Short Stories
Scary ghost stories around a campfire are the traditional ending to a day at camp. Whether at a scout's first Webelos camp or a seasoned Scout's high adventure, short stories told to the rest of the gang give a scout a chance to be the leader for a few minutes. Choosing an appropriate story can be a challenge - especially those about a scary ghost or horror. Remember that if somene is too scared to sleep, it will effect everyone the next day. It might be better to keep the stories funny or at least end with a couple of light-hearted tales.
Good luck finding a short story here to make your campfires and meetings great. We hope you enjoy our favorites - as humorous or scary as they may be.
The telling of a humorous short story can help a group of scouts relax before bed. A good way to bond a scout patrol is to ask the patrol members to come up with a couple of short stories for the next campout. They may even have one or two patrol favorites which they can tell to new scouts on their first campouts with the troop. Most of the stories here are not about ghosts or horrors so you should be able to find a few for scouts of any age.
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