Team Knot Tying Game
This Game is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
1 referee per patrol
1 6ft rope per patrol
1 dowel or post per patrol
1 bag per patrol containing slips of paper with a knot name on each slip - square knot, clove hitch, two half hitches, taut-line hitch, bowline, ...
1 6ft rope per patrol
1 dowel or post per patrol
1 bag per patrol containing slips of paper with a knot name on each slip - square knot, clove hitch, two half hitches, taut-line hitch, bowline, ...
Patrol leaders divide their patrol into two even groups.
Draw a line down the middle of the area.
Half the patrol is on the right side of the line - they can only use their right hand.
The other half is on the left side of the line - they can only use their left hand.
On signal, the first team of 2 scouts in each patrol pull a slip of paper out of their bag and tie that knot. When the referee accepts their knot, they untie it as quickly as they can (using both hands) and the next team of 2 do their knot.
First patrol through all the knots wins.
The referee should hold the dowel for knots that require it.
Draw a line down the middle of the area.
Half the patrol is on the right side of the line - they can only use their right hand.
The other half is on the left side of the line - they can only use their left hand.
On signal, the first team of 2 scouts in each patrol pull a slip of paper out of their bag and tie that knot. When the referee accepts their knot, they untie it as quickly as they can (using both hands) and the next team of 2 do their knot.
First patrol through all the knots wins.
The referee should hold the dowel for knots that require it.
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