Scouting America Adult Training
Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader!
Every Leader deserves training so they can successfully deliver the scouting program!
- Cub Scout Leaders can wear the Trained patch when they have completed Youth Protection and Cub Scout Leader Specific training for their position.
- Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters can wear the Trained patch when they have completed Youth Protection, Scoutmaster Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
- Pack or Troop Committee Members can wear the Trained patch when they have completed Youth Protection and Committee Specific Training.
Training of adults to successfully deliver the Scouting America programs has evolved into a well-presented, thorough, curriculum of courses to be completed in sequence. Here are the courses you need to fulfill your commitment of an adult leader.
Youth Protection Training
YPT ensures that scouts involved in scouting are kept safe. Adults on every Scout outing must be Youth Protection Trained.Before being involved with scouts, EVERY adult should complete Youth Protection Online and all registered adult volunteers must complete it and fully understand the Youth Protection Policies. Other resources include:
- Parent Guides on youth protection are printed in the front of Cub Scout and Scouts BSA handbooks. They are available online at: Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA
- Many councils also offer in-class Youth Protection classes. Contact your council for availability and dates.
- 'Working Together to Protect Our Children'
- 'Assuring Emotional Security for Children' - May/June 1993
- 'Words Can Hurt'
Scouting America has a set of videotapes to help teach scouts about protecting themselves against abuse. These videos help scouts recognize dangerous situations and avoid becoming victims.
The video 'It Happened to Me' is designed for Cub Scouts, ages 6 to 10, to view with their parents or guardians. The video presents five scenarios of situations that youth may encounter. It establishes safety rules that help scouts counteract the fear and shame that can result from abusive situations. Cub Scout Meeting Guide: It Happened to Me
'A Time to Tell' is designed for Scouts BSA, ages 11 to 14. This video depicts risks of sexual abuse through dramatizations of adolescent experiences. Troop Meeting Guide: A Time to Tell
A third video, 'Youth Protection: Personal Safety Awareness', is designed for any young person in the 14 to 20 age range. It is made up of vignettes dealing with the issues of acquaintance rape, Internet safety, stalking, and fraternization. Each scenario is followed by instructions for local group discussions and a teen panel discussion, with pertinent advice regarding each situation.
You can purchase these videos online at ScoutStuff.org or contact your local council service center - Find Service Center.Remember, any case of abuse is one too many!
Leader Specific Training
Training for a specific Scouting position continues through Leader Specific training. This training provides the specialized knowledge a new leader needs to assume a leadership role. Because each course is designed for a specific leadership position, the training time varies. This training can be taken online at My.Scouting.org or in-person at scheduled council training sessions. Leader Specific training has been developed for the following positions and their assistants:- Cub Scout den leaders
- Cubmasters
- Pack committee members
- Scoutmasters and Assistants
- Merit Badge Counselors
- Troop committee members
Outdoor Leader Skills
Outdoor skills are critical to the success of the Scouting program. Training in outdoor skills is required before taking scouts on outings.- Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills will provide Scouts BSA leaders with the basic outdoor skills information needed to start and guide a program the right way. Completion of this course is the required outdoor training for all Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters. The skills taught are based on the outdoor skills found in The Scouts BSA Handbook. The course is normally a day and a half long and conducted at a local scout camp on a weekend.
- BALOO - Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation for Cub Scout leaders is a one-day training event that introduces participants to the skills needed to plan and conduct Pack outdoor activities, particularly pack camping. This training is required for any adult who is in charge of planning a pack campout, and it is required that at least one adult per pack complete BALOO training in order to apply for tour permits. BALOO training is offered by individual districts.
Supplemental and Ongoing Training
There are many more opportunities for volunteers to improve their skills and understanding of the Scouting program. Some are required before holding certain types of events.- Wood Badge: Advanced training in leadership and team development, bringing together all programs - Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, and Venturing. By pooling their ideas, sharing meaningful experiences, and learning from highly qualified instructors, participants will return to their home units with new skills and resources, greater confidence, and deeper dedication to deliver the values of Scouting. This training includes approximately six days of instruction that are often held as two 3-day weekend sessions, followed by working on the goals the participant sets for him or herself. Each council organizes and schedules sessions as needed.
- Monthly RoundTable: A leaders' meeting held in each district where leaders find information about upcoming district and council events and learn ways to improve the program. Most Roundtables will cover material based on participants' interest. Leaders can learn a new skill or get advice on how to solve a problem. Participation at Roundtables is required for some square knot awards.
- Hazardous Weather: planning and decision making regarding weather for a safe outing. Can be taken online at My.Scouting.org
- Safe Swim Defense: introduction to BSA water safety policies. When taught in-person, takes about 20-30 minutes and participants receive a completion card good for 2 years. Swimming events require Safe Swim Defense trained leaders. Can be taken online at My.Scouting.org
- Safety Afloat: introduction to BSA boating policies. In-person training takes about 20-30 minutes and participants receive a completion card good for 2 years. Water craft events required Safety Afloat trained leaders. Can be taken online at My.Scouting.org
- Climb On Safely: This training lasts about 45 minutes and provides all the information you need to meet the minimum requirements for a climbing activity. This does not consist of any training or certifications in climbing, but provides the essential components of a safe outing.
- Philmont Training Center is the national training center at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. The training center offers a wide selection of 6-day courses, covering all aspects of Scouting operations, and generally training those who will bring the program back to train the rest of their unit.
- CPR Certification: Normally not offered through a BSA unit, but at least two currently CPR certified adults are required on many high adventure outings. Online CPR Training
- Wilderness First Aid Certification: Normally not offered through a BSA unit, but at least two currently wilderness first aid certified adults are required on many high adventure outings.
More Scouting Information to Use:
Merit Badges - requirements and aids
Scout Activities - great scout activity ideas
Scout Awards - see what awards are available to scouts
Scout Ceremonies - some ceremony ideas
Scout Games - patrol or troop games
Scout Graces - fun meal graces
Scout Jokes - funny, gross, and silly jokes for scouts
Scout Projects - community projects for Scouts BSA patrols or troops
Scout Recipes - tasty food recipes for scout camping
Scout Skits - skits that scouts like to do
Scout Songs - songs for scouts
Scout Stories - stories that scouts will enjoy and understand
Scout Uniform - make sure you put all those badges and patches in the right spots
Scout Tests - online tests for scouts to test their knowledge
Scout Schedule - sample schedule to reach First Class rank in 12-18 months
Eagle Scout Schedule - sample schedule to reach Eagle Scout
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