Webelos First Responder Adventure
Adventure Goal: Learn basic personal safety and first aid skills.
Adventure Requirements:
Complete Requirement 1 and at least five others.
- Explain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after an accident.
- Show what to do for hurry cases of first aid: Serious bleeding, heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest, stopped breathing, stroke, poisoning
- Show how to help a choking victim.
- Show how to treat for shock.
- Demonstrate how to treat at least five of the following: A. Cuts and scratches, B. Burns and scalds, C. Sunburn, D. Blisters on the hand or foot, E. Tick bites, F. Bites and stings of other insects, G. Venomous snakebites, H. Nosebleed, I. Frostbite
- Put together a simple home first-aid kit. Explain what you included and how to use each item correctly.
- Create and practice an emergency readiness plan for your home or den meeting place.
- Visit with a first responder or health care professional.
Ideas for Adventure Requirements:
- Review first aid information with some of these online first aid tests
- Learn about CPR and choking at CPR Dude.
On page 69 of the Webelos handbook, it says to start chest compressions if someone is unresponsive - this is incorrect. CPR should be started if there is no signs of life, not if someone is just unconscious.
Most Webelos aged boys or girls will not be big enough to effectively perform CPR. If you line up a CPR instructor to visit your den, don't set the expectation that the scouts will earn any CPR certification. - Scouts should NOT simulate back blows or abdominal thrusts on each other. Showing hand placement is all they should not, not apply any pressure.
- Before having any injured person lay down, it's best to spread a coat, blanket, sleeping pad, ... or such down first. This keeps the patient insulated from the ground and a bit cleaner.
- Demonstrate means to actually do the skill, not just explain it in words. It's more interesting and engaging to have materials and simulate wounds, even if just drawing on skin with a red marker.
- Knowing how to properly use each item in the kit is just as important as including it.
- Have scouts work with their parents using page 84 of their Webelos Handbook to draw a floorplan of their house with two exits from each room and an outdoor meeting spot.
- Plan ahead for this by contacting your police, fire department, or other emergency service provider.
Den Meeting Ideas for First Responder Adventure:
- Use First Responder Word Games for an opening activity.
- Perform Emergency Alert skit
- Play First Aid Relays
- Play Banged Up Benny
- Consider going for the Emergency Preparedness award
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