Big and Strong Like You Skit
This Skit is meant for Cub Scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
The 'Hero' in this skit can be anyone your group recognizes as big and strong - football star, president, cubmaster, ...
Arnold Schwarznegger (Hero) is standing center stage, hands on hips, looking like he is important and in charge.
Scout: Mr. Schwarznegger, how can I become as big and strong as you?
Arnold: Hmmm, let me see. OK, I will share a secret with you. Go home and rub oil on your head every day for one week.
Scout: Wow, Thank you! (exits)
Scout: (enters crouching down to be short) Arnold, Arnold, it didn't work! Now I'm even shorter than I was!
Arnold: Hmmm, that's strange. Well, go home and rub oil on your head every day for 2 weeks.
Scout: Well, OK (exits)
Scout: (enters crouching as low as possible) Arnold, Arnold, look at me! I'm shorter than ever!
Arnold: I don't understand. Did you do what I said?
Scout: Yes!
Arnold: What kind of oil did you rub on your head?
Scout: Crisco
Arnold: Crisco!?! That's not oil! That's SHORTENING!!!
Scout: Mr. Schwarznegger, how can I become as big and strong as you?
Arnold: Hmmm, let me see. OK, I will share a secret with you. Go home and rub oil on your head every day for one week.
Scout: Wow, Thank you! (exits)
Scout: (enters crouching down to be short) Arnold, Arnold, it didn't work! Now I'm even shorter than I was!
Arnold: Hmmm, that's strange. Well, go home and rub oil on your head every day for 2 weeks.
Scout: Well, OK (exits)
Scout: (enters crouching as low as possible) Arnold, Arnold, look at me! I'm shorter than ever!
Arnold: I don't understand. Did you do what I said?
Scout: Yes!
Arnold: What kind of oil did you rub on your head?
Scout: Crisco
Arnold: Crisco!?! That's not oil! That's SHORTENING!!!
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