Webelos First Meeting
Hold your first Webelos den meeting as soon as school lets out, or just before. Following is a meeting agenda that worked well for us and got the scouts excited to be Webelos. Have outings scheduled for the summer so the scouts understand that the den will be having fun all year.
Preparation: |
Gathering Game: |
Northwest Coast Indians - Knock off a log 2x4 on edge held in place by stakes driven into the ground at the ends. Two scouts face each other in the center 2 feet apart. Knock the other off and count coup. (always have a game or two ready that scouts can easily join in for gathering) |
Opening: |
Raise the flag Recite pledge of allegiance Recite scout promise |
On This Day: |
See http://www.historychannel.com/tdih for trivia about any date in history. Have a list of some interesting things that happend. For example, on May 8... 1945: V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day) Germany surrendered to Allied forces. 1429: During the Hundred Years' War, the siege of Orléans ends when French troops led by 17-year-old Joan of Arc drive the English from the city. 1886: Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton invents a beverage he names Coca-Cola. |
Get Acquainted Game: |
Ball of colored yarn to create a web. Everyone sits on the ground in a circle. Tell your name and favorite sports team. Hold onto the end of the yarn and throw ball to someone that does not have the yarn. When everyone has the yarn, tell a fun outdoor activity and call someone's name. Throw them the yarn. Reflect that we are a single group woven together. (this introduces reflections which should be used after team-building activities.) Lay the yarn down carefully and leave the circle. Have your assistant den leader roll up the yarn. |
Song and Skit: |
Home on the Range Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam Where the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word And the skies are not cloudy all day Home, home on the range Where the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word And the skies are not cloudy all day Buffalo Skit (Buffalo1 and Buffalo2 stand on stage on all fours grazing on grass.) Narrator: One cloudless day out on a prairie, two buffalo grazed peacefully. (Scout runs onstage and shouts at buffalo) Scout: Hey! You buffalo are big and ugly. Just look at the size of your heads! And phew, you guys smell awful. (Scout runs offstage.) Buffalo1: Well, I guess you could say that counts as our 'seldom heard discouraging word'. Buffalo Jokes by 2 Scouts |
Webelos Ceremony: |
Use Webelos Buffalo ceremony. Replace Bear kerchiefs with Webelos kerchiefs |
Patrol Meeting: |
Elect Patrol Leader and assistant. (explain role of patrol leader and that a new one will be elected each month) Decide on Patrol name and mascot - see Patrol Patch page. Hand out schedule of events for next few months. |
Game: |
Northwest Coast - Captive Indians Divide in 2 teams. Mark base lines 50 feet apart. Safety zone is past goal line. Touch the hand of a player on the other team and return to your baseline without being tagged by any player on the other team. If you are tagged, you go to the other team’s safety zone for the rest of the game. If you are not tagged, your team gets one coup point. The game ends when a team gets 10 points or all players on a team are captured. |
Clean Up: |
This is a good opportunity for scouts to demonstrate responsibility and there should always be time at the end to clean up. |
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