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Mar 16, 2013 - Mary Hazle
I'm seeking a 75 nights camping patch/rocker. �Can anyone help me? �We need about 10. �Thank you.
Mar 18, 2013 - Scouter Paul
Mary - There isn't a patch for 75 nights. But, you can purchase the other Natl Camping patches at ScoutStuff.org
Apr 22, 2013 - Yukon Jack
All, be aware, this award is being discontinued and replaced with the new National Outdoor Achievement award patches and medal (pentagon shaped patch with 5 segments). This award will be supported by the BSA as long as insignia is available and a scout/scouter keeps a log of days and nights. This is from the national scout store in my council's jurisdiction.
My interpretation of what they said is that once you've started working on it (i.e. begun the camping log linked above) you can continue to work towards it as long as insignia can be found. By this rule, the award could theoretically still be earned years from now.
Aug 21, 2014 - Diane Plaster
My son recently completed 6 weeks as scout camp counselor. They put him in a tent for 5 of those weeks, the final week in a cabin. Is it true that because he got paid to work camp, his camping in a tent for those 5 weeks do not count toward the 100 days, etc award? I figured "camping" was "camping" as long as it was in a tent... and this was a BSA campground.
Aug 21, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Diane - This award is discontinued, so your question doesn't seem pertinent but maybe the award is still being used in your area. It sounds like someone told you that your son could not count those nights on camp staff because he got paid.
I'd recommend that your son review the award application form to ensure that his camping nights fall within the "What Counts As Camping" defined there, rather than what someone thinks should count.
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