2011 Scouting Themes
2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
Month | Cub Scout Theme | Webelos Badge | Boy Scout Theme |
January | Road Work Ahead | Fitness, Readyman | Wilderness Survival |
What does it take to build our roads and bridges? Who builds our roads and what materials and equipment are used? Find out this month as you put on your construction hats and dig in! Arrange to tour road building equipment. Have a construction company foreman/owner come visit at your pack meeting. What vehicles travel the Cub Scout roads? Why not have a pinewood derby this month and find out?
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February | Turn Back the Clock | Scholar, Engineer | Communications |
"Turn Back the Clock" and see what the world was like in the past. Learn about an era of your choice with songs, games, and transportation from the time that you choose. Whether it is the Space Age, the Wild West, rock-n-roll, or the Ice Age, each time period had something special about it. Construct a pack "time machine" to help introduce the den's era skits or demonstrations at the blue and gold banquet. Whatever you choose, find the "best" in your time period and share it with others. The boys can work on the Heritages belt loop and pin this month.
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March | Forces of Nature | Athlete, Engineer | Pioneering |
Behold the awesome forces of nature. Discover how wind, rain, fires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, avalanches, and glaciers can alter and shape the earth. Cub Scouts learn now to prepare themselves and their families to meet the challenges associated with these forces. Each Cub Scout can work on preparing an emergency kit to keep in his home or car. Explore a different force of nature at each den meeting, creating models of these natural powers or their results. This is a good month to work on the Emergency Preparedness BSA Award and the Heritages belt loop and pin.
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April | Scouting the Land Down Under | Sportsman, Family Member | Environment |
Scouting is alive and thriving in Australia. Let's learn about the earth's smallest continent, its animals, and its Scouting program. What kind of games do the boys play? What is a Joey? What kind of outdoor activities do they do in the Australian Scout program? Learn about Australian art work and ancient musical instruments. Come on mate and have a g'day. This would be a great month to work on the Language and Cultures belt loop and pin.
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May | Acorns to Oaks | Outdoorsman, Handyman | Orienteering |
Nature provides a miraculous wonder in the life cycle. This month the boys can discover how plants grow from seeds. They can build and grow a terrarium or plant a garden. Here is the opportunity to assist nature by building birdhouses, bat nurseries, or squirrel feeders. This theme also can be used to assist the leaders in helping the boys learn about their own growth and health. They can make goals using a food pyramid. This would be a good month to work on the Physical Fitness belt loop and pin. All these things will help them grow strong and healthy much like a sturdy oak tree.
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June | Cubs In Action | Traveler, Artist | Mechanics |
This is a great month for outdoor or indoor activities with focus on ACTION. Hikes, games, or relay races using Scout skills would all be good activities. The boys can learn and grow through sports, practicing good sportsmanship and team building. This might be a good time to work on the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award and any of the team Sports belt loops and pins
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July | Splish Splash | Aquanaut, Geologist | Hiking |
What could be better than a water carnival complete with games, skits, and a fishing derby? Create a water adventure trail with plenty of opportunity for boys to get wet. Stations could include a sponge toss, sprinklers, water slides, and raingutter regatta. Or plan a pack outing to a local swimming pool or beach. Be sure to teach the Cub Scouts the buddy system before you go and use Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat. Cub Scouts could work on their Swimming and Fishing belt loops and pins. The pack could also work toward the National Summertime Pack Award | |||
August | On the Wild Side | Naturalist, Forester | Shooting |
Imagine being shipwrecked on an island of wild adventure! What kinds of wild animals and fauna might they encounter? Go on a hike and learn about the wild side that might be in your own backyard. And if that isn't enough, help the boys release some of their "wild side" fun with exciting games and creative projects. This is one month you'll enjoy the wild side. This will be a great time to invite a friend to come and join in the Scouting adventure!
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September | Cooperation | Communicator, Citizen | Sports |
October | Responsibility | Showman, Citizen | Engineering |
November | Citizenship | Craftsman, Scientist | High Adventure |
December | Respect | Craftsman, Scientist | Tracking |
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