Rope Golf Game
This Game is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
equal size ropes for each scout - about 30 feet long
This is to practice rescue rope throws for distance.
An object is identified as the target - a tree, stump, big rock, firepit, ...
Each scout coils a rope and throws it towards the target, without letting go of the end. Each scout then moves to the spot where the end of their rope lays, coils the rope, and throws again.
Each scout keeps track of throws and the lowest number for each hole gets a point and gets to choose the next target.
If someone lets go of the end of their rope, it is a penalty stroke and that scout needs to throw again from the same spot.
It can be played by individuals or by patrols with each scout taking turns doing the next throw.
Each scout coils a rope and throws it towards the target, without letting go of the end. Each scout then moves to the spot where the end of their rope lays, coils the rope, and throws again.
Each scout keeps track of throws and the lowest number for each hole gets a point and gets to choose the next target.
If someone lets go of the end of their rope, it is a penalty stroke and that scout needs to throw again from the same spot.
It can be played by individuals or by patrols with each scout taking turns doing the next throw.
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