Bowline Race Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
6 foot rope for each scout
Scouts assemble at starting line in patrols.
On 'GO' signal, each scout ties a bowline around their waist.
The patrol leader ties another bowline in the other end of their rope.
All scouts in their patrol tie their ropes to the patrol leader's bowline loop using two half hitches.
When connected, they then run around a marker and back.
All knots should be judged and time added for incorrect knots and more time for knots that have come undone.
Patrol with fastest time wins.
Scouts line up single file at start line with patrol leader at the end of the line.
On 'GO', all scouts tie a bowline around the waist of the scout in front of them.
When their knot is done, they hold the end of the rope with one hand and raise the other.
When the patrol leader sees all the hands up, they tell their patrol to GO.
The patrol runs around the marker and back.
First patrol back with correct knots and without dropping a rope, wins.
(You may give a time penalty for dropping a rope instead of elimination.)
On 'GO' signal, each scout ties a bowline around their waist.
The patrol leader ties another bowline in the other end of their rope.
All scouts in their patrol tie their ropes to the patrol leader's bowline loop using two half hitches.
When connected, they then run around a marker and back.
All knots should be judged and time added for incorrect knots and more time for knots that have come undone.
Patrol with fastest time wins.
Scouts line up single file at start line with patrol leader at the end of the line.
On 'GO', all scouts tie a bowline around the waist of the scout in front of them.
When their knot is done, they hold the end of the rope with one hand and raise the other.
When the patrol leader sees all the hands up, they tell their patrol to GO.
The patrol runs around the marker and back.
First patrol back with correct knots and without dropping a rope, wins.
(You may give a time penalty for dropping a rope instead of elimination.)
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