Key to Scouting Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Cub Scouts.
Very large key cutout painted gold with "Scout Spirit" written on it.
Old key on a string.
Old key on a string.
this can be used for any Cub Scout rank
I would like [name of scout] and parents to please come forward.
The Cub Scout program faces you with many challenges. You are required to attend den meetings and monthly pack meetings. You need to work with leaders and also at home with your parents. In order to achieve the highest rank in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light, you must set your goals and work to fulfill them. Many times you may get discouraged because the Cub Scout Trail seems steep and hard to climb.
There is a key to achieving all of the goals you set for yourself. The key to Cub Scouting. Do you know what that key is?
(wait for scout to answer. Then, display the large gold key.)
The key to Scouting is "Scout Spirit." Scout Spirit includes teamwork. It includes fair play and good sportsmanship. It includes that something special that makes Scouts want to be the best they can be at everything they do. This key will unlock the door of achievement, both in scouting and in your everyday life.
Remember, with this key to Scouting - "Scout Spirit" - you can hike up the Scouting trail. This smaller key is a reminder of the Key to Cub Scouting. Let it remind you that doing your best will open many doors. (hang key around the scout's neck.)
You have recently reached an important goal along your scouting path. I am happy to recognize you for earning your [Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light] rank. I will present this award to your parents in token of the help they have given you. They will then pin it on your uniform.
(Wait for parent to attach patch.)
Pack, please stand. Join me in congratulating our newest [Lion, Tiger, ...]
The Cub Scout program faces you with many challenges. You are required to attend den meetings and monthly pack meetings. You need to work with leaders and also at home with your parents. In order to achieve the highest rank in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light, you must set your goals and work to fulfill them. Many times you may get discouraged because the Cub Scout Trail seems steep and hard to climb.
There is a key to achieving all of the goals you set for yourself. The key to Cub Scouting. Do you know what that key is?
(wait for scout to answer. Then, display the large gold key.)
The key to Scouting is "Scout Spirit." Scout Spirit includes teamwork. It includes fair play and good sportsmanship. It includes that something special that makes Scouts want to be the best they can be at everything they do. This key will unlock the door of achievement, both in scouting and in your everyday life.
Remember, with this key to Scouting - "Scout Spirit" - you can hike up the Scouting trail. This smaller key is a reminder of the Key to Cub Scouting. Let it remind you that doing your best will open many doors. (hang key around the scout's neck.)
You have recently reached an important goal along your scouting path. I am happy to recognize you for earning your [Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light] rank. I will present this award to your parents in token of the help they have given you. They will then pin it on your uniform.
(Wait for parent to attach patch.)
Pack, please stand. Join me in congratulating our newest [Lion, Tiger, ...]
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