Divide the den into two teams and give each team a broom and a small pile of trash: paper, plastic bottles, etc. On signal, the first scout on each team sweeps the trash to a certain point and back. The next team member then repeats the process.
Divide the playing area in half. Scatter 60-80 loosely wadded papers on each side. Akela tells the group to start. The scouts try to throw all the papers off their side onto the other side. After a couple minutes, Akela tells the teams to stop. The scouts count how many papers are left on their side. The team with the fewest papers wins.
Divide the group in half and situate them on opposite sides of a rope strung between two trees. Offer each group an equal amount of dry trash, such as newspaper, tin cans, 2-liter bottles, small cardboard boxes, cleaned out milk cartons, etc. On "Go", each team tries to put their trash over the net. Do not set a time limit for the game, but tell them you will signal when the game is over. This unexpected signal prevents a team from collecting all the trash and throwing it over seconds before the time limit. The winner is the team with the least amount of trash on their side of the net at the end of the time limit.
This will build strong hands and fingers. Instruct the scouts to squeeze paper into as small a ball as possible, using just the one hand to manipulate the paper.
Divide the group into groups of three or four scouts. Have each group select a captain. The game leader tells all captains to stand where they are with their arms held out straight from their sides, and send one scout from their group to the game leader. The game leader gives each group a paper bag containing a roll of scotch tape, 20-30 construction paper leaves, a few birds, blossoms, butterflies, and bird nests. On "GO", each team begins to make their sapling captain grow into a mature tree by taping the contents of the bag all over their captain. When all teams have taped everything onto their captain, let everyone enjoy the forest view.
Equipment: 2 aprons, 2 towels, 2 brooms, 2 dustpans, 2 buckets filled with water, 4 dishes, 1 garbage can. Divide the group into two teams, and line them up in straight lines at one end of the playing area. Give the broom and the apron to the first scout on each team; at the other end of the playing area, place the dustpan, the bucket, the dishes, and the towel. The garbage can is put between the two buckets. On "Go", the first scout puts on the apron and sweeps the floor to where the dustpan lies. The scout scoops the dirt into the dustpan and dumps it into the garbage can. The scout then washes and dries the two dishes and races to the start, carrying the apron and broom. The house is clean when all scouts have swept the floor and dried the dishes.
The Cubs stand in a circle with one Cub in the center. The Cub in the middle holds a beanbag and tosses it to one of the Cubs standing in the circle. While it's in the air, the Cub in the center shouts either "PAPER!", "Plastic!", or "Aluminum!" The Cub who catches the beanbag must name an object made from paper, plastic, or aluminum in 5 seconds while the other Cubs count out loud. If the object's name is duplicated, or if the Cub can't think of an object, they're out of the circle. When there is only one Cub left (the winner), they take the place of the Cub in the middle of the circle.
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