My Little Friends

People don't feed these animals, but the trail corridor is a nice green space for them and they are just used to humans walking by. Bicyclists also use the trail and I expect to start seeing some "trailkill" soon as the little critters ignore the danger. Now, if a deer doesn't get out of the way, that will be something interesting!

So, who has the right-of-way when a human, bird, and deer all want the same space? :-)
Keep your eyes and ears open for animals when walking, riding, or driving. The young'uns are growing quickly and exploring away from protective parents, so you might get to see some closer than usual - and maybe too close if you're not careful.
Posted: 10:21 06-03-2016 1278
Jun 11, 2016 - Robert
I found a brand new fawn resting between my wife's van and my
pile of mulch bags on the driveway. Before, this same fawn had
started walking towards my neighbor and me as we chatted on the
front lawn. The doe was just behind the house watching. I
tried to put some fear of humans into the fawn by chasing it
back to its mother and hitting my leg with the newspaper to make
a loud noise. Barely able to walk, the fawn kept coming back!!
I haven't seen the fawn since I started up my car and scared it
from the driveway.
Jun 18, 2016 - Diana
Where are these local trails that you speak of?
Jun 20, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Diana - I'm referring to the trails around my community where I
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