Bowline Flood Rescue Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
30 foot rope per team
knot tying speed
Your patrol was camping on a hill when a flood rolled in overnight. You are now stranded on a small island and none of you can swim. Except your fearless patrol leader!
Have each patrol huddle together. Draw a circle around them to represent the island.
Draw a line 20 feet away that is the shore and safety. This is the area over which the patrol must be rescued.
Give each patrol leader a rope.
On the signal, each patrol leader runs to the safe shore and throws the rope back to the patrol.
One player ties a bowline around their waist and is pulled across the flood.
Once safe, the player unties their knot, and rescues the next player.
Have each patrol huddle together. Draw a circle around them to represent the island.
Draw a line 20 feet away that is the shore and safety. This is the area over which the patrol must be rescued.
Give each patrol leader a rope.
On the signal, each patrol leader runs to the safe shore and throws the rope back to the patrol.
One player ties a bowline around their waist and is pulled across the flood.
Once safe, the player unties their knot, and rescues the next player.
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