Team Tiger Adventure
Adventure Goal: Tigers are members of different teams, whether sports, friends, family, or community. Every team member makes a difference if he puts in effort.
Adventure Requirements:
Complete Requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others.
- With your parent, guardian, other caring adult, or den, talk about what it means to be part of a team. List some of the teams you are on (den, pack, family, class, etc.). and explain how you can help each one.
- With your den, talk about your Tiger team. Then make a chart showing all the different ways team members can help the den. Volunteer to take your turn doing at least two different jobs, one of which is leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
- With your family, talk about how family members each have a role in the family team. Then pick a job that you will do to help the team. Follow through by doing that job at least three times during the next three weeks.
- With your den or family, participate as a team in a service project that helps our country or your community.
- With your den, make a chart or picture showing how you and your teammates make a better team because you are alike in some ways but different in others.
Ideas for Adventure Requirements:
- How many people are needed for a team? Think about different sports and how many people are playing at any time - baseball, basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, hockey, ultimate, lacrosse, quidditch, tennis, badminton, ping pong, ...
- Use Tiger Den Job Chart
- Use Tiger Chore Chart
- Emphasize that everyone has unique skills, characteristics, and abilities that develop and change over time. Physical appearance differences will probably be listed quickly. Encourage scouts to use their imagination and think of things you can't see - favorite school subject, unique skill or hobby
- Check out some possible Scout Projects
Den Meeting Ideas for Team Tiger Adventure:
- Play Balloon Batting Buddies game - two-person teams.
- Play Beachball Ballyhoo game - everyone works together
- Eat a snack using the Group Gorp recipe - demonstrates differences make things more interesting.
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