Blind Horse Skit
This Skit is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
3 scouts - one big enough to carry another
the biggest scout is the horse so the smaller scout can ride.
(scout #1 is walking the horse across the stage. scout #2 is going the other way and sees them.)
Scout #2: Wow! (scout and horse stop.) Sir, that horse is beautiful! It's lines are perfect. It looks wonderful! I would like to buy it from you!
Scout #1: Why you wanna buy my horse? She no looka so good.
Scout #2: Ha! That is the best looking horse I've ever seen! I'll give you $500 for it!
Scout #1: But, meester, my horse no looka so good.
Scout #2: You are a shrewd bargainer, sir. I will give you $1000 for that horse - right here, right now!
Scout #1: Hokay.
(scout #2 gives the money, gets on the horse, and rides off while scout #1 counts the money.)
(the horse runs into a tree, chair, podium, whatever and the rider falls off. The rider then walks the horse back to scout #1)
Scout #2: Hey, wait a minute! You sold me a blind horse!
Scout #2: Yes, sir. Like I told you - My horse no looka so good!
Scout #2: Wow! (scout and horse stop.) Sir, that horse is beautiful! It's lines are perfect. It looks wonderful! I would like to buy it from you!
Scout #1: Why you wanna buy my horse? She no looka so good.
Scout #2: Ha! That is the best looking horse I've ever seen! I'll give you $500 for it!
Scout #1: But, meester, my horse no looka so good.
Scout #2: You are a shrewd bargainer, sir. I will give you $1000 for that horse - right here, right now!
Scout #1: Hokay.
(scout #2 gives the money, gets on the horse, and rides off while scout #1 counts the money.)
(the horse runs into a tree, chair, podium, whatever and the rider falls off. The rider then walks the horse back to scout #1)
Scout #2: Hey, wait a minute! You sold me a blind horse!
Scout #2: Yes, sir. Like I told you - My horse no looka so good!
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