Comments: Jan 26, 2017 - DCScoutMom
Question: my son recently passed his Board of Review and will be
receiving his Eagle Scout award this weekend. We discovered too late
that his tan class A is way too small. But he has his Venture shirt
from working at summer camp at Spanish Peaks. He is now over 18 and
his COH was rushed and planned very quickly with no time to get a new
tan class A. Is it appropriate for him to wear the green uniform shirt
with his merit sash or OA sash for his Eagle ceremony?
Jan 29, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@DCScoutMom - He should not wear his OA sash to an Eagle ceremony
since that is only for when he is performing an OA function.
can wear his Venture uniform, or borrow a better-fitting Boy Scout
uniform from a friend.
Mar 03, 2017 - Lynn
When is the appropriate time and place to where the merit badge
sash? Where can I find the official policy regarding this?
Mar 03, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@Lynn - The merit badge sash can be worn whenever the uniform is
worn, but it is not practical to wear it most of the time because
it gets in the way. Courts of honor, boards of review, and other
more formal events are when scouts usually wear a sash.
If you
follow the link to the BSA Insignia Guide in the page content
above, you'll find the official BSA policy - which does not
mention when to wear and when not to wear the sash.
May 30, 2017 - District Commish
Can a Scout who is not an American citizen wear their respective nation’s flag on the Boy Scout uniform, and if so, where? I know that the American flag has been on the BSA uniform since the 70’s. Many non-American scouts who are part of a local pack, troop, or crew here in Europe do render respect to the flag and national anthem by standing but do not salute (though some do).
I checked and there is no specific mentioning of this in any of the BSA guidelines that I checked.
Jun 19, 2017 - Fabel Konicke
My son returned from Camp Geronimo with a whole bag of badges and rings... I don't know what to do with them? three badges, Camp Geronimo 2017, Rainbow Trail and for the Tenderfoot Run; as well as the rings, Big "G" Gold, Brave, Tiger Eye, East Webber, Geronimo Trail Tenderfoot Run, Turkey Springs and one with just symbols (??) maybe Scout to Tenderfoot? Anyway - Any help is appreciated.
Jun 20, 2017 - Scouted Paul
@Fabel - best thing to do in your case is
have your scout ask his scoutmaster where
the patches go. There is probably a
patch scheme document from the camp that
explains where they go and you might even
find that on the camps website, of they
have one.
Dec 21, 2017 - Eli
Where do the fireman chit, totin chip, and cyber chip go on the uniform?
Dec 21, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@Eli - They are all 'temporary' patches and one at a time can be
displayed centered on the right pocket.
Dec 26, 2017 - Lisa
Would I wear a scout uniform to a boy scout camp interview?
Dec 27, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@Lisa - If you're a registered BSA member, then it sounds like a
good idea to wear your uniform for the interview.
Apr 11, 2018 - Larry Cox
Hi! I'm 62, a Eagle, and returning to Scouting to assist my 2 older grandsons in their troop and 2 younger ones still in Cubs. Silly question, but I don't remember if we wore a colored tee under our uniform. I'm now nearly blind... scanning through all the posts on your site... lol, but please what's required, or what works best? Is it any different for adults? And as a foot note... we all wear cleanly pressed full uniforms to each troop and Pack function. And it's awesome!! I was taught to lead by example. and I had outstanding leaders. thank you
Apr 13, 2018 - Scouter Paul
@Larry - you can wear another layer under your uniform shirt if
you want. It's not part of the uniform, but is useful when
outdoors in cooler weather, or just for comfort.
Apr 17, 2018 - Larry Cox
Scouter Paul,
Thank you! Our troop doesn't wear (or require) a neckerchief's with the uniform which makes certain tees, well...awful as a choice. With no guidance the boys tend to go for any tee, often their brightest neon colors from their dresser, which keeps them warmer and more comfortable wearing a tee, but looks yucky... Of course easiest answer is to just wear neckerchiefs which hides the tees, so hopefully the troop will reconsider one day!
May 10, 2018 - Scouty Ed
Hi Everyone, I am looking for BSA language that addresses
footwear. I currently have two brothers in my troop who in my
opinion are lazy, they refuse to wear shoes to the troop
meetings and wear white socks with flip flops and on uniform
inspection night they wear black shocks and black Nike type
shower slip on flip slops, whats more they cannot participate in
troop games or activities when we climb a lashing tower. IS
THERE ANY RULES that we can make them wear closed toed shoes
beside a troop rule because my committee fears kickback. Thanks
and look forward to your email -Scouty Ed- Troop 111
May 14, 2018 - Scouter Paul
@Ed - You can see in the Uniform Inspection Sheet that BSA socks
and brown leather or canvas shoes are expected. But, there is
no requirement that scouts wear uniforms in order to be BSA
members. When adult volunteers start making up rules for
scouts, it tends to not work out well.
If their lack of
appropriate footwear causes their patrols to perform poorly in
contests with other patrols, then maybe their patrolmates would
encourage them to change. For example, some simple recognition
for the patrol with the highest percentage of scouts climbing
the tower or participating in the game - their patrol could
never get it without them participating.
Or, maybe there is
some other reason besides laziness why they wear what they wear.
A caring adult volunteer might try to find out the reason.
Dec 15, 2018 - LLM
@ Scout Mom, Old-fashioned 02/21/12- I came to this page to read
more about ordering pieces of the Scout Uniform and sadly at the
top of this thread I ran into a post from Scout Mom questioning
a photo of a possible "Scout or model?" (rhetorical statement),
Scout Mom writes a long post lecturing her own parenting and
upbringing in a Dutch household... No other comment I ran across
covered a subject like this and I'm wondering why admin left
this on the thread. I would like to read comments based on
actual inquires and answers (Q&A) not a commentary thread... My
point is, does this thread have an admin who removes posts that
aren't relevant?
Dec 16, 2018 - Scouter Paul
@LLM - Sometimes comments are just comments, not questions or
answers. If someone has a view or comment, and it is related to
the page content and is not inflammatory, then it does no harm. I
try to weed out off-topic, meaningless, or inappropriate comments.
Mar 01, 2019 - Xine
My daughter is a member of a new Scouts BSA troop. I'm getting
ready to finish up her uniform and want to make sure I'm putting
the items on the left sleeve correctly. I can't find anywhere
that shows the red Founder bar. Is it supposed to be touching
the troop numerals? Also, her shirt is one of the microfiber
ones with a "cuff" of sorts around the bottom of the sleeve.
There doesn't really appear to be room for her council patch,
the troop numbers, the Founder bar, her position patch, and her
Trained patch. Can the Trained patch go on top of the "cuff"
Mar 02, 2019 - Wife
My husband wants me to sew his Eagle Scout patch onto his jean jacket. Is this
appropriate? If so, where is the proper placement? He is not involved in a troop
anymore. He just wants to wear the patch. Thank you for feedback.
Mar 04, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Wife - No, it's not appropriate to display BSA uniform patches on
other clothing.
Mar 04, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Xine - Yes, the Founders Bar goes directly under the unit
numerals, touching is fine. The Trained patch can be sewn on the
cuff part.
Apr 03, 2019 - DH
My son has been to every BSA meeting for over a year and
there is an attendance pin/medal you can get for doing this.
It hasn't been awarded to him so do I have to buy it? Also,
where should it go?
Apr 03, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@DH - If you are asking about the Attendance Pin then
it goes above the left pocket. There are no set requirements
for earning it, so it is up to the scout's troop to decide how
to earn it. And, anyone can purchase it from the Scout Shop.
your scout is interested in earning it, he should ask his
Scoutmaster what requirements the troop has for earning
Scout On!
Apr 24, 2019 - Ken
Is a Scouts BSA rank insignia centered vertically as well as horizontally as depicted on the Uniform Inspection Sheet (, or is it positioned just beneath the pocket flap as depicted on page 32 of the Guide to Awards and Insignia ( 33066/33066_Scouts_BSA_Insignia_WEB.pdf)? These both appear to be official sources but they clearly contradict each other. Thanks!
Apr 24, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Ken - Both those docs, as well as any other I've seen, say
"centered" on left pocket. I believe the placement in the images
you referenced is only the artist's interpretation of 'centered'.
Some shirt pockets are now flat, rather than pointed. Some are
billowed, rather than sewn flat. So, the exact vertical center is
different on different pocket types.
Centering the patch in the
available horizontal and vertical space is the goal.
Apr 24, 2019 - Ken
@Scouter Paul, thanks for the speedy response and good info! Now my son (a 4th generation Scout) will be "official" for his first Troop campout this weekend!
Apr 24, 2019 - Ken
@Scouter Paul, I looked at these again, and in both instances the pocket is the same, but the patch is positioned differently. If Scouts BSA has an official position on the position, they should depict that in all official materials.
I understand that pockets have changed, but in this instance Scouts BSA specifically demonstrates two different ways to vertically "center" the patch on the same pocket. I will make a judgment call so that my son can wear his rank, but Scouts BSA can't expect an exacting result quite in accordance with it's unexacting instruction. Centered between the top and bottom of the pocket would result in the flap overlapping the rank on a "square" pocket. The official guide to insignia and the inspection sheet depict the same pocket but with the rank insignia in different positions, one centered between the flap tip and the bottom, and one just below. I stand by the notation Scouts BSA is disseminating conflicting information.
Thanks for your work on this question, but it appears we get to pick individually what it means since vertical centering isn't even well defined by official Scouts BSA rules and literature.
But just to be clear, am I to take away that we can't trust the official Scouts BSA insignia rules and guidelines and instruction sheets, nor the inspection sheets, since they are just "artist's interpretations?"
I think our kids and we as Scooters deserve better than that for direction on badge placement
Apr 24, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Ken - Using your judgment is a good idea. Center the patch as
best you can, and I believe it will be fine.
I think the BSA is
not too concerned about a patch being 1/4 or 1/2 inch off center,
but if you feel that this lack of specific information needs
correction, please contact the BSA at this address.
Apr 25, 2019 - Ken
@Scouter Paul, thanks, and I hope I didn't sound like I was unloading on you. You are innocent! I am frustrated that Scouts BSA would issue a regulation for patch placement showing where to put it and then provide an inspection sheet that gigs every Scout who followed the regulation. I will contact them and ask for standardization on direction. Thanks, @Scouter Paul! Your website is priceless to me!
Apr 25, 2019 - Ken
And just for giggles, Scouts BSA requires the Service Stars to be 3/8 of an inch above your square knots or your pocket if you don't have any knots. I'd argue that with that level of specificity to the eighth of an inch that Scouts BSA can do for service stars, they can do better than 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch on badge placement. I'll contact them.
Oct 09, 2019 - Jen
Do female uniform tops have to be tucked in because they’re cut with the
helm that will not allow it to stay tucked in
Oct 11, 2019 - Jane
@Jen - "Effective Oct. 1, 2013, the official stance on the Boy Scouts of America’s uniform policy is that shirts and blouses are to be worn tucked in, regardless of whether the wearer is a Cub Scout, Scout, Sea Scout, Venturer, or adult Scouter. In the past, guidelines have simply stated the uniform wearer should be neat in appearance. Neatness includes tucking in the shirt or blouse. This update will appear in related resources, such as the uniform inspection sheets, as they are revised and printed."
BSA Guide to Awards and Insignia: Official Policy
BSA says uniform shirts should always be tucked in
Oct 19, 2019 - Heather Cullen
My son is the troops bugler. Where does this BIG bugler patch go?
Oct 19, 2019 - Scouter Paul
The 3-inch diameter bugler patch goes in the badge of office spot
(also referred to as 'position 3') - see the Insignia
Oct 24, 2019 - Mick Epperson
Keep up the good work Scouter Paul. To all
out there that a all up in arms about
centering. Get a grip. Pick the vertical
center, make it look good up and down a let
your son go to the meeting, outing, ceremony
or whatever. Scouting is about building Youth
to be good citzens and ready to face the
world. Not to get them ready to be in the
Russian Army. Relax Ken. Headquarters has
enough to worry about concerning banktrupcy,
gender equality, two adults in every tent,
shoes or slippers (really? Make them do a 10
mile hike on a super rock trail).
Oct 29, 2019 - Richard Wilson
I understand it is important to be prepared and dress accordingly based on weather
conditions. However, Is there an official BSA Rule/Guideline that states Boy Scout
shorts are not to be worn as part of an official uniform after daylight savings? I cannot
find any information with regards to this question, any info is greatly appreciated.
Oct 29, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Richard - No, there is no such rule or guideline.
Dec 06, 2019 - Svitlana B
Is there specific color for the Boy Scouts socks? I can’t find this
written anywhere. Last night , my son had his Board of review to
Tenderfoot and he didn’t pass because he didn’t wear green
socks as a part of uniform class A. I feel very sorry to him soooo
much for two big reasons : 1. He was preparing himself to this
step a lot. And being his mother, I tell you it meant to him very
much. I was excited for him also that power of belief he had. And
reason number 2 . I feel horrible because I have not provided him
with the right things I should. And please, understand, I’m very
much for personal discipline , an independent thinking , taking care
of himself, etc. Anyway , please educate me at this point. Thanks a
Dec 06, 2019 - Navybone
Dec 27, 2019 - Ruth
Ive just attended an Eagle CoH for 4 Eagle Scouts at a friend's
troop. I was rather shocked by the uniform standard at such a
prestigious event.... no neckerchiefs and scouts wearing jeans.
a former ASM to a troop of high standards and the wife and
stepmother of Eagles scouts, I was disappointed to see such a
drop in standards.
Even the Scoutmaster was wearing jeans as
she officiated the CoH (does that speak volumes?).
Her son was
one to attain Eagle and at the end of the ceremony she
announced she was stepping down as SM.
I bloater bumped into
the new SM and was glad to see he was at least wearing the
green pants. I asked him about the neckerchiefs and he said they
were now optional and the troop voted not to wear them. Even for
class A occasions. Likewise for the pants, green were optional,
jeans were acceptable even for class A.
Is this the new BSA
standard or is it just that troops?!
Does anyone else think this is a
terrible drop in standards?
Thank you.
Jan 05, 2020 - John
Down here in Florida, shorts are very common year-round. Scout or green (close color) shorts are pretty much what my Troop of 25 wears year-round.
Jan 05, 2020 - John
My Troop hasn't had a neckerchief for years. As a Scout-run organization, the Troop decided that they didn't want to have them several years ago (before my oldest joined) and every so often they have another vote. And, as far as I can tell, that's perfectly permitted. In the area (SW Florida), I'd say less than half don't have neckerchiefs.
Jeans are frowned upon; if not Scout shorts/pants, then at least green shorts/pants close in color. Could it be an economical issue?
Jan 06, 2020 - Cole Kiser
My son just worked as a trainer for Winter NYLT. They were given special patches, slides, kerchiefs, belt buckles, nametags and epaulets, all these were mandatory for the trainers.
My question is whether the epaulets, which are a futuristic silver mesh, are legal since they were Scout issued at the camp?
May 13, 2020 - Joe
Do you know what insignia/patches are required for the Boy Scout
Uniform Shirt? I can find a bunch of examples of where they should
all be placed on the shirt, but nothing that states what is
required on teh shirt.
Thank You, Joe
May 13, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Joe - The only required insignia are the U.S. Flag and BSA strip
that come included on the shirt. Typically, following are the key
items that a scout would have displayed:
- Shoulder loops
identifying the program (Cubs, Scouts BSA, Venturing)
- Council
- unit numerals
Those items act kind of like the scout's
"address" so others can see that the scout is in Scouts BSA Troop
123 in the XYZ Council.
Sep 20, 2020 - Gale Stanford
I have been told but cannot find in writing that the new BSA women's
shirts are made in the style of the military shirts and are not to be worn
tucked in. The shirts are short and tucking them in is next to impossible.
Can you confirm whether or not that guidance is official. I understand the
old uniform shirts are made to be tucked in but I believe that is not true
for the new ones.
Sep 22, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Gale - Currently, all BSA publications and uniform inspection sheets call
for the shirt to be tucked in. When you can find a BSA source approving
untucked shirts, please let me know and I'll help spread the word.
Jan 09, 2021 - Scouter Dave
If a Troop elects to wear a beret, can they chose a color other
than red. Can they wear it as long as a official Bsa emblem is used
for the crest?
Feb 15, 2021 - Justin
If I'm volunteering to be an adult leader
for a local troop, but don't have a title
(Asst. Scoutmaster, Committee Membet,
etc.), should I still have a uniform for
Troop meetings and other instances where
the full class A uniform would be required?
Feb 15, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Justin - The BSA uniform should be worn by all registered BSA members
during BSA events. If you are a registered BSA member, then wearing the
uniform is appropriate.
If you are helping out, but not currently
registered with the BSA, then you should not wear the uniform.
Aug 15, 2021 - Micah Hamm
I'm a Life Scout that just finished NYLT. I was given a special NYLT CSP (Council Strip Patch), and I was wondering if it is legal for me to wear it. I did earn it, and it is from my council. Should I wear it?
Aug 19, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Micha - Sure. You would replace your current CSP with this new one.
Sep 29, 2021 - Scout Mom
My son is new to scouting. We ordered his complete uniform 9 days ago and had it shipped UPS
Ground (5 biz days) from the official store. The package is still sitting in NC and we are in CA. He has
an important meeting tomorrow- where there will be a uniform inspection. He is young and excited to
attend b/c there will be a magic show and info on the upcoming camping trip. We don't want him to
miss out due to the uniform not shipping on time. What would you suggest?
Sep 30, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Mom - I'd suggest that he attend the meeting as usual. A uniform is not
mandatory to participate in Scouting and he just won't get inspected.
It's not (or shouldn't be) a big deal.
Scout On!
Mar 06, 2022 - Jade
I’m an Eagle Scout but I just turned 18, do I still wear the same
uniform to scout events? Should I keep wearing my sash?
Mar 06, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Jade - If you've turned 18 then you're no longer a Scouts BSA youth
member and should not wear the uniform. You could register as an adult
volunteer with the troop and then wear your uniform. The Guide to Insignia and Uniform Inspection Sheet are useful for
determining what can be on the adult uniform.
May 18, 2022 - Cris
Our family has moved a few times and our sons will soon be in
their third scout troop. Is it appropriate to wear an old council
or troop patch on the back of the sash?
May 29, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Cris - Council identification patches have a designated placement on the
uniform, not on the back of the sash. The same is true for troop numeral
Jun 28, 2022 - Dane
I attended my first Summer Camp as an ASM with my daughter’s
Troop. While there, I received a whole bunch of Camp activity
patches (I.e. Polar Plunge, Tenderfoot, I Did It All, etc), but I
cannot find anything on how I can display these just as a point of
pride in the organization when it comes to adult leaders. I
thought maybe I would sew them onto a daypack that I use for
hiking, but was just not sure if this would be allowed. For my
daughter, the question is easy, I will sew her activity parches on
the back of her sash. Please provide any input that you know of.
Jul 02, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Dane - There is no official national level standard for such patches.
You should contact the camp and ask them about their activity patch
program. Typically, the camp has some documentation about how the
patches are to be displayed. All such programs that I know of have them
positioned somehow on the right pocket, either in rows, or around a
center circular patch.
Aug 24, 2022 - David
Everything I've seen on the internet (pictures, leader uniform
inspection sheet) indicates that the council patch should be on left
sleeve and the American flag on the right sleeve - both centered with
respect to the midline of the epaulettes.
However, I just bought an official adult uniform (version without
pockets on the sleeves) from my council's official store with the
patches already sewn-on - but both patches are noticeably off-center
with respect to the midline of epaulettes. Basically, both patches are
roughly centered on the rear edge of the epaulettes rather than the
midline). To my eye it looks very strange/wrong, but the last time I
was active in scouting was 20+ years ago as a youth, and I know that
the uniform itself has changed quite a bit since then.
I'd be grateful if you could clarify whether the flag and council
patches should be centered with respect to the midline of the
epaulettes on their respective sleeves. Thank you!
Aug 24, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@David - I've seen no uniform inspection guidelines that mention the
epaulet in regard to placing patches. The patches are to be "centered"
on the sleeve which, on all shirts I have to refer to, also means
centered below the epaulet. I'd compare them to other shirts to see if
they've been mis-sewn.
Sep 05, 2022 - Mike
I was asked by a scouter about a attendance pin and where it goes
or is it nothing. Due to this question stunning me I went the
internet to see if I can find an answer to their question but to no
avail I came to here to see if anyone knows where this attendance
pin goes? If someone knows this would be interesting to know and
will be able to pass the information to the scout.
Sep 06, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Mike - It is displayed above the left pocket on the uniform shirt. See
this page.
Sep 06, 2022 - Mike
Thanks Scouter Paul but another question is in my head does the
bars for a attendance pin reset when going from cub scouts to boy
Example. If a scout it in cubs has 3 bars and transfers to boy
scouts and earns 4 more does it mean the scout has 7 bars or is it
4 bars because of the reset when moving from pack to boy scouts?
Sep 06, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Mike - Well, it would be difficult for a Scout to earn a 10-year bar for
attendance if it did not carry over.
Sep 13, 2022 - Michael used to be a Bobwhite
@Dane & @Mike - A handy resource for information about uniforms and insignia is the Guide to Awards and Insignia available here: or in your local Scout shop.
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