Bobcat - Cub Scout Promise Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Cub Scouts.
Four older scouts (preferably Webelos)
Four cards showing the parts of the Promise that each Scout will read
Four cards showing the parts of the Promise that each Scout will read
Cubmaster: I would like these new Bobcats to please come forward with their parents - [read names]
You recently joined the Cub Scouts and our Pack, searching for fun and adventure. Along the way, you will also learn the ways of the Cub Scouts. I understand you have all learned the Scout Law, the Cub Scout Motto, and more. Perhaps most importantly you have learned the Scout Promise.
Scout #1: On my honor I will do my best - Saying 'On my honor' is like saying 'I promise.' It means that you will do your best to do what the Scout Oath says A Scout is trustworthy and follows through.
Scout #2: To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law - A duty is something you are expected to do. You do your duty to God by following the teachings of your family and religious leaders. You do your duty to your country by being a good citizen and obeying the law.
Scout #3: To help other people at all times - Many people need help. A friendly smile and a helping hand make life easier for others. By helping other people, you are making our world a better place.
Scout #4: To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight - You stay physically strong when you eat the right foods and get exercise. You stay mentally awake when you work hard in school, learn all you can, and ask questions. You stay morally straight when you do the right thing and live your life with honesty.
Cubmaster: Do you all agree to follow this Promise? If so, answer "I do".
Scouts: "I do."
Cubmaster: I congratulate you on earning your Bobcat awards. Parents, you may pin your child's Bobcat patch on the left shirt pocket.
Congratulations on the first rank on the Cub Scout trail! May you earn many more! (Give Cub Scout handshake.)
You recently joined the Cub Scouts and our Pack, searching for fun and adventure. Along the way, you will also learn the ways of the Cub Scouts. I understand you have all learned the Scout Law, the Cub Scout Motto, and more. Perhaps most importantly you have learned the Scout Promise.
Scout #1: On my honor I will do my best - Saying 'On my honor' is like saying 'I promise.' It means that you will do your best to do what the Scout Oath says A Scout is trustworthy and follows through.
Scout #2: To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law - A duty is something you are expected to do. You do your duty to God by following the teachings of your family and religious leaders. You do your duty to your country by being a good citizen and obeying the law.
Scout #3: To help other people at all times - Many people need help. A friendly smile and a helping hand make life easier for others. By helping other people, you are making our world a better place.
Scout #4: To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight - You stay physically strong when you eat the right foods and get exercise. You stay mentally awake when you work hard in school, learn all you can, and ask questions. You stay morally straight when you do the right thing and live your life with honesty.
Cubmaster: Do you all agree to follow this Promise? If so, answer "I do".
Scouts: "I do."
Cubmaster: I congratulate you on earning your Bobcat awards. Parents, you may pin your child's Bobcat patch on the left shirt pocket.
Congratulations on the first rank on the Cub Scout trail! May you earn many more! (Give Cub Scout handshake.)
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