BSA Family | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | ![]() The BSA Family Award program offers activities to help strengthen all families - whether two-parent, single-parent, or nontraditional. This program helps families accomplish worthy goals while building and strengthening relationships among family members. All family members are encouraged to participate and may earn the award. To earn the award, a family must complete 10 activities within a 12-month period. The family chooses one activity in two topics in each of the following categories:
When a family has completed the requirements, all family members are eligible to receive an award certificate, patches for uniform wear, and/or pins for non-uniform wear. ![]() The BSA Family Activity Book is the primary resource for the BSA Family Award program. It is filled with suggested activities to enhance the children's personal development and enrich and strengthen the family. Most of the ideas in the BSA Family Activity Book will be useful during family meetings or gatherings. However, parents will also find ways to incorporate them into daily life. Many ideas may be adapted for use while riding in a car and during mealtimes, and may provide things to occupy children when they say there is "nothing to do." In short, parents may use the ideas and activities to meet their own family's needs and interests. |
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Centennial Quality Unit | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | This program has been replaced by the Journey to Excellence program starting in 2011. ![]() The Centennial Quality Awards program is designed to recognize units, districts, councils, areas, and regions for achieving excellence in providing a quality program to a growing youth population in America at all levels of the Boy Scouts of America. The award patch is displayed on the uniform's right sleeve below the patrol emblem or den numeral. Only the most recent year's patch is worn, not a string of past year patches. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The BSA National Strategic Plan is guided by five pillars supported by measurable, specific goals. The plan requires immediate and continued attention to each pillar. Each year there will be an emphasis on one of the pillars.
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Crime Prevention | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() The Boy Scouts of America's Crime Prevention Program assists neighborhoods and communities in their efforts to prevent crime by emphasizing youth, family, and community. January, 2007: I contacted BSA National about this award after hearing from someone that they could not get the patch locally. BSA replied that the Crime Prevention emblem IS in stock, however, this is a restricted item and can only be obtained through your local council. If your council does not have this in stock, they can order it. It is item #04189. Phase I-Youth and Family Phase II-Youth and Unit
Once both phases have been completed, the unit leader must sign the application. Awards may be purchased at the local council service center. Download the Cub Scout Application Form Information for the Parent or Unit Leader Youth
The following strategies and projects can involve individuals or whole families in preventing crime:
Consider these suggestions for crime prevention projects:
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Cub Scout Conservation Good Turn | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | ![]() Conservation has always been an integral part of the program of Scouting America. Scouts have rendered distinguished public service by helping to conserve wildlife, energy, forests, soil, and water. Past generations of Scouts have been widely recognized for undertaking conservation Good Turn action projects in their local communities. The Conservation Good Turn is an opportunity for Cub Scout packs to join with conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a conservation Good Turn in their home communities. Working together in the local community, the unit and the agency plan the details and establish the date, time and location for carrying out the project.
Some suggested projects could be:
The patch can be worn as a temporary insignia or on the scout's patch vest. Pick up an application form from your local council office or use this Application Form |
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Cub Scout Outdoor Activity | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | RETIRED 2024 as part of complete Cub Scout program redesign. Many awards were redone as elective adventures. ![]() Cub Scouts at all levels from Tiger to Webelos can earn the Outdoor Activity Award. When the award is first earned, the scout receives the pocket flap award, worn on the right pocket flap of the uniform.
Requirements: Tiger Scouts Wolf Scouts Bear Cub Scouts Webelos Scouts Outdoor Activities:
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Cub Scout World Conservation | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | ![]() RETIRED 2024 as part of complete Cub Scout program redesign. Many awards were redone as elective adventures. The World Conservation Award provides an opportunity for individual Cub Scouts to 'think globally' and 'act locally' to preserve and improve our environment. This program is designed to make youth members aware that all nations are closely related through natural resources and that we are interdependent with our world environment. As a Wolf Cub Scout, earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:
As a Bear Cub Scout, earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:
As a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:
Download or complete this Application Form |
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Founder's Bar | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, the New-Unit Task Force announces the Founder's Bar recognition. This recognition is intended to emphasize the importance and pride of forming and nurturing a new Scouting unit. |
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Heroism | |
Intended for: | All Scouts, Venturer Scouts |
Details: | ![]() The Heroism Award is presented to Scouts and Scouters that have saved or attempted to save a life at minimal personal risk. This award may be awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has demonstrated heroism and skill in saving or attempting to save life while registered in Scouting America. If it appears that the risk involved was merely in the performance of duty or the meeting of an obligation because of responsibility to supervise and give leadership to the person or people whose lives were saved, then recognition will not be given. The Scouting America National Court of Honor determines from evidence presented which lifesaving award, if any, shall be made. The court will give consideration to resourcefulness and demonstrated skills used in rescue methods. ![]() Award Requirements: Submit a recommendation with this Nomination Form. |
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Honor Medal | |
Intended for: | All Scouts, Venturer Scouts |
Details: | ![]() The Honor Medal is presented to Scouts and Scouters who have shown courage in attempting to save a life at considerable risk to self. |
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International Activity | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | Discontinued in 2012 - see International Spirit Award ![]() The International Activity Award is awarded to registered Youth and Adult Leaders involved in heightening awareness and cultural exchange with Scouts from other countries. The patch is worn centered on the right pocket since it is a temporary emblem. The specific requirements for earning this recognition are up to individual councils to define. BSA National has published some Suggested Criteria but you should check with your council for exact requirements. |
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International Spirit | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() The International Spirit Award is awarded to registered Youth and Adult Leaders that have broadened knowledge of international Scouting and increased appreciation and awareness of different cultures and countries. The patch is worn centered on the right pocket since it is a temporary emblem. Requirements:
Scouts BSA/Varsity/Venturer
Experience Requirements
See award application |
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Interpreter Strip | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() Youth and adult members (Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Scouts BSA, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts, plus Scouters in all programs) may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of a foreign language or the sign language for the hearing impaired. The interpreter strips are worn centered above the "Boy Scouts of America" or "Scouts BSA" strip on the uniform.
Earn the Morse Code interpreter strip by:
The requirements are verified by the unit leader, after receiving sufficient evidence of the Scout's or Scouter's ability to read, write, and speak the language. You can use this Interpreter Strip Confirmation form. The unit leader should note the personal achievement on the local Council's Advancement Report for youth or Training Report for adults and submit to the Council. The unit leader purchases the strip from the local scout shop. If it is a rare language in your area, the strip may need to be ordered from a different council or National Supply Division. Most Councils do not have a specific application form, but check with your scout shop or district executive to see. |
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James E. West Fellowship | |
Intended for: | All Scouts, Venturer Scouts |
Details: | ![]() James E. West served as the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America for over 30 years. The James E. West Fellowship Award is an 8-by-10-inch certificate, personalized with the donor's name, date of gift, and council name. There are four levels of giving available:
![]() Knot Description: Gold on green knot on tan background with red border. See the application form. |
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Journey to Excellence | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() ![]() ![]() "Scouting's Journey to Excellence" is the BSA's council performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of units, districts, and councils. It replaces the Centennial Quality Awards program as a means of encouraging excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA. The award patch is displayed on the uniform's right sleeve below the patrol emblem or den numeral. Only the most recent year's patch is worn, not a string of past year patches. The Journey to Excellence program provides:
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Medal of Merit | |
Intended for: | All Scouts, Venturer Scouts |
Details: | ![]() The Merit Medal honors Scouts, Venturers and Scouters that have performed an act of meritorious service above and beyond what is normally expected of a youth or adult member of Scouting America. ![]() Knot Description: Gold on Blue knot on tan background with tan border. |
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Messengers of Peace | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() Messengers of Peace is a global initiative aimed at encouraging youth to work toward peace. Taking advantage of social media, scouts from around the world share their efforts in order to inspire other scouts to undertake similar projects. Any Scout or Scouter who participates in a qualifying project can wear the Messengers of Peace ring patch. It is displayed around the World Crest above the left pocket of the uniform. Patches can be purchased by a unit representative at a local Scout Shop or council service center. A qualifying project has a significant impact on the community in one of these three dimensions of peace:
Getting the Patch Some Project Ideas
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National Den | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | ![]() The National Den Award recognizes dens that conduct a quality, year-round program. Service projects, field trips, character development, and Cub Scout camping are areas that are emphasized. Dens earn the award as a team, not as individual den members. The recognition is a ribbon for the den flag or den doodle. To earn the National Den Award, a Cub Scout den must:
Once the requirements are completed as stated, the signed National Den Award application is sent to the local council service center where the ribbon can be obtained. Download an application for the National Den Award. |
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National Summertime Pack | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | ![]() RETIRED 2024 as part of complete Cub Scout program redesign. Many awards were redone as elective adventures. A pack can qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award by planning and conducting three pack activities - one each in June, July, and August. This award can be an incentive for greater attendance at your summer pack activities. ![]() Qualifying packs receive a colorful streamer for their pack flag. The purpose of the National Summertime Pack Award is to encourage packs to provide a year-round program by continuing to meet during the time periods when school is out of session for several weeks or months. If a pack is in a 'year-round school' (or is part of a home-school association), the pack could earn the Summertime Pack Award by having a special pack activity during those breaks. Since the goal of the Summertime award is to have Packs continue the program through the summer, the award that scouts receive should match their current rank rather than the rank they are working towards.
This matching of awards and ranks is supported by emails from National BSA employees, local Scout Shop employees, and this video. Download the Application for the National Summertime Pack Award. |
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Pack Competition | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | ![]() There are three Pack competitions that are commonly held as annual events. Medals can be presented to all participants and blue, red, and white medals present to first, second, and third place. The competitions are:
These medals can be displayed pinned above the left pocket or on a red vest. Up to five medals can be displayed on the uniform shirt. |
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Participation | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() Packs and Troops will often have their own competitions between dens or patrols, or individual scouts. Districts may have competitions at camporees or other scouting events. These medals can be displayed pinned above the left pocket or on a red vest or scout blanket. Up to five medals can be displayed on the uniform shirt. |
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Physical Fitness | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() Discontinued The award's objectives, developed by the Council Services Division of the National Council and the national BSA Health and Safety Committee, are as follows:
People who earn the recognition can receive a special certificate and can purchase and wear the unique BSA Physical Fitness Award patch. In addition, upon completion of the Fitness Award requirements, Scouts and Scouters may wear a special recognition pin and patch that can be purchased through their local council.
The BSA Physical Fitness Award's core requirements are the following seven major components. They are used to measure an individual's improvement over time, not to establish an arbitrary minimum level of activity. Posture: Posture is evaluated with a posture-rating chart. The Scout or Scouter is compared to a photo of his or her starting posture, noting 13 different body segments. Each body segment is scored as a five, three, or one, making a possible range of scores from 13 to 65. Higher scores over time reflect improving posture. Accuracy: The target throw is used to measure accuracy. The Scout or Scouter makes 20 throws with a softball at a circular target and is scored on the number of times the target is hit. Strength: The sit-up is used to measure strength. The Scout or Scouter lies on his or her back with knees bent and feet on the floor. The arms are crossed on the chest with the hands on the opposite shoulders. The feet are held by a partner to keep them on the floor. Curl to the sitting position until the elbows touch the thighs. Arms must remain on the chest and chin tucked on the chest. Return to the starting position, shoulder blades touching the floor. The score is the number of sit-ups made in a given time. Agility: The side step is used to measure agility. Starting from a center line, the Scout or Scouter sidesteps alternately left and right between two lines 8 feet apart. He or she is scored on the number of lines crossed in 10 seconds. Speed: The dash is used to measure speed. The score is the amount of time to the nearest half-second running a set distance that can be increased each year. Balance: The squat stand is used to measure balance. The Scout or Scouter squats with hands on the floor and elbows against the inner knee. He or she leans forward until the feet are raised off the floor. The score is the number of seconds held in that position. Endurance: The squat thrust is used to measure endurance. The Scout or Scouter starts from the standing position. He or she performs the usual four-position exercise. The score is the number of completed squat thrusts made in a given time. Some of these tests measure more than the components they represent. For example, the sit-ups, a measure of strength, also reflect some endurance because of their repetition. The squat stand requires balance, its major component, but also requires strength and endurance to support the weight of the body on the arms. Requirements:
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Recruiter Strip | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA |
Details: | ![]() Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts may earn the Recruiter Strip by recruiting other youth to join scouts. There are no formal requirements for these strips. Each Council establishes the procedure for awarding the strip, so please check with your local council office or unit leader. Usually, a Recruiter Strip is awarded to a Cub Scout or Boy Scout the first time the scout recruits a friend, relative, classmate, or other acquaintance to join. ![]() The national BSA and local Councils tend to have special recruiting drives for which collector recruiter patches are made available. For example, in 2007, the Centennial Recruiter program was held at the national level with this patch available to scouts that recruit another youth to join. This patch in addition to the recruiter strip is awarded since these kinds of patches are considered temporary patches. Here are a couple more recruiter patches that have been available to scouts... ![]() ![]() |
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Religious Emblem | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed religious emblems programs. The Boy Scouts of America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform. The various religious groups administer the programs. Check with your local council service center or contact the religious organization directly to obtain the curriculum booklets. See BSA Page for more info. ![]() Knot Description: silver on silver knot on purple background with purple border. |
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Shooting Sports | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | RETIRED 2024 as part of complete Cub Scout program redesign. Many awards were redone as elective adventures. ![]() Introduced in 2016, this award has multiple levels, options, and combinations which may make the offering, tracking, and earning of the award a bit confusing for some. It isn't complicated, but ask for clarification before making assumptions. All Cub Scouts, from Lion to Webelos, can earn this award. The award is comprised of a different patch for each rank, so the patch can be earned five times. There are three shooting disciplines: BB Guns, Archery, and Slingshots. To earn an award patch, a scout completes the Level 1 requirements for any one of the three shooting disciplines. To earn a pin device for a shooting discipline, a scout completes Level 1 and Level 2 requirements for that discipline. Note for Lions: Lions and their adult partners may only participate in archery and slingshot activities, not BB Gun
Some examples:
This is considered a temporary emblem and one should be displayed at a time centered on the right pocket. It can be sewn on or displayed in a plastic patch holder hung from the right pocket button. There are three larger stars around the target on the patch which are good spots for attaching the device pins as they are earned. See detailed shooting sports resources at this page See FAQs page for more info. |
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Spirit of the Eagle | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() Award guidelines:
Applications (BSA No. 92-108) are available through local council service centers or HERE. |
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Super Achievers | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Details: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Super Achiever award is for all Cub Scouts in each rank that earn all Adventure pins. This Super Achiever patch is not an official advancement award, but is a popular way to recognize scouts that do more than the rank requirements. This is a "temporary" patch to be displayed centered on the right pocket - you can hang it from the pocket button by the loop included on the patch. Order your Super Achiever patch. There is a Lion Super Achiever, Tiger Super Achiever, Wolf Super Achiever, and Bear Super Achiever, in addition to the Webelos Super Achiever patch. |
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Tech Chip | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() This is NOT an official BSA award. It was created by Troop 479 in Eden Prairie, MN. The troop has designed a training outline and has wallet cards for purchase - see Tech Chip Training Plan for details, or Purchase Tech Chip Cards. Some scout units ban electronic devices, such as cellphones, iPods, games, and radios, creating a situation in which adults become policemen, enforcing rules rather than training scouts. These same 'policemen' often exempt themselves from the ban, causing an unfair environment. Some even confiscate devices, putting themselves at a financial risk for that device. Scouting evolves as technology becomes available. Compasses, watches, GPS, LED lights, and other outdoor gear has improved over the years and scouts have taken advantage of those improvements. As technology continues to evolve and become more and more embedded in every part of our lives, scout leaders need to continue to make use of it. By teaching courteous use, scouts and adults can take advantage of technology to create a safer outdoors experience without reducing the value of the experience for others. This training and certification grants a scout the privilege to carry and use electronic devices at scout activities. Cub Scouts, Scouts, and Venturers can use the same training and cards.
The Scout's "Tech Privileges" can be lost if the scout fails in these responsibilities. |
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Veteran Unit Bar | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Details: | ![]() As scouting units have remained continuously chartered for longer and longer lengths of time, Scouting America has introduced veteran unit bars. These cloth bars recognize units for their longevity. There is a bar for every 5 years of charter, starting with 25 years. All bars are bronze with Green or black numerals except for the 75 year bar introduced in 1985 and the 100 year bar introduced in 2010. The 75 year bar is red with silver numerals and the 100 year bar is red with gold numerals. |
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William T. Hornaday | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Intended for: | All Scouts, Venturer Scouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
Details: | Discontinued - replaced by Distinguished Conservation Service award. ![]() The William T. Hornaday Award recognizes Scouts and Scouters for their service to conservation and ecology efforts in their communities. There are seven different Hornaday awards with varying requirements. The youth individual awards are based on earning certain merit badges and completing one or more significant conservation projects.
These are the merit badges used for the Hornaday awards:
The categories for conservation projects are:
Hornaday Awards:
![]() Knot Description: Green/blue/white on green/blue/white knot on tan background with tan border. |
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