Natural Selection Game
tarp, blanket, or jacket to cover items
Find a dozen natural items from around the area and spread them out on the ground. On a piece of paper, diagram the layout of the items for later scoring. Put a point value on each item.
Cover them with the tarp.
Cover them with the tarp.
Gather the teams around the tarp.
Remove the tarp and give them one minute to study the items. Cover the items.
Tell everyone that their job is to select similar natural items and bring them back to their team's area. They will have 10 minutes.
The more identical to the original item, the more points are scored. For example, matching a grey rock with white spots is worth more than just any old rock.
Finally, arranging the items in the same order as the originals under the tarp gains extra bonus points.
You may allow players to re-examine the originals at a cost of 1 point per second per scout. So, if two scouts look for 8 seconds, that costs 16 points. Since the game leader determines values for items, you can make this a trivial or extravagant expense.
Take care to only choose non-living items and remind teams to be gentle on the land.
Remove the tarp and give them one minute to study the items. Cover the items.
Tell everyone that their job is to select similar natural items and bring them back to their team's area. They will have 10 minutes.
The more identical to the original item, the more points are scored. For example, matching a grey rock with white spots is worth more than just any old rock.
Finally, arranging the items in the same order as the originals under the tarp gains extra bonus points.
You may allow players to re-examine the originals at a cost of 1 point per second per scout. So, if two scouts look for 8 seconds, that costs 16 points. Since the game leader determines values for items, you can make this a trivial or extravagant expense.
Take care to only choose non-living items and remind teams to be gentle on the land.
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