Jon Johnson Song
Use as thick a 'Norwegian Ole and Sven' type accent as you can.
Just keeping singing it as long as everyone can stand.
Just keeping singing it as long as everyone can stand.
My name is Jon Johnson,
I come from Wisconsin.
I work in the lumberyard there.
When I walk down the street,
All the people I meet
Say, "Hey, What's your name?"
And I tell 'em:
I come from Wisconsin.
I work in the lumberyard there.
When I walk down the street,
All the people I meet
Say, "Hey, What's your name?"
And I tell 'em:
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Jan 16, 2020 - Roger A. Moon
My gr grandfather's name was John Johnsen, he came from Wisconsin and he actually worked in a lumberyard there, in au Claire.
Mar 15, 2024 - Peanut butter 22
This is good! I do think that it should say:
My name is Jon Johnson I come from
Wisconsin and I work in the lumberyards there
and the people I meet when I go down the
street say, " what's your name AND where do
you come from and I say so on so on I feel
like there should be " where do you come from
" because it does say where he comes from
also what do you do is a good one cause it
says he worked in the lumberyards there.
Other than that awesome 😎
Mar 15, 2024 - Scouter Paul
@PB22 - a good thing about ancient tunes like this is that you can change them however you like. :-) (and there are different versions of this one) The origins are not absolutely known, but might have been from an 1890 play. Anyway, a recording by Carl Sandburg in 1959 is the oldest I could find... Youtube.
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