January, 2018
Soil and Water Conservation Worksheet
Requirements for the Soil and Water Conservation merit badge:
- Do the following:
- Tell what soil is. Tell how it is formed.
- Describe three kinds of soil. Tell how they are different.
- Describe the three main plant nutrients in fertile soil. Tell how they can be put back when used up.
- Do the following:
- Define soil erosion.
- Tell why soil conservation is important. Tell how it affects you.
- Name three kinds of soil erosion. Describe each.
- Take pictures of or draw two kinds of soil erosion.
- Do the following:
- Tell what is meant by conservation practices.
- Describe the effect of three kinds of erosion-control practices.
- Take pictures or draw three kinds of erosion-control practices.
- Do the following:
- Explain what a watershed is.
- Outline the smallest watershed that you can find on a contour map.
- Outline, as far as the map will allow, the next larger watershed which also has the smaller one in it.
- Explain what a river basin is. Tell why all people living in a river basin should be concerned about land and water use in the basin.
- Explain what an aquifer is and why it can be important to communities.
- Do the following:
- Make a drawing to show the hydrologic cycle.
- Demonstrate at least two of the following actions of water in relation to soil: percolation, capillary action, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration.
- Explain how removal of vegetation will affect the way water runs off a watershed.
- Tell how uses of forest, range, and farmland affect usable water supply.
- Explain how industrial use affects water supply.
- Do the following:
- Tell what is meant by water pollution.
- Describe common sources of water pollution and explain the effects of each.
- Tell what is meant by 'primary water treatment', 'secondary waste treatment', and 'biochemical oxygen demand'.
- Make a drawing showing the principles of complete waste treatment.
- Do TWO of the following:
- Make a trip to two of the following places. Write a report of more than 500 words about the soil and water and energy conservation practices you saw.
- An agricultural experiment.
- A managed forest or woodlot, range, or pasture.
- A wildlife refuge or a fish or game management area.
- A conservation-managed farm or ranch.
- A managed watershed.
- A waste-treatment plant.
- A public drinking water treatment plant.
- Industry water use installation.
- Desalinization plant.
- Plant 100 trees, bushes and/or vines for a good purpose.
- Seed an area of at least one-fifth acre for some worthwhile conservation purpose, using suitable grasses or legumes alone or in a mixture.
- Study a soil survey report. Describe the things in it. Using tracing paperand pen, trace over any of the soil maps; and outline an area with three or more different kinds of soil. List each kind of soil by full name and map symbol.
- Make a list of places in your neighborhood, camps, school ground, or park having erosion, sedimentation, or pollution problems. Describe how these could be corrected through individual or group action.
- Carry out any other soil and water conservation project approved by your merit badge counselor.
- Make a trip to two of the following places. Write a report of more than 500 words about the soil and water and energy conservation practices you saw.
Soil and Water Conservation Worksheet
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