La Palma Game
2foot stake
5 or 6 short pegs
4 or 5 tennis balls
5 or 6 short pegs
4 or 5 tennis balls
Stick the stake in the ground.
Measure 3 feet from the stake and stick a peg in the ground.
Place another peg every 3 feet in a line out from the stake.
Starting at the closest peg, the first scout throws a ball at the stake. If the stake is hit, the scout moves on to the next farther peg for the next turn. If the scout misses, they stay at the current peg for their next turn.
After throwing a ball, that scout retrieves the ball and gives it to the next scout waiting to throw. With a few balls, there should be very little waiting.
The first person to progress all the way to the last peg and hit the stake from there wins the round. Play as many rounds as the scouts want or until it's dinner time.
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