Bobcat Rank Requirements
This information is out of date.
Use the new Cub Scout information.
The first rank that every scout, except Lions, earns when entering the Cub Scouting Program is the Bobcat rank.
These requirements are meant to demonstrate that the youth is making a commitment to participating in the scouting program. Very similar requirements are expected of a youth joining Boy Scouts to earn the Scout badge.
How to Join:
- Go to BeAScout.org
- Click the 'Cub Scouts' tab.
- Enter your zipcode and click the arrow button.
- Click on a Pack near you to see its contact info so you can call the Pack or your local Council about joining.
- Complete a BSA Youth Application and Health Record and give them to the Cubmaster of the Pack you choose.
To earn the Bobcat rank the new Cub Scout does the following:
- Learn and say the SCOUT OATH, with help if needed:
"On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. " - Learn and say the Scout Law, with help if needed.
"A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful
Friendly, Courteous, Kind
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty
Brave, Clean, and Reverent." -
Show the CUB SCOUT SIGN. Tell what it means.
Make the sign with your right hand and with your arm held straight up. The two fingers stand for the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. They look like a wolf's ears ready to listen to Akela. Give the Cub Scout Sign when you say the Scout Oath or Scout Law.
- Show the CUB SCOUT HANDSHAKE. Tell what it means.
Using your right hand, place your first two fingers along the inside of the other scout's wrist. This means that you help each other remember and obey the Scout Oath and Law.
- Say the CUB SCOUT MOTTO. Tell what it means.
"Do Your Best"
Give the CUB SCOUT SALUTE. Tell what it means.
Point your first two fingers of your right hand out straight and close together. Touch the tips of the fingers to your cap or if not wearing a cap then to your eyebrow. A salute is a way to show respect. When you salute a leader (either adult or other scout), you show him or her that you respect their position. When you salute the flag, you show that you are proud of your country.
- With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the booklet,
How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse.
The above items are the basic information that all Cub Scouts learn when they enter into the Cub Scouting program.
Aug 26, 2015 - Jill Fifield
Aug 28, 2015 - Chrystal Beaubouef
Aug 31, 2015 - Scouter Joe
@Chrystal Beaubouef There are Council and National Scout Shops or you can order online at Scoutstuff.org
you can also try to find used uniforms at thrift shops, especially around this time of year for halloween; though they do go really fast and are sometimes in the back, so ask for them.
eBay is also another site where you can find cheap used uniforms
Sep 09, 2015 - Matt
Sep 09, 2015 - Scouter Paul
Sep 29, 2015 - rachel hayden
Sep 30, 2015 - Scouter Joe
Biggest thing to remember is that you are not alone and that there are many different resources for leaders to plan and run excellent activities and den meetings. Websites (including scouting.org), Roundtable and commissioners (district), and your district executive.
Oct 04, 2015 - Daniel adame
Oct 04, 2015 - Scouter Paul
Nov 03, 2015 - Sandy
We are running our Lions concurrent with our Tigers - they are having a great time! Since we have only 2 lions and 3 tigers it's perfect for our Pack.
Hope you have a great time!!
Dec 10, 2015 - Michele
Dec 10, 2015 - Scouter Paul
Aug 21, 2017 - Sandy Finleon
Feb 06, 2019 - Bruce Bean
Apr 28, 2021 - Jennifer Weiss
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