Day 12 - Marathon Day

I traveled about 28 miles today.
This is the Split Rock River trail bridge.
My first marathon day this trek - over 26 miles. The trail really leveled out south of Beaver Bay so I covered ground. I think Mary Anne's great porridge and cantalope helped!
I crossed the Split Rock and Gooseberry rivers which were both low. Most creeks are completely dry now. The beavers are busy rebuilding dams on the Gooseberry after this spring's flood, but I saw none. I did have another dozen grouse explode along the trail today and nearly squished two more garter snakes.
Simply an awesome day with blue sky and every other color on the ground and in the trees.
Keep your eye open for opportunity to help someone. Jeff and Mary Anne inviting a stranger in off the trail was just super! Things like that show we're all in this together.
Posted: 19:04 09-26-2012 913
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