Heave, Ho, Throw Game
This Game is meant for Cub Scouts.
25 foot rope for each team.
Practice throwing rescues for water safety.
Teams line up single file at a starting line. One scout from each team sits down facing their team about 20-25 feet in front of the line.
First scout in each team has a rope. Each scout makes one throw with the rope trying to reach the drowning scout. The sitting scout tries to reach the rope being thrown by leaning and reaching, but not moving on the ground.
Each scout throws the rope once and then goes to the end of the line. Count how many scouts are in the largest team so all teams throw the same number of times, possibly some scouts throwing twice.
Teams score one point whenever the drowning scout can reach the rope thrown and the rescuing scout does not lose the rope. The team with the most points when all members have thrown is the winner.
First scout in each team has a rope. Each scout makes one throw with the rope trying to reach the drowning scout. The sitting scout tries to reach the rope being thrown by leaning and reaching, but not moving on the ground.
Each scout throws the rope once and then goes to the end of the line. Count how many scouts are in the largest team so all teams throw the same number of times, possibly some scouts throwing twice.
Teams score one point whenever the drowning scout can reach the rope thrown and the rescuing scout does not lose the rope. The team with the most points when all members have thrown is the winner.
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