Train Wreck Recipe
This Recipe is meant for Scouts BSA.
Spatula, Skillet, Pot
2 Burners
1 lb. Package Bacon
1 lb. Package Sausage Links
1 32oz. Bag Cubed Hash Browns
12 Eggs
1 lb. Package Sausage Links
1 32oz. Bag Cubed Hash Browns
12 Eggs
Cut bacon and sausage into 1-inch pieces.
Stir and cook bacon and sausage in hot skillet until thoroughly cooked, for at least 5 minutes.
Put bacon and sausage in the pot and cover with lid to keep warm.
In skillet, cook hash browns until they are crisp on the outside.
Add bacon and sausage and stir.
Mix eggs into hash browns.
Stir until eggs scramble in with hash browns and are cooked firm.
Add syrup as desired.
Serves 6-8 scouts.
Stir and cook bacon and sausage in hot skillet until thoroughly cooked, for at least 5 minutes.
Put bacon and sausage in the pot and cover with lid to keep warm.
In skillet, cook hash browns until they are crisp on the outside.
Add bacon and sausage and stir.
Mix eggs into hash browns.
Stir until eggs scramble in with hash browns and are cooked firm.
Add syrup as desired.
Serves 6-8 scouts.
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Jan 25, 2015 - Chris
It was delicious, it had everything in it that I liked, especially the sausage,
Apr 10, 2016 - Troop 81
Adding diced onions and green peppers is highly recommended!
Jan 03, 2022 - HOBO MAN
good for our cold winter camp that was -15 degrees
Jan 03, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Hobo - Our troop did a weekend campout at -21F degrees. The food right
out of the dutch oven was cold by the time I could spoon it off my plate
into my mouth. :-) Washing dishes is a real challenge when it's that
Feb 14, 2022 - HOBO MAN
Scouter paul when it is -21 dishes will be a challenge because that
water woun't stay warm to wash the dishes correctly :) the scouts
must have had a great time
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