at least 2 weeks before the month begins.
A list of places to visit for Eden Prairie Tiger scouts is available here.
A blank version of this document is available here.
MONTH | Guide | Activities |
September | Dave | Your program will probably start after the first Pack meeting of the year so there won't be much time in September for den activities. Be sure to tell your advancement chairperson how many Tiger Totems and Bobcat ranks are needed well before the pack meeting. Den Mtg: Explain the Tiger program and that scouts will first earn a Tiger Totem, then Bobcat badge, and then start on Tiger achievements. The Tiger Totem is used to track advancement and requires a Tiger to learn the Cub Scout Motto (Do Your Best), Cub Scout Sign, and Cub Scout Salute. So, scouts should earn this after just one meeting. Start teaching the Bobcat Requirements (Cub Scout promise, motto, sign, handshake, salute, Law of the Pack, and what Webelos means) so the scouts are ready to receive their Bobcat rank at the October pack meeting. See Bobcat Requirements for details. Do #1D (Make a Family Scrapbook). Each scout gets a 3-prong cardboard folder with punched typing paper. Decorate the covers and make a title page. Insert a dozen blank pages. Doing this now gives the scouts some place to keep all their memories of the year. Plan #1F (chores at home). Give each scout and partner paper or poster board on which to make a chart listing the chosen chore and dates it will be done. The scout and adult should work together to decide on a chore and how they will do it together. Decide where to take a hike for the den Go See It outing next month. Go See It: Family: Do #1F (chores at home) |
October | Andy | Den Mtg: Do #2D (Pledge of Allegiance) at the den meeting. Practice the Bobcat requirements. Now, at every meeting you can have a flag ceremony and repeat the pledge and motto using the salute and sign. Do Elective #35 by playing a couple of fun outdoor games - see Tiger Cub Games. Go See It: Do #5G (take a hike) at the end of the month. It may be more difficult to do outdoors activities later in the year and this will be a good way for the scouts to become a den. Bring along healthy snacks and each scout should have a water bottle. Include a picnic lunch in the hike to fulfill Elective #22 if you want. Family: Do #3Fa (fire drill) Pack Meeting: Receive Bobcat badge and Tiger totem. |
November | Dean | Den Mtg: Do #5D (leaf rubbing) - go on a short hike to collect leafs and then bring them back and make rubbings. Elective #15 can be done while discussing the colors of the leafs. Talk about the rules of football to prepare for the Go See It outing. Introduce #5F (watch the weather) so the scouts and adults can do it on their own this month. Can make a chart to track how many days were sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy this month. Go See It: Do #3G (watch a sporting event) - a local high school football game can be a pretty exciting event. Family: #5F (watch the weather) |
December | Bob | Den Mtg: Have a Christmas party den meeting. Have each scout bring a magic trick, song, and snack for the den party - Electives #6, #19, and #25. Discuss #3Fb (being lost). Electives #1, #2, #7, #12 are all good ones for this time of year and make good den meeting activities. Go See It: Do Elective #36 - see a Christmas play - Nutcracker, Scrooge, Amahl, ... Family: When you go Christmas shopping, talk about what to do if you get lost. |
January | Paul | Den Mtg: Do #3D (food pyramid) Practice #4F (family discussion) by having each scout tell about something he did or received for Christmas. Go See It: Do #2G (visit fire station) Our local volunteer firefighters were awesome! They showed the scouts their station, let them try on equipment, and sound the sirens. Family: Do #4F (family discussion) |
February | Dave | Den Mtg: Do #2F (read a map) and find the local library, museum, and other points of interest. If possible, give each scout and partner a map to use at home. Decide which location to visit for the Go See It outing. Go See It: Do #1G (visit library or historic site) Talk about what life and the environment was like here 50, 100, 200 years ago. Family: Do #2F (read a map) and show your other family members the locations you found at the den meeting. |
March | Andy | Den Mtg: Do #4D (Tell It Like It Isn't) - just like 'Telephone' where one scout whispers a message to the next scout down the line to the end. Play other Tiger Cub Games. Go See It: Do #4G (visit tv or radio station) In the past couple years, it has been more difficult to gain access to some places like this. A local college newspaper or radio station would be a possibility. Family: Choose two electives that look interesting. Pack Meeting: Receive Tiger badge. |
April | Bob | Den Mtg: Do Elective #30 - plant some seeds in plastic cups and talk about what is needed for them to to germinate and grow. Go See It: Do Elective #33 - Cleanup Scavenger Hunt at a local park after the spring melt. Look for different types of flowers and plants budding and in bloom. Family: Do Electives #29, #38, #37 |
More Tiger Scout Information to Use in 2025:
Tiger Scout Leaders -
Responsibilities of the Tiger den leader
Tiger Scout Core Adventures -
Do six for the Tiger rank
Tiger Scout Elective Adventures -
Do two for the Tiger rank
Tiger Scout Activities - great den meeting and pack activity ideas
Tiger Scout Awards - see what awards are available to Tiger scouts
Tiger Scout Ceremonies - a few ceremonies
Cub Scout Games - den or pack games just right for 1st graders
Tiger Scout Graces - fun meal graces
Tiger Scout Jokes - funny, gross, and silly jokes for scouts
Tiger Scout Projects - community or conservation projects for your Tiger den
Tiger Scout Recipes - easy recipes you can make with your tigers for fun snacks or on family campouts
Tiger Scout Skits - skits that Tiger Scouts like to do
Tiger Scout Songs - songs for scouts
Tiger Scout Stories - choose stories that Tiger scouts will enjoy and understand in 2025
Tiger Scout Uniform - make sure you put all those badges and patches in the right spots
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