Hageleena Mageleena Song
Chorus: Hagaleena Magaleena Upa Staka Waka Taka
Oka Poka Loka was her name. (Clap Clap)
There was a funny girl, she had a funny name.
She got it from her pappy just the same, same, same.
She had two hairs in the middle of her head
One was alive (put one finger on top of your head)
And the other one was dead (put another finger on top of your head)
She had two eyes in the front of her head
One was green and the other was red.
She had two teeth in the front of her mouth
One pointed north (put one finger against your mouth, pointing north)
And one the other pointed south (put another finger against your mouth, pointing south)
She had two lips, two beautiful lips,
Shaped just like two battleships.
Her nose was so long that when she sneezed
It got caught in between her knees.
Her ears stuck out like the sails of a boat
Her Adam's apple wandered up and down her throat.
She had two arms in the middle of her body
One knew judo (horizontal karate chop motion)
And the other knew karate (vertical karate chop motion)
She loved to polish her fingernails
She bought her polish in ten gallon pails.
She had two feet size twelve and a half
One took a shower (kick out one foot)
And the other took a bath (kick out the other foot)
Her feet were flat as bathroom mats
I forgot to ask how they got like that.
A semi-truck hit Mag-a-leena (slow down during this line)
(back to original tempo) Completely destroyed that poor machina!
Oka Poka Loka was her name. (Clap Clap)
There was a funny girl, she had a funny name.
She got it from her pappy just the same, same, same.
She had two hairs in the middle of her head
One was alive (put one finger on top of your head)
And the other one was dead (put another finger on top of your head)
She had two eyes in the front of her head
One was green and the other was red.
She had two teeth in the front of her mouth
One pointed north (put one finger against your mouth, pointing north)
And one the other pointed south (put another finger against your mouth, pointing south)
She had two lips, two beautiful lips,
Shaped just like two battleships.
Her nose was so long that when she sneezed
It got caught in between her knees.
Her ears stuck out like the sails of a boat
Her Adam's apple wandered up and down her throat.
She had two arms in the middle of her body
One knew judo (horizontal karate chop motion)
And the other knew karate (vertical karate chop motion)
She loved to polish her fingernails
She bought her polish in ten gallon pails.
She had two feet size twelve and a half
One took a shower (kick out one foot)
And the other took a bath (kick out the other foot)
Her feet were flat as bathroom mats
I forgot to ask how they got like that.
A semi-truck hit Mag-a-leena (slow down during this line)
(back to original tempo) Completely destroyed that poor machina!
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Feb 02, 2022 - James Kane
Thank you! You gave me eight more verses to sing!
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