October, 2013
(replaces Cinematography merit badge)
Moviemaking Worksheet
(replaces Cinematography merit badge)
Requirements for the Moviemaking merit badge:
- Discuss and demonstrate the proper elements of a good motion picture. In your discussion, include visual storytelling, rhythm, the 180-axis rule, camera movement, framing and composition of camera shots, and lens selection.
- Do the following:
- In a three- or four-paragraph treatment, tell the story you plan to produce, making sure that the treatment conveys a visual picture.
- Prepare a storyboard for your motion picture (This can be done with rough sketches and stick figures.)
- Demonstrate the following motion picture shooting techniques:
- Using a tripod
- Panning a camera
- Framing a shot
- Selecting an angle
- Selecting proper lighting
- Handheld shooting
- Using motion picture techniques, plan ONE of the following programs. Start with a treatment, and complete the requirement by presenting this program to a pack or your troop, patrol, or class.
- Film or videotape a court of honor and show it to an audience.
- Create a short feature of your own design using the techniques you learned.
- Shoot a vignette that could be used to train a new Scout in a Scouting skill.
- Do ONE of the following:
- With your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, visit a film set or television production studio and watch how production work is done.
- Explain to your counselor the elements of the zoom lens and three important parts.
- Find out about three career opportunities in moveimaking. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this career with your counselor. Explain why this profession might interest you.
Moviemaking Worksheet
Mar 16, 2014 - ScouterChris
In October 2013 my son started working on the Cinematography Merit Badge. He met with a counselor and obtained a "partial" for the badge. He subsequently finished the remaining requirements in March 2014, and submitted them to his counselor who signed off on them, as the Moviemaking Merit Badge. We are aware of the fact that BSA changed the title of the badge (and the corresponding code). We are also aware of the fact that and even though the code has been changed, thereby reflecting a separate merit badge, because of the similarities in the two badges, BSA does not recommend that scouts earn both merit badges. My question is this: Which Merit badge would be the "correct" one to have earned. Does it depend upon when the scout "began" working on the badge, when he "completed" the badge, or does he have an option ?
Mar 16, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Chris - Cinematography became Moviemaking last fall, so your son should receive the Moviemaking merit badge.
The emblem didn't change, and scouts can't earn both.
Aug 19, 2014 - John D McCormick
For some reason I decided to see if there was a merit badge that I could be a "concealer" for.
"Moviemaking" might be possible. I am currently a location sound mixer in the film industry.
I also produced and directed a short subject documentary.
Is there a way to explore this with BSA?
May 12, 2015 - Shamequa Mikell
My son is about of BSA in Summerville, SC. He's very much interested in moving making, acting, directing and filming. I have NO clue on where to start guidance would be awesome. How do I go about finding film set or television production studio in my area? Thanks!!
May 12, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Shamequa - Your son could easily use google.com to search for
"charleston television stations" and then contact one of them to
ask about visiting. I just did that and found there is WCLN
channel 18 right in Summerville.
I would also expect that his Moviemaking merit badge counselor
that his scoutmaster set him up with would have some ideas on
other potential locations.
Jul 22, 2015 - Lee Blaine
Contact the SC Film Commission. www.filmsc.com/
It's there job to lure filming to your state and they might be able to supply contact info for movies or television shows currently shooting in SC.
It's easier for me--we live in Southern California. Yesterday I reached out to the Executive Producer on an action TV show popular with the boys. I'm waiting for word if we can visit their Sets.
Good luck!
Contact the SC Film Commission. www.filmsc.com/
It's there job to lure filming to your state and they might be able to supply contact info for movies or television shows currently shooting in SC.
It's easier for me--we live in Southern California. Yesterday I reached out to the Executive Producer on an action TV show popular with the boys. I'm waiting for word if we can visit their Sets.
Good luck!
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