Comments: Feb 01, 2013 - Andrew P. DeHahn
What a gift this would be to a council that has given me so much. I am 15 years old and an Eagle scout, my family and I have been big on Scouting and promoting what it gives not only to the Scout and parents, but the community. Membership is down in my district, but we are trying to make it better bye giving back to the community as much as possible. In a few month I am planning a conservation project, beyond what I did for Eagle, to give back just a little more, love of charity for our Community will make a difference, Thanks!
Jan 15, 2014 - 150BSA
I'm donating 15 Computers to my Local Council. Computers will setup in a classroom and to be used at Summer Camp for a variety of Merit Badges. Net worth of the computers is $15,000. Do this qualify donor to receive the James E. West Diamond Award?
Jan 15, 2014 - Yukon Jack
@150BSA. First of all, thank you for your wonderful donation! Second, I do not believe so. The James E. West Fellowship (not award) is for $1000 plus to a council ENDOWMENT fund, which is a council permanent fund that keeps its initial investments and skims off the interest annually to keep the programs running without a loss of capital. The two higher levels are for $25,000 donation or $100,000 WILLED to the council after a scouter's death. There is no 'diamond' level. The other two are called the Founder's Circle and the 1910 Society.
Mar 27, 2014 - Andy
Is it $1000 or more annually or one time gift that qualifies?
Mar 31, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Andy - It is a one time gift.
Nov 23, 2014 - Scouter Dennis
Can the youth scouter earn this if a parent donate the required amount into the endowment fund?
Nov 23, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Dennis - Yes. There is no stipulation that the award recipient need be an adult.
Nov 23, 2014 - Scouter Dennis
@ scouter paul, can the scout and parent wear it with one donation of let's say $1000? �Or would it require two donation?
Aug 01, 2017 - Paul
Can a couple of people combine their donations to qualify for the award? We have a scout that just passed from this world and would like to make a donation in his memory to the endowment fund. Please advise.
Aug 07, 2017 - Yukon Jack
@ Paul. Any number of people can combine money, but any given $1000 donation to the endowment can only have 1 name attached to it. One district in my council passes around the hat every month...dollars, a 20, pocket change, and once it hits $1000 we "elect" a recipient and start over. Sometimes we get 3 or 4 in a year, sometimes it takes 2 years to get one. Good luck.
Apr 08, 2020 - Roger
But that $1000 is on top of the amount for FOS to the council. So I would have to give like
$200 for council FOS and $1000 for James E. West correct?
Apr 08, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Roger - The BSA does not want people reallocating their normal
contribution to this award. So, if you normally contribute $200
to FOS, then continue doing that.
May 11, 2021 - Steve
If you donate $1000 do you get certificate , pin and knot award
May 14, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Steve - Yes.
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