Team Challenge Game
This Game is meant for Scouts BSA.
paper and pencil for each patrol
After the game, discuss if the patrols felt they worked together well. Did different patrol members have different useful talents?
Each patrol has 5 minutes to come up with 5 challenges for all the patrols to try. You should come up with a challenge you believe your patrol can do well. For example, 'Carry 5 scouts by one scout', or 'Answer any addition or subtraction problem in less than 10 seconds'.
Once all challenges are ready, take turns with each patrol explaining one of their challenges. That patrol then demonstrates it and all other patrols get to try it.
Patrols earn 2 points if they do their challenge and no other patrol can, 1 point for completing another patrol's challenge, 3 points for winning a 'best' challenge. (such as 'say the alphabet fastest' or 'run 50 yards fastest').
Leader may give bonus points for more imaginative challenges, such as 'juggle 5 kerchiefs' or 'weave a bracelet from grass'.
Once all challenges are ready, take turns with each patrol explaining one of their challenges. That patrol then demonstrates it and all other patrols get to try it.
Patrols earn 2 points if they do their challenge and no other patrol can, 1 point for completing another patrol's challenge, 3 points for winning a 'best' challenge. (such as 'say the alphabet fastest' or 'run 50 yards fastest').
Leader may give bonus points for more imaginative challenges, such as 'juggle 5 kerchiefs' or 'weave a bracelet from grass'.
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