Fist Ball Game
This Game is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
tennis ball
To start, define the play field and then everyone gathers in a circle shoulder to shoulder facing inward with one scout in the center holding the tennis ball. The scouts making the circle can not move their feet. The scout in the center closes both eyes, starts spinning around and lets loose the ball. Whoever is hit by the ball is IT and the game immediately begins. Now, everyone can run anywhere within the play field.
IT hits another scout with the ball to make them an IT also. The last scout to be hit is the champion and starts the next game. The ITs can work together, throwing the ball around to get a good shot at someone.
Those that are not IT can do two special things:
It can be a challenge to determine who is IT or not. One way to make it easier is to implement the rule that anyone not IT needs to keep their hands as fists at all times.
For larger groups, two balls can be used.
IT hits another scout with the ball to make them an IT also. The last scout to be hit is the champion and starts the next game. The ITs can work together, throwing the ball around to get a good shot at someone.
Those that are not IT can do two special things:
- If the ball is thrown at you, you can block it with your closed fists. So, a hit on the closed fist does not make you an IT.
- You can pick up the ball with your closed fists and toss it or punch it far away or to another free scout. The idea being to keep it away from the ITs.
It can be a challenge to determine who is IT or not. One way to make it easier is to implement the rule that anyone not IT needs to keep their hands as fists at all times.
For larger groups, two balls can be used.
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Jan 09, 2019 - GJ
@Scouter Paul thanks!
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