Interpreter Strip Award

Youth and adult members (Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Scouts BSA, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts, plus Scouters in all programs) may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of a foreign language or the sign language for the hearing impaired.
The interpreter strips are worn centered above the "Boy Scouts of America" or "Scouts BSA" strip on the uniform.
Earn the interpreter strip by:
- Carrying on a 5-minute conversation in this language.
- Translating a 2-minute speech or address.
- Writing a letter in the language (Does not apply for sign language)
- Translating 200 words or more from the written word.
Earn the Morse Code interpreter strip by:
- Carrying on a five-minute conversation in Morse Code at a speed of at least five words per minute.
- Copying correctly a two-minute message sent in Morse Code at a minimum of five words per minute. Copying means writing the message down as it is received.
- Sending a 25-word written document in Morse Code at a minimum of five words per minute.
The requirements are verified by the unit leader, after receiving sufficient evidence of the Scout's or Scouter's ability to read, write, and speak the language. You can use this Interpreter Strip Confirmation form.
The unit leader should note the personal achievement on the local Council's Advancement Report for youth or Training Report for adults and submit to the Council. The unit leader purchases the strip from the local scout shop. If it is a rare language in your area, the strip may need to be ordered from a different council or National Supply Division.
Most Councils do not have a specific application form, but check with your scout shop or district executive to see.
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Mar 11, 2013 - davidw
If you earn this strip in Webelos (its part of the Languages and Cultures pin), does it need to be re-earned as a Boy Scout?
Mar 13, 2013 - Scouter Paul
davidw - This is not really an 'award'. It is an indication that the person is a resource with the skill to interpret the specific language. That person should no longer wear the strip if he is no longer fluent in the language.
Just as other patches and recognitions from Cub Scouts are not displayed on the Boy Scout uniform, I would not transfer this one. As a unit leader, I would have the scout repeat the requirements since I am the one approving that he can wear the strip. It should be an easy task for someone qualified to wear the patch, and another opportunity to recognize the scout's efforts.
May 17, 2017 - frances
What is meant by translating a 2 minute speech? I thought the requirement was "giving" a 2
minute speech, but now I see it is :translating a 2 minute speech. Could you explain please?
Thank you.
May 17, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@frances - Translating is converting from one language to another,
so it means to hear the speech being given in one language and say
what is being said in another language.
Dec 08, 2017 - {Mike
re: Morse Code interpreter strip. I am an adult counselor
with sixty (60) yrs experience in Morse Code (military/amateur radio. Can I submit 60 years of Morse radio logbooks and award certificates as evidence? The other adult leaders do not know Morse Code, and would not be able to verify actual sending
with sixty (60) yrs experience in Morse Code (military/amateur radio. Can I submit 60 years of Morse radio logbooks and award certificates as evidence? The other adult leaders do not know Morse Code, and would not be able to verify actual sending
Dec 08, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@Mike - It's up to the unit leader (scoutmaster) but I expect you
would have no problem wearing the strip with your experience. I
expect you could set up a morse code demo with other enthusiasts
that could send you a message and interpret your sent message.
That should satisfy your unit leader and may be interesting to
some scouts to watch.
Jan 12, 2019 - Allyson
Am I over-complicating this or missing something? We have a
great, diverse Troop and yet no one has these so I'd like to
facilitate things so the boys and adults can wear them.
My questions:
1. I see the link shows the 2 minute speech may be translated from English to other language or vice-versa but is the same true of the 200 words? Does it matter which way the translations occur?
2. Are there resources for the 200 words, the speeches, etc.? Does someone in each unit just make this up for each language?
I came across this link, but it doesn't answer my questions so I'm hoping someone here will reply: filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512- 019_WB.pdf
Thank you!
My questions:
1. I see the link shows the 2 minute speech may be translated from English to other language or vice-versa but is the same true of the 200 words? Does it matter which way the translations occur?
2. Are there resources for the 200 words, the speeches, etc.? Does someone in each unit just make this up for each language?
I came across this link, but it doesn't answer my questions so I'm hoping someone here will reply: filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512- 019_WB.pdf
Thank you!
Oct 13, 2022 - Rich
Can Cub Scouts wear this tan patch on their blue uniforms
as well?
Oct 13, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Rich - Yes
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