Reinforcements On the Way Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
an area at least one mile in length - a boy scout camp works well.
a map of the area for each patrol.
adult leaders playing the roles of enemy soldiers, in pairs with a whistle for each pair.
One or two adults with a list of person names and a flag.
a map of the area for each patrol.
adult leaders playing the roles of enemy soldiers, in pairs with a whistle for each pair.
One or two adults with a list of person names and a flag.
Send the adults with list of names to a predefined location about 10 minutes before the game. They post their flag and remain there for the game, marking names and times as people arrive.
5 minutes before the game, send the adult enemy soldiers in pairs out to roam the area between the start and outpost.
5 minutes before the game, send the adult enemy soldiers in pairs out to roam the area between the start and outpost.
This activity is best for use at camp where you have detailed maps of the area available.
The SPL needs to know the scenario, but all other scouts should be unaware to make it more interesting.
This may take from 1/2 to 2 hours, so you may set a time limit.
The SPL needs to know the scenario, but all other scouts should be unaware to make it more interesting.
This may take from 1/2 to 2 hours, so you may set a time limit.
A friendly military outpost is in need of help and a military messenger on his way to the nearest garrison comes across your Scout camp. The Senior Patrol Leader calls a Patrol Leaders' Council to hear what he has to say. The messenger gives a quick report of the situation and hands out rough maps explaining the location of the distressed outpost. He also says there are enemy scouts keeping a lookout between here and the outpost.
If your patrols can quickly reach the outpost, they may be able to hold out until the messenger returns with reinforcements from the garrison.
The goal is for each patrol leader to lead their patrol to the outpost as fast as possible without being seen by any enemy. They will know the outpost because it has posted a flag.
The enemy are all adults armed with whistles. When an enemy sees a scout, he blows a whistle and points at the scout. This means that scout is captured. If the scout is in the open and obvious, the scout must immediately come to the enemy. If the scout is trying to hide and is not sure that it was he that has been captured, he may remain still until the enemy comes to him and he is sure of capture. This may or may not be a good choice depending on if he has patrol mates around him.
When a scout is captured, he should walk directly to the outpost with no attempt at hiding.
When a scout arrives at the outpost, he tells the leader there whether he is free or captured and the leader marks his time on the list of scouts.
The patrol that gets the most free scouts to the outpost in the least time wins.
If your patrols can quickly reach the outpost, they may be able to hold out until the messenger returns with reinforcements from the garrison.
The goal is for each patrol leader to lead their patrol to the outpost as fast as possible without being seen by any enemy. They will know the outpost because it has posted a flag.
The enemy are all adults armed with whistles. When an enemy sees a scout, he blows a whistle and points at the scout. This means that scout is captured. If the scout is in the open and obvious, the scout must immediately come to the enemy. If the scout is trying to hide and is not sure that it was he that has been captured, he may remain still until the enemy comes to him and he is sure of capture. This may or may not be a good choice depending on if he has patrol mates around him.
When a scout is captured, he should walk directly to the outpost with no attempt at hiding.
When a scout arrives at the outpost, he tells the leader there whether he is free or captured and the leader marks his time on the list of scouts.
The patrol that gets the most free scouts to the outpost in the least time wins.
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