Fitness Relay Game
For each team, a paper bag containing cards with one task on each card.
Draw start line and put cone out about 20-40 feet.
Place paper bag with cards at start line.
Place paper bag with cards at start line.
Fitness, teamwork
Patrols line up single file.
On 'Go' signal, patrol leader picks card from bag, reads it and does that task out around the cone and back to tag the next scout.
A scout can not choose a card until tagged.
First patrol to get through all tasks wins.
May demonstrate each of the tasks first so scouts know what they are.
Example Tasks: Hop on left foot, Hop on right foot, Hop with both feet together, Walk backwards, Walk heel-to-toe, Walk blindfolded, Run, Bear walk, Carry a person or have a person carry you, Hold hands between knees, and so on.
On 'Go' signal, patrol leader picks card from bag, reads it and does that task out around the cone and back to tag the next scout.
A scout can not choose a card until tagged.
First patrol to get through all tasks wins.
May demonstrate each of the tasks first so scouts know what they are.
Example Tasks: Hop on left foot, Hop on right foot, Hop with both feet together, Walk backwards, Walk heel-to-toe, Walk blindfolded, Run, Bear walk, Carry a person or have a person carry you, Hold hands between knees, and so on.
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